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April 16, 2020 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Hole in the hall. Robot check.

Woman standing by stage curtain. Silent film comedian Elsie Tarron (USPD., artist life/

Are you ready for this? Behind curtain number 1…(Silent film comedian Elsid Tarron; USPD/

Twilight Zone or more like “I Love Lucy”?

Which is the silliest species? Humans are giving Malamutes a serious run for that title.

Consider: not the Bunny or an early visit from Santa? Oh, only a misguided social distancing attempt.

Hearing the rumble on the roof and seeing feet dangling down into the room would send any kid scurrying over to Mom yelling, “He’s coming. He’s coming. But I don’t know who!”

Late Saturday night, a man walking his dog kept hearing a voice…So close to Easter, was it a sign? THE voice from above?

Actually after walking around the building searching for the source, he climbed up and peeked over the roof only to spot a young man stuck up to his armpits in a pipe through the roof. Not really believing the story of “someone was chasing me and trying to kill me”, the man called 911.

It took the fire department a bit to get the individual out and on a stretcher off to the the hospital before police took him. (Fire Dept. rescue video: “Suspected burglar found stuck inside pipe on roof”..)

What ever funny bunny business, he thought he was doing now comes with an unexpected bonus – a short trip to an ER just long enough to be where so many Coronavirus victims wait to be admitted. Trapped not tapped.

Maybe an O’Henry or Alfred Hitchcock style movie script in the works.

Robot arms. Manfacturing robots retrieving assay plates and moving them to transfer station. (USPD. by NIH/

“Hey, Joe. Did you get your W2 form yet? Maybe I should check with HR.”(USPD/

Next in line: Stop that tax dodger.

Mark Cuban is being interviewed soon. He’s always entertaining. In one recent promo he floated out an idea that if a company replaces an employee with a robot, that robot should be taxed just like the human employee was. (“Mark Cuban on coronavirus economic advisory role: I’m all in” April 15, 2020)

What an idea.

So Staff here immediately ran over to Roomba and gave it a toe shove, “You’ve had enough of a free ride. I already pay for all the electricity you eat. So it makes sense. Pay up. Get out there, get a job, and earn some money ’cause I’m not paying your taxes for you. Social security taxers, income taxes – did you even file your 2019 income tax form?”

“I bet you’re expecting a Coronavirus check, too – probably hiding it, you moocher devouring everything here.”

Lucille Ball as I love Lucy. 1957. Super hero at birthday party for little RIcky. Publicity pix (USPD., artist life/

OK here’s the story of this 1957 “I love Lucy” episode: Lucy promises Little Ricky Superman will come to his fifth birthday party. When she can’t get Superman to show up, she decides to dress up herself, using a football helmet to hide her red hair, so the kids won’t realize it’s her. Planning a surprise entrance to the apartment, she goes out on the ledge of the vacant apt. next door and walks down it. Suddenly she sees Ricky is able to get the real Superman to come to the party. Lucy quietly sneaks back down the ledge to the vacant apartment, but, well you  know, she finds the window shut and locked and there she is stuck on the ledge….(USPD/

“Children have one kind of silliness, as you know, and grown-ups have another kind.”

(C.S. Lewis, British writer and lay theologian)

“Only those who are capable of silliness can be called truly intelligent.”

(Author, Christopher Isherwood)

“You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm.”

(French Novelist, Collette)

Well, given the last quote, I guess Malamutes win by a tail and a hairpin turn.

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge

Dog. Malamute. (© image, all rights reserved, copyrighted, no permissions granted)

“Who gets the grins? You seriously think there’s any contest?” (© image)

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  1. easyweimaraner / Apr 16 2020 7:45 am

    seems the burglar guy will not get standing ovations from the future inmates for that coup LOL


  2. robincoyle / Apr 16 2020 7:56 am

    I do foolish things with great enthusiasm. Well, safe foolish things, that is.


  3. Kate Crimmins / Apr 16 2020 8:35 am

    That guy wasn’t smart enough to be a burglar! Yikes!


