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November 21, 2023 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Not adding up

Balancing people. Paper cut by Hans Chistian Andersen, before 1876 (USPD., artist life/

With any balancing act, It’s good to know what each is cut out for.(Paper cut by Hans Christian Andersen. USPD/

Math has never been my deal, but even so, recently, stuff isn’t adding up even to me.

Price pointing.

Thrilled to arrive at Home Depot as a whole shipment of undamaged poinsettias was being unloaded. Nice to get one before they get shop worn and damaged by too much customer scrutiny. Sign said “ $2.98” or “3 for $10.00”. Hmmm. Is it just me or….? Bought one. Even with the intriguing offer.

Propulsion nonplussed. 

Excited, breathless reporter thrilled to promote a “new, electric turbo jet”. So which is it? If it’s a “jet”, it’s not electric powered. Jet propulsion is different. (We won’t even try to get into the “turbo” thing. Everything is “turbo” now…personal smoothie drink mixers, vitamins, laundry soap…)

Papercut of flock of geese (USPD:, artist life/

“Oh, look. Humans aren’t totally quackers. No longer will birds risk getting sucked into jet engines. Even better if we can just pull the plug so the aircraft can’t take off!” (USPD/

Revolting bolting. (Hey, The trendy, being risk takers, won’t be fazed by this.)

In the “Let’s just get creative language and gloss it over” category.: the winner is BMW who is recalling 4 models. Apparently the vehicle transmission units were “misproduced”.  The “issue” can cause an internal leak, a “roll-away” causing a wreck or injury. Can we speak plainly here? “Misproduced” or “misassembled”?  Someone didn’t tighten one or more bolts – or Wait for it. Wait for it – didn’t bother to put in any of the required bolts in a critical place. (Some people worry if there’s one screw or bolt left over when assembling Ikea furniture, but not in car production it appears…) 

Details might derail.

Did the marketing department get tired and quickly slam together the ending for the grocery store’s holiday commercial before racing home? It’s a cartoon: a kind couple hosts a sequence of young, short, elementary-size, foreign exchange students over the years. For each child, they are shown making a specially cooked meal from their home country. The refrigerator over the years becomes covered with photos and messages from their hosted kids. The couple gets old and grey – and are sitting alone before a fire when the doorbell rings just before a holiday – and it’s ALL of the little ones they hosted over the years come back to visit. Cute. Sweet music….but….the couple ages and gets grey, but oddly, in the short version playing the most here, the foreign students never grew or changed even a little bit. Still short sitting at the dining table. But they are all happy. “Food brings us together” is the message (Even if it stunts your growth?). Apparently, it can hold back time, too. Maybe a market for that! (Big picture: Details count or used to. Oh, OK it’s the thought that counts…. )

Man at desk. Paper cut pre 1830. (USPD., artist life/

Darn management. Scrooge reincarnated. What do they mean, I can leave when the job is done? Man, this 9 to 5 office job is killing my life. (USPD/

Better lettered.

A college instructor is charged with preparing the soon-to-be-graduated students for the business world. Recent assignment was to apply for a real job with a cover letter and resume (which she helped each to perfect). Oddly, not one of the students even get asked to come in for an interview, so she asks to see their cover letters. The first one opened with “Whazz up, y’all?” The student explained, “Well, you said to make it sound friendly.”

Maybe it’s adding up after all?  Whazz-cha’ thanq?

(The “q” makes the word cuter, right?)

Cutting up and cutting out.

Phil, The Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge.

King on stilts above the common people. Papercut 1810-1830 (USPD., artist life/

The view from there must be lovely even if a bit distorted and shaky? (USPD/




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  1. SusanR / Nov 21 2023 3:09 pm

    Yes, I read the post (I, too, am mathematically challenged), but am fascinated by a paper cutout thingy done by Hans Christian Andersen!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. disperser / Nov 21 2023 3:20 pm

    Did you mean “transmission”?

    … or, maybe ‘transmissionq’?

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Nov 21 2023 3:33 pm

      I’m firing my computer editor! Thanks again. Just working too fast and having already missed self imposed deadline. Tire dread hit the road here as they say. HAHA
      (I hate to sound like a conspiracy alarm, but this is the bossiest computer I’ve ever worked on. My old ones would never willy-nilly wander through and change things without permission – they might be suspicious and highlight something, but they never changed writing without asking first …like a dog watching as you decide to walk along the wrong path but keep silent and just follow obediently along as a companion until asked to put in their two cents. Arrggghh. There’s got to be a setting somewhere….)
      Appreciate your good humor ( and scorn avoidance)
      Thanks for dropping a letter or two here

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Kate Crimmins / Nov 21 2023 3:58 pm

    So if you want 3 poinsettias, you buy them separately? BTW $2.98 sounds awful cheap these days!

