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October 27, 2023 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Cry. Wolf.

Halloween yard decoration. Very large, two story tall werewolf (© image copyrighted, all rights reserved, no permissions granted )

“Where is my ride? I hope they remember I requested a large vehicle.”(© image)

“Takes one to know one,” he nodded in familiar acknowledgment as we passed. “Probably a Genghis Can. I should know. “

What? (Such an unexpected reaction to the towering wolf creature in the yard.) 

“Siberians. Both of us, DUH.

He’s probably been recruited to play basketball here. A Genghis Can – a giant canine descended from that warrior-conqueror of fierce Siberian heritage. Only the best”

What? (Now I’m totally confused)

Oh, please. Even you know of the Great Genghis Khan of the Borjigin clan. According to legend, his first ancestor was a grey wolf.

‘Born with a destiny from heaven on high. Born with a blood clot in his fist foretelling he would be a great warrior.’ To defy the Great Khan of the Borjigin clan was equal to defying the will of God.’ The Great Can One and his descendants didn’t have those yellow eyes for nothing.”

You know it’s Genghis Khan, not Genghis Can? Not exactly the same -(trying to unwrap the tangle – the leash and the language)

Oh, but he had that can due and can do. Can’t deny that!

Hmm wonder who he’s been signed by. NC State has the Wolf Pack, but he doesn’t look like a college kid, so it’s more likely the Minnesota Timberwolves.”

We’ll have to check the TV schedule. 

Sooo, you think you two are pack Siberia? You do know you have Siberian Husky blue eyes, not yellow? (My observation brusquely waved aside by a brush of the tail…)

(He turns and curls his lip into a snarl…I cautiously let the leash out a bit…)

“Siberians, wolf packs and Genghis, have many attributes in common.”

  • Siberians are sturdy and fierce! Work hard; play hard
  • Both have sensible code of laws governing group behavior. Infractions are harshly dealt with 
  • Both respect for the environment. Mongol laws forbid bathing in rivers and streams that served as water supplies, and laws established a winter-only hunting season to preserve game for the hardest of times. Wolves expect the environment and take only what they need. Litter to wolves only means “pups”. Any Mongol soldier following another soldier was expected to pick up anything that the first soldier dropped.
  • Rank in wolf packs, as in Mongol government and military, is merit based.  
  • Respect and absolute loyalty is demanded by both. Pack means everything.

(Hank calms himself with a little shake before resuming his trot down the sidewalk.)

“It’s good the new wolf in town is ready to stand up. He’ll be difficult to ignore and his wolf kin need help. It’s Wolf Wars 2.0.”

Gray Wolves of the Northern Rockies Are Fighting for Survival (Article from conservationists. Sign up here for alerts and updates)

Maybe he can get the attention of those in Congress, the Biden administration, US Secretary of the Interior (Deb Haaland – who you think would be sensible and sensitive given her heritage), the States’ Fish and Game/Wildlife agencies to support relisting the Gray Wolves on the Endangered Species List.

People can also howl in support:  #relistwolves and follow The Pack Press. (Cute playful wolf in snow)

People have thumbs. Wolves are holding out a paw in hopes of finding hands to help.

OK, I’ll do a blog post, Hank. Maybe one small voice can find others to sound along.

“Stick in that actual quote from Genghis Khan. It’ll get a laugh.”

As you wish, Hank. Now let’s trot on home. You have a report update on the Orange Vegetable Intruder situation to make for the HOAA. 

Holler-Ring approaches!

(and a real treat would be a cease fire for wolves and other endangered species…And considering world affairs, we’ll include the human species in that wish.)

Ah, greatly appreciated and honored to be included.

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge

Here’s that quote for you.

  • “I am the flail of God. If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.”

Genghis Khan ruled some 9 million square miles of territory, making it the largest contiguous land empire in history. Yet he practiced religious tolerance that reflected the long-held Mongol tradition of religion as a personal conviction not subject to law or interference. He worshiped The Eternal Blue Sky as a Tengrist.
Wolves also look skyward. But they don’t want conquest, just a safe land to roam and make home. Then again, isn’t that’s what most want?


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  1. disperser / Oct 27 2023 5:24 pm

    Should it be “reinstating” not “resisting” in the sentence about the Endangered Species listing?

    In fairness to the politicians and administrators you mention, they are only doing what comes natural to predators . . . eliminating the competition.

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 27 2023 6:08 pm

      Thanks for catching that – my computer is too helpful sometimes ( should have done closer editing!)
      Ah, greatly appreciate that astute observation about some of those decision makers, too
      Thanks for sharpening the writing

      Liked by 1 person

  2. SusanR / Oct 27 2023 6:22 pm

    You know me and wolves. That video has me close to tears.

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 27 2023 6:32 pm

      It’s not new, but every time you think things are getting back on track.
      Geesch. I grew up with hunters and cattle ranches – but no one I know/knew would be OK with eliminating wolves or cougars or bob cats. Most who live off the land are serious conservationists and environmentalists.
      People who live on easy hunting for tourism…not looking long term or good, practical wildlife management – which provides healthy herds of all species.
      We keep calling and writing….always hopeful (PS Even on of Biden’s grand daughters asked him to help shortly after he was elected….all talk, all fake concern. Kharma happens)


      • SusanR / Oct 27 2023 6:48 pm

        I thought wolves had been relisted a while back and stopped paying attention — except for the effort to find wolves to bring into Colorado. It seems most outfitters up north would rather kill them than let Colorado restock them. $$$ beat conservation every time, it seems.

        Liked by 1 person

        • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 27 2023 7:08 pm

          Difficult to comprehend. Meanwhile one state is sounding alarm because the overpopulation of deer is stripping everything edible, condition of deer is deteriorating, and starvation is on the table for this winter. So kind.( I need to find that news article about one anti-wolf woman who was boasting (on social media/Twitter) about killing a wolf and skinning it only to find out it was a German Shepherd not a wolf. Idiot…)


          • SusanR / Oct 28 2023 6:01 pm

            Well, don’t publish that article if it contains clues to that woman’s identity or I’ll be sorely tempted to pay her a visit.

            Liked by 1 person

  3. marina kanavaki / Oct 28 2023 4:56 am

    Hera’s been a huge fan of wolves and even adopted one from! 😉
    WooHooooooooooooooooooo! 🐾


  4. Kate Crimmins / Oct 28 2023 7:55 am

    That is a HUGE wolf!


  5. shoreacres / Oct 28 2023 9:08 am

    You can’t fool me. That’s the Wolf of Wallstreet, come to terrorize and pillage the suburbs. Genghis Khan himself would fear that one.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Helen Devries / Oct 28 2023 11:10 am

    Following Shoreacres’ comment…these are the wolves we need to eliminate.


  7. The Coastal Crone / Oct 28 2023 2:08 pm

    That is a scary wolf! Aren’t Halloween monsters getting bigger and bigger? I liked Shoreacres comment that he is the Wolf of Wallstreet.


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