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November 14, 2023 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Waiting for that shoe

Portrait of Julia Childs in kitchen. 1978 (Lynn Gilbert/

“Wait, don’t weight,” suggests Julia Child in her 1978 kitchen.(Lynn Gilbert/

“The only time to eat diet food is while you’re waiting for the steak to cook.” (Julia Child)


Mom always tried to hand out apple slices or carrots to keep her “starving” barbarians from ravaging the kitchen just before dinner. But we always suspected she herself grabbed a cookie while cooking….those oddly positioned far too conveniently on the shelf near the spice rack.

Is it coincidental that “waiting” and “wasting” are so close in sound and appearance?

“How much of human life is lost waiting?” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Whether it’s that seemingly endless time before dinner, or the hyper-energy charged hours just before daybreak on Christmas morning, or the breath stealing minutes between the lightning flash and the sound of thunder, or the surely-the-clock-has-broken crawl in a medical center waiting room.

Waiting does wears out its’ welcome. 

Child dancing with pig. (1899 Mother Goose. USPD., artist life, exp. cr/FLickr/

Who wouldn’t want to dance a jig with a pig? Wait! Tie those shoes on tight.(USPD/

That waiting second shoe can drop either as twinkle toes or as “Oh, no’s”.

“Why don’t they have waiters in waiting rooms?” (George Carlin)

That would be so considerate. Upscale! (Attention corporate marketing departments)

Mom would just hand out another carrot stick. She never ran out of them…mainly because we never ate them….probably a huge pile of petrified orange logs in the fridge as a result.

Last week the other shoe dropped here. Spoiling hopes of a really happy holiday season without nagging medical concerns once again.

Wait! Knocked back, but not knocked out. 

December we’ll find out what the plan is. (Happy there is a “what’s next?” treatment.)

“If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.” (Morris West)

We’re set up to be holly jolly in any case.

The family gifts have been wrapped and boxes sent off. The tree is up (although there’s there’s one string of uncooperative lights requiring some investigation…maybe just tuck in a string of vintage bubble lights in that dark section?), and a couple of Cinnamon and Vanilla candles hauled out of the cabinet.

The pantry and freezer are stocked, so forays to the outside world can be limited (avoidance of crowds, hazardous germs, and one gotten-to-be-annoying-due-to-overuse holiday song.).

The Christmas CD’s here are stacked and ready.

“Serene, I fold my hands and wait.” (Michelangelo)

Well, not likely, Mike. (Unless those it’s-too-early, anti-holiday music people agree to silent nights for reading books instead of TV.)

If at first you don’t succeed, try, tie, and grin. 

“Dreaming is happiness. Waiting is life.” (Victor Hugo)

Wait-soothing Peppermint tea anyone?

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge

(Production note: Apologies in advance for erratic posting schedule and less than timely responses to comments. Thanks.)

Seated girl in red dress with book inher lap.( Fairy Tale, 1874/FLickr/Boston Public Libary/

“Darn. I thought he’d never agree to give up TV.”(USPD/



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  1. shoreacres / Nov 14 2023 8:53 am

    In Houston at the eye doctor-more later!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. SusanR / Nov 14 2023 9:15 am

    Wow, you really have your act together. Yesterday I stumbled across a pre-Black Friday sale at Lands End and bought some warm pants. Does that count? And I looked at some decorations on Amazon …

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Nov 14 2023 2:10 pm

      Yep – that counts. “Black Friday” has been going on for a couple of weeks. And I have things listed on Amazon for notification when prices go down – that really helps.
      This year as a precaution I got the sleigh out and moving earlier than usual – just in case. Now I can relax and enjoy. (But must stay off Amazon HaHa)
      Thanks for tossing in a comment


  3. disperser / Nov 14 2023 9:40 am

    Sorry to hear about the potential spoiler . . . but glad there’s a ‘what’s next?’

    Liked by 3 people

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Nov 14 2023 2:14 pm

      Oh, a few boulders in the road just keeps you jumping on your toes..They say problem solving keeps you young? I must be approaching 4 or 5 yrs old again by now HaHa.
      So far so good. We’ll just toss some tinsel and eggnog on that and keep going. Thanks for adding to the comment wreath

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Kate Crimmins / Nov 14 2023 2:56 pm

    This sounds like bad news disguised as an opportunity for early holiday celebrating. No one will notice as Black Friday has been here since July. I received my first Christmas present (sent to myself) today. I love it. The best presents are the ones I buy for myself. (There must be a message here.) Anyhow hugs and best wishes as you navigate through Amazon (is that the river or the store, only you know) and the medical centers.