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Nov 21 2023 4:37 pm

      Yeah it was a bargain! (Who knew things were cheaper to buy individually? Weird, but I just walked on with one)
      The one I bought last year now resides in a flowerbed in the back -unexpectedly it made it through the summer.Really happy to see with the recent cool fronts and shorter days, the little plant is putting on the holiday red. Maybe nature does a better job if left to itself?
      Thanks for carting a comment to leave here. Have a lovely holiday!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Ally Bean / Nov 21 2023 4:40 pm

    “Well, you said to make it sound friendly.” I’m laughing about that. One persons idea of friendly is another persons idea of immature gibberish.

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Nov 21 2023 5:28 pm

      You could see that happening. Everyone has to start somewhere.( Bet that instructor had big bottle of Tylenol or the equivalent? A true noble cause)
      Appreciate you giggling along. Thanks

      Liked by 1 person

  5. sustainabilitea / Nov 21 2023 10:10 pm

    I love finding things like this even as they make me despair for the state of education. Of course, states like Oregon are abandoning making students meet standards, evidently so they can feel good about themselves…and not knowing anything useful. Sigh. Words fail, as they obviously failed the student in that last example.

    Recently I saw a headline in online news offering to share “The best no-bake (or ten or whatever) recipes that don’t require an oven.” Hmmm, don’t no-bake things by nature not get backed? Sigh.

    Happy Thanksgiving. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Nov 22 2023 1:12 pm

      Many things so odd and ludicrous that you just have to laugh. (Of course that’s easier for older people who were raised back when people encouraged and valued wit, applauded satire, and actually had a sense of humor) May you have much mirth this Thanksgiving. Thanks for chortling over here

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Archon's Den / Nov 22 2023 1:03 am

    Did you mean tread – and not dread??
    One that made me laugh, even as I cringed – 24-packs of Nestle bottled water – big sign says, Now with no cholesterol! – as if it ever did. 😮

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Nov 22 2023 11:57 am

      Nope, it was supposed to be “dread”. Welcome and thanks for reading closely. When visiting, please bring a sense of humor and remember thangs ain’t alwaz what they a-pear. (and I have a incorrigible bossy computer which is now going bonkers at the language choices …and knows I’m doing it intentionally to drive it over the edginess. HAHA)
      Enjoyed reading your posts. Pleased you put it in pause to drop by and comment, hear?
      (Also great up with Smothers’ Brothers, Mad Magazine, and Bullwinkle / Dudley Do-Right. Go Rocky J!)

      Liked by 1 person

      • Archon's Den / Nov 23 2023 11:31 am

        I always bring my sense of humour along, but the poor thing gets burned easily and often. Ithought that you actually meant ‘dread’, but it’s often hard to judge. I get a blog-post per quarter of other bloggers’ irritating/amusing misusages. The driver was sighted by police – looking up the meaning of cited. 😮


  7. shoreacres / Nov 22 2023 5:52 am

    I’m math challenged as well, but even I paused at that price point entry. Wait, wut? It reminded me of my ponderings in front of the yogurt section recently: a prepacked set of four? $5.29. An individual container? $1.09. Even I can figure that one out. So much for the value of buying in quantity!

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Nov 22 2023 12:02 pm

      It’s gotten where you have to watch everything! But that sign stopped me in my tracks – hadn’t planned to buy one at predicted price level this year figuring it not in the budget -but who could pass that up?
      We bought our stuff and ran out of there quickly -before someone realized the price sign was $ wrong.
      Thanks for freezing a comment to leave. (Pretty day! Enjoy…clouds shall return shortly – but today – fabulous)

      Liked by 1 person

      • shoreacres / Nov 22 2023 12:08 pm

        Almost done in the kitchen, and almost done with house cleaning, so there may be a couple of hours or so in the great outdoors this afternoon, once it’s warmed up a bit. Or not. We’ll see. Happy Thanksgiving!

        Liked by 1 person

        • philosophermouseofthehedge / Nov 22 2023 1:19 pm

          It was warm with the sun – nutty squirrels once again…and several hawks have apparently arrived for the winter hearing that. (Are the monarchs through? Seen more than usual the past few days – might be waiting for a windy ride or could be deciding to count on a mild winter as predicted and float around here.) I got the last minute groceries – fewer than usual with Bidenomics. Even got laundry and vacuuming done…but stalled with terrorist news about Rainbow bridge @ Canadian/US border. Predictable. Wake up call.
          Thankful we are where we are and managing

          Liked by 1 person

  8. pensitivity101 / Nov 22 2023 3:56 pm

    I now read the smaller print……. special offers are a minefield, and what was thought a good deal of four pots of custard in a pack for £2.49 was in fact more expensive than 6 individual pots for £4 because the 4 pack was 110g and the individuals were each 125g. The way things are presented is not always ‘true’,

    Liked by 1 person

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