  4. marina kanavaki / Apr 16 2020 9:48 am

    Yes, really, you seriously think there’s any contest? 🐾🐾🤣😂🐾🐾
    That guy on the roof…. i bet he’ll be rethinking a thing or too! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Apr 16 2020 4:31 pm

      Only thing better if someone had been below ticking his feet or ribs until they got him loose?
      Paws know fun and grins – what would we do without those sillies? HAHA Paw waves and cheers.
      Hope your Easter weekend is perfect and as wonderful as possible!


      • marina kanavaki / Apr 17 2020 2:32 am

        A ha ha… i hadn’t thought of that… with the accompaninent of a doggy!!!! 🤣
        Honestly… i don’t know what we’d do without them!
        Paw waves back and thank you… will do or at least try! You have a wonderful weekend too! 🐾🙏🙂


  5. Anne Mehrling / Apr 16 2020 11:44 am

    The burglar on the roof was amusing.

    Just saying “I Love Lucy” out loud makes us grin.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Apr 16 2020 4:29 pm

      It does, doesn’t it. I think there’s probably an I Love Lucy episode to fit any occasion. Thanks for adding some silly stuff

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Ally Bean / Apr 16 2020 12:27 pm

    Oh, I’m good at silly. I don’t remember that I Love Lucy episode at all. Now isn’t that silly?


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Apr 16 2020 4:28 pm

      I wish they would start re-running all the I Love Lucy shows from the beginning. We could use the laughs – those shows were pretty culturally diverse …maybe if someone realized that, they would show up again…and maybe I’d turn on the TV again – it’s just too monotonous and monotone right now. And Third Rock from the Sun. Another fun favorite. Get out the giggles! Thanks for adding a silly comment

      Liked by 1 person

  7. sustainabilitea / Apr 16 2020 4:24 pm

    I love the quotes, I love Lucy (hey, maybe I should make a show with that title!), and I love the COVIDIOT Santa Claus burglar. Thanks for the smiles.


    Liked by 1 person

  8. Curt Mekemson / Apr 17 2020 5:14 pm

    Peggy and I enjoy being silly, but I never cared much for I love Lucy. The pigeon on the head is amusing, however. Now the burglar getting caught. That’s my kind of humor— and of course the smiling Malamute. Now, if the malemute with the help of the pigeon chased the burglar into the pipe…

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Apr 18 2020 8:22 am

      Malamutes do have a sense of humor…tickling flapping feet and toes are just what they live for!
      Thanks for tossing in a comedy comment


      • Curt Mekemson / Apr 20 2020 11:16 am

        It’s an interesting concept, Phil. Animals certainly love to play. So maybe they have a sense of humor as well. –Curt


        • philosophermouseofthehedge / Apr 22 2020 8:41 am

          Malamute. You need to meet a Malamute. The laugh and they do actually play tricks and make jokes. As very close to wild, you can see where the mischievous trickster myths come from. (Sorry about Burning Man 😦 so much fun vanished ) Take care, stay outdoors and play on!


          • Curt Mekemson / Apr 23 2020 4:39 pm

            Burning Man is pushing a virtual experience this year. It won’t be the same, but it might be interesting… 🙂 As for Malamutes, if I make it to Texas, I have to meet yours, 🙂


          • philosophermouseofthehedge / Apr 23 2020 4:48 pm

            Virtual Burning Man will crash the internet!


          • Curt Mekemson / Apr 23 2020 5:02 pm

            They’re going to charge, or so they say. That might cool people’s curiosity. 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

          • philosophermouseofthehedge / Apr 23 2020 5:06 pm

            But if they charge people think it’s better!
            Weirdness continues….


          • Curt Mekemson / Apr 23 2020 5:15 pm

            I’m thinking you could wander down some really strange paths. 🙂


          • philosophermouseofthehedge / Apr 24 2020 7:53 am

            Someone has to do it!


          • Curt Mekemson / Apr 25 2020 5:56 pm

            Lot’s of blog material, I’m sure. Whether it is printable… 🙂


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