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Nov 15 2023 8:07 pm

      Nothin’ gonna stop me from Jingling. And I plan to be relaxed while enjoying it all (I have Elvis Christmas CD, Nat King Cole, Celtic, and ones in almost every genre…Husky can just woo along with me if he wants – we have a good time)
      Pretty much one of the “prepare for the worst, but hope for the best” variety.
      Seems to work to keep the stress down.
      Question: are you wrapping your present or already using it? (Sometimes I wrap those…if I can wait…but the new UGGs are going to be given an early debut …let’s just call those a Love birthday present, OK? HAHA)
      Thanks for a shoe-in comment (and encouragement)

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Ally Bean / Nov 15 2023 10:15 am

    Your organization is shaming me. I kind of throw things together for the holiday season using a willy-nilly approach. I’m sorry there may be some stumbles for you on the road to Christmas, but you got it going on.

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Nov 15 2023 8:12 pm

      Guess it’s just making life as easy/stress free as possible this year by working ahead just in case.
      Oct to Jan is my favorite time of year…probably because it’s not 100 F degrees. We shall jingle on with enthusiasm ( and calm for a change – no standing in line at Fed Ex…oh, wait…Christmas cards…a few – only a few!)
      How much would you pay me to just pitch a clump of tangled outdoor Christmas light out ij the yard and claim it’s “contemporary decor”? HaHa…it could happen…I threaten every year – darn, those people already with lights up now. Hey don’t they know you can’t put them up until Thanksgiving? IT’s written down somewhere. I know it is!
      Thanks for joining the comment Congo Line

      Liked by 1 person

  6. The Coastal Crone / Nov 15 2023 3:09 pm

    It seems you are prepared for Christmas and whatever the waiting game brings. Now I feel pressure as I don’t even know what gifts I will buy this year. You seem to have the right attitude. I hope it works out for you and all is well. Cheers!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Nov 15 2023 8:24 pm

      Gifts get more difficult to choose each year as people get older. For a couple of years everyone in the family agreed to give a special Christmas ornament to each other. That worked…until the grandkids/little cousins arrived – and ornaments just didn’t fit. (National Parks Service often has unique stuff and it supports parks…this year we’ve also found books that help fund wolf reintroduction/protection. For T-shirts, “Life is good” company has great designs on good fabric…they have special online sales and send discount codes, too.) Then there’s always coastal found objects – some as nice as museum sculptures, right?
      Just go with the flow and find a few smiles. Jingle on and grab some of those holiday drinks ( those will help with the smiles and laughter, right?)
      Thanks for shuffling over to chat


  7. shoreacres / Nov 15 2023 8:08 pm

    Christmas? Say, what? I still haven’t quite gotten around to internalizing the reality that Thanksgiving is next week. It’s all too much — or perhaps just too soon. For six years I’ve had a post I wanted to write for the season, and I always run out of time. If I want to make it this year, I guess I should get cracking. Things are so crazy at work — if I can get some deadlines met there, I suspect I’ll feel a good bit merrier!

    Liked by 1 person

    • shoreacres / Nov 15 2023 8:10 pm

      Oh. The eye doc. I’m in the same boat — waiting to see if “another option” is going to be needed. All the good doc has said at this point is that lasers will be involved. But, we’re still in a new procedure that make may that unnecessary. Time will tell!

      Liked by 1 person

      • philosophermouseofthehedge / Nov 15 2023 8:30 pm

        We do not have time to fall apart right now!!!
        Lazers – is it just me or are we suddenly we in Buck Rodgers zone now? HaHa (Listen and learn it all, I’m about to get where you are I’m afraid. Need to call you about who you end up with after your guy retired…they ALL seem to be retiring Arrrrrgh!)
        Not going to mess up your scheduled deadlines (Christmas boat parade not too far – how could it be sailing in again so soon?)
        Will catch you this weekend
        Thanks for docking here a bit

        Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Nov 15 2023 8:25 pm

      Oh, I bet that Thanksgiving season post will be stellar – it’s had time to simmer down to the good stock by now!

      Liked by 1 person

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