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April 14, 2020 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Cast out.

Man holding his hat in dust storm ( 1934-1936 NARA/USPD. by US gov agent/artist life,

They were never his friends.(USPD/

He could feel their eyes upon him…shadows safely behind their blinds and curtains.

Why was it taking them so long to pick him up?

Torment enough when told he only said, “Well, for everyone’s good, I guess there’s no point in noncompliance” and none of them – not one – said a word. Deadly silence.

But here, in the early hours – they said to be on the curb by 7:30 am – he had hoped one would run out – anyone – to take him in hand and say, “You can hide in the back – no matter what happens, you’ll be at home.”

But, sadly, no.

No second thoughts. No reprieve.

No movement by those on the porch.

Only watching – watching so far away.

He shouldn’t have felt cold, but he shivered.

A distant childish voice chirped “Ring around the Rosie, pocke-” but was quickly shushed.

A small kindness.

He wished the clouds would come back – the telltale blotches, the dark circles, less noticeable when grey.

A rumbling and squeal of brakes.

Two men hopped out of the scary vehicle – wearing gloves…and masks.

Fate to the winds now.

“Oh, a pumpkin. Guess the mice at the dump will have a new dining hall. Might actually sprout a vine,” the trash guy quipped as he pitched the orange out-of-date-and-time pumpkin into the truck.

 Well, they say cats have nine lives…who’s to say what a hardy Halloween pumpkin is capable of?

Pumpkin on top of boxes by trash bag on the curb. (© image copyrighted, all rights reserved, no permissions granted )

We told the remaining 3 pumpkins on the porch that it was only social distancing…like you tell the kid his Easter chick flew away…. (© image)

These are strange days

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge

If you are out of the Can-you-believe-these-orange-veggie-invaders-are-still-around loop, catch up here:

“The Pumpkins must die” (Little did we know what we were in for…Jan 5, 2020), “What goes with orange that will not go away?” (Oh, they are just lingering moochers, right? Moochers, not munchers, right? Jan. 27, 2020)  “Pumped up for beads, Mister” (Obviously someone got the wrong information…Feb. 16, 2020), “Halos and The Big Worry” (RC Cat offers a simple explanation of who they are and why they are here…March 16, 2020), “Are you a Marie or a Little?” (Oh, they photo bombed this one. March 17, 2020)

blotchy old pumpkin on box. (© image. all rights reserved. Copyrighted, No permissions granted)

New listing on Zillow: “This one is magical! Lovely organic styling, open concept natural living, curved vaulted ceiling, multiple escape walk outs. A fixer-upper ready for you to carve into your own!”(© image)



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  1. easyweimaraner / Apr 14 2020 6:36 am

    oh I wish it will become a carriage like the one in cinderella for all mice ;O)

    Liked by 2 people

  2. 1bl0gr3ad3r / Apr 14 2020 7:55 am

    Thinking of our present states, social distancing is appropriate. Or considered landfill mouse ‘curbside delivery’ per our current restaurant vernacular? Or, quoting an esteemed Vulcan, “… the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or of the one.” Evenso, feeling a bit sad that biology finally caught up with us this morning. Should Staff be granted a brief audience, it would be enlightening to hear HRH’s account of the events. (If Cinderella isn’t available, perhaps Shrek and Fiona’s little friends)
    ps… new one: rather than April showers bring May flowers; Estes style is Easter snows shelter brave aspen blossoms?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. shoreacres / Apr 14 2020 7:58 am

    I never thought I’d feel sorry for a pumpkin, but…


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Apr 14 2020 8:04 am

      I know. Put it off, but it started oozing on the teak bench…
      Maybe we should have played Taps or sent it off with NOLA style march/music?
      Still opportunity: Then there were 3….(sounds like a novel…)


  4. disperser / Apr 14 2020 8:44 am

    Well, you sure got some mileage out of those (and some remain, I gather). I looked through the previous posts (and progression of decorations) . . . nice.


  5. Kate Crimmins / Apr 14 2020 3:23 pm

    When I saw the title I knew it was the poor pumpkin. He had a good run and maybe will now have mice friends.


  6. jacqueslebec / Apr 14 2020 3:48 pm

    I have three Pumpkins left from last year. My Earthworms love them I give each colony one good size gourd every three weeks. I just this morning planted all of the seeds I removed from them, if they sprout in the colonies it can be a real mess. One person’s Orange is another’s Gold.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Apr 15 2020 8:22 am

      It’s so humid, hot, and damp here pumpkins rarely last until Halloween. These foster pumpkins must be a heritage variety.
      On the farm, we grew a few pumpkins from left over seeds and all sorts of gourds, but different soil, climate, and space. At first we all tried to keep the deer and critters from nibbling, but later we said dad planted stuff just to lure the deer down the creek and up the hill so he could watch them from the porch. Just as valuable as food. Thanks for seeding a comment!


  7. sustainabilitea / Apr 14 2020 3:51 pm




  8. Curt Mekemson / Apr 14 2020 4:49 pm

    Oh my, never have pumpkins held on so long. And you took me in, Phil, wondering where you were going with the tale. Poor pumpkins, off to the garbage heap. May they live on! –Curt


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Apr 15 2020 8:27 am

      Only one gave up the firm structured life. It is sort of a transformation and rebirth…hmmm sort of seasonally appropriate? In any case he didn’t give up on being desert for someone! Thanks for rolling by with a comment


      • Curt Mekemson / Apr 17 2020 3:02 pm

        I have a real weakness for pumpkin pie!


  9. Anne Mehrling / Apr 14 2020 9:02 pm

    One down, three to go. Poor pumpkin.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Apr 15 2020 8:23 am

      The remaining pumpkin compadres isn;t seem to go all mushy at his departure. Perhaps simply stoic. Thanks for carving out some time to chat


  10. cat9984 / Apr 16 2020 12:32 am

    Rats. I thought it might be immortal


  11. Littlesundog / Apr 16 2020 2:14 pm

    Aw, how could you throw out the poor old thing… warts and all? Well, at least his buddies are holding up. Maybe it’s a relief that he’s moving on. Apparently, he wasn’t faring so well moving into the spring season.


    • Littlesundog / Apr 16 2020 2:15 pm

      And so much for that youthful face cream we were going partners on!


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