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November 23, 2023 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Turnkey Thanksgiving

Group of boys tusseling. 1910 postcard by H.B.Griggs (USPD., artist life/

It’s difficult to interpret. Could they actually be so thrilled to see each other ? “Oh, Thank goodness all the cousins came, too.” “If we had to sit and be polite through one more ancient relative’s stories…Let’s find the football game schedule…or the car keys…Who has their license?” (Oh true experience. Like you haven’t said that yourself.)(1910 postcard/USPD/

You know how family gatherings are.  

Some insist on dressing all family members alike for one reason or another.

Saves time sorting family members into teams (Or as a visual cue who are the troublemakers. Avoid talking politics!)

Determines who gets in line for food first.

Easier to make sure you’ve got only your kids in the car for the drive home?

Turkey. 1900 - Thanksgiving Teich postcard (USPD., artist life/

Vintage 1900 Thanksgiving Teich postcard (USPD/

The above postcard looks to be traditional holiday greetings…until…

Notice the pale writing at the very top? Ironic. Not likely that was intended for the turkey – or the vegetable.

Times have changed. PETA might use card as a call to launch protests against bird bullying and cruel hate speech involving turkeys.  

Wild animals and  man (President Roosevelt) feast toast at Thanksgiving truce table/ (USPD. LoC,, artist life/

Wild animals and President Roosevelt, the Conservation President, offering a toast at a Thanksgiving Truce table. What a jolly good time. Oh, the irony. Oh, the satire. (It’s from PUCK magazine) (USPD/

Conservation. Now there’s a thought. So well-balanced, logical, and thoughtful. 

In case you can’t read the quote at the bottom of the page, the bear is saying “(with deep feeling) Here’s hoping that when we next meet, we see you first.” Wisely said. 

Thanksgiving vintage fireplace on postcard. Newberry collection, 1900-1909 (USPD, artist life/

Warmly says it all. Vintage Thanksgiving postcard from the Newberry collection, 1900-1909 (USPD/

Gather with glee and gobble with caution.

Happy Thanksgiving – and/or weekend – from the Hedge

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge


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  1. beth / Nov 23 2023 8:33 am

    happy Thanksgiving to you and yours

    Liked by 1 person

  2. SusanR / Nov 23 2023 8:42 am

    Funny, I never thought about Roosevelt having kids. Anyway, have a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. easyweimaraner / Nov 23 2023 10:45 am

    who is the one at the small table? with the bear? Happy Thanksgiving to you… have a great long weekend…

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Nov 23 2023 5:22 pm

      Small and growly like the bear? The President. did start the Boone and Crocket club which focused on conservation of large forest/game animals and their habitat…maybe one of his kids liked the stories about Daniel Boone or Davy Crocket? Apparently he had one daughter from his first marriage and 5 kids from his second. (Theodore “Ted” III in 1887, Kermit in 1889, Ethel in 1891, Archibald in 1894, and Quentin in 1897.) Maybe it’s Ted – dressed like a mini-me? (Pictures of family here: )
      Happy on ( and thanks for the intriguing question!

      Liked by 2 people

  4. marina kanavaki / Nov 23 2023 1:12 pm

    Happy Thanksgiving, my friend and special paw waves from Hera!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. cat9984 / Nov 23 2023 2:21 pm

    Happy Thanksgiving!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Ally Bean / Nov 24 2023 9:42 am

    Gather with glee and gobble with caution.

    Good advice for almost any situation. Hope your Turkey Day was wonderful.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. sustainabilitea / Nov 24 2023 3:42 pm

    I’ll ignore the PETA reference because I want to stay positive and they’re toxic. However, even though they didn’t dress alike, my father-in-law once left one of my sisters-in-law behind after a stop at the post office (they had a PO box), during which time she’d gone to look at a display in a jewelry store window. Their dad was talking to her and asked why she wasn’t answering, whereupon the other children said, “Because she’s not in the car.” He wasn’t happy. 🙂

    Hope your Thanksgiving was a good one.

    Liked by 1 person

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