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December 24, 2023 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Vintage’s Naughty or Nice

Enough moaning about longing for an old fashioned Christmas from those feeling the holiday has so changed it’s unrecognizable today. 

(Really. Fireworks? More New Years’ or July 4th than commemorating the Nativity…although there are those who smugly point to that blazing star: “If it’s OK for Heaven, then it’s OK for humans to mimic”…made in God’s image and all.)

Yet vintage Christmas always presents some unexpected attitudes and surprises:

Christmas fishing (1870-1900 trade card Boston pl, USPD artist life/

Forget skiing and sleigh bells. Christmas fishing. 1870-1900.(Merchant Trade card /USPD/

Interesting Christmas sentiment offered at the bottom of the seasonal card. Probably not an ultra conservative Protestant, Puritan, or Catholic Christmas wish?

Ah, the fish is a religious symbol…so maybe fishing would be considered religious sport?

Which means that mystery guy that netted the big  Tarpon right out of the Bass Pro Shop, was possibly only following a very old traditional Christmas gifting? (Will he claim freedom of religious customs if apprehended and charged?)

Woman on swing Christmas trade card (1870's Boston PL /USPD artist life/

Another 1870’s Christmas trade card. A pretty one for swingers. (USPD/

No one today will brave a guess to what trade it was for! HAHA…

(Honestly, people really shouldn’t judge things from the past through today’s lenses and attitudes.) 

Pretty. Pleasant. Charging on.

Santa's bank account trade card (1909. Allentown/USPD. Artist life,

Santa’s bank account trade card, 1909. Holiday commercialization lives! (USPD/

Even a bank is getting into the spirit!

Not bad advice with that metaphor, but seriously you gonna use Santa to get kids to open a bank account? Isn’t that going to bring up all sorts of questions from them. How did he make deposits? Those would have been done in person without direct deposit. The kids would mention they never saw him standing in line at the bank….or maybe he was in some disguise…which would end up with them wanting to hold stake outs at the bank entrance hoping to discover if he wore that red suit all year long… and next would be kids hanging around outside with apples and carrots in case Santa needed someone to hold the reindeers’ reins while he dashed inside.

Cute and creative. Wonder if the ad campaign worked.

Christmas birds in snow. trade card for music. (1886, Allentwon. USPD/

Christmas birds in snow. 1886 Music business trade card.(USPD/

Nice design. Singing birds are thematically appropriate.

Though not the Two Turtle Doves of carol legend, I do hope they had a snug little bird house shelter and bubbler in a bird bath available.

Here’s a change: “Cheapest music house”? Most companies now would avoid the word “cheapest” – especially at Christmas gift giving time! Avoid like the plague. Maybe “quality at a reasonable price”, but then again people might have thought “cheap” was sign of a “smart choice” back then.

Anyway, music and Christmas have always been a fine pairing.

Christmas store gift display, 1946 (USPD artist life,, no cr restrictions FLickr/

Christmas store gift display, 1946 (USPD/

Ah, the days of elegance – offered to all at Christmas

Going downtown and walking through the most expensive department stores in the city was always a treat for us when we were growing up. Neiman-Marcus and Sakowitz (also a video here) put on serious competitions with their holiday decorations each year. Sigh.

It was the elegance and luxury your parents told you to work hard in school for so you could get a good job and actually afford to shop at these stores when you got older.  

After graduation, one of my first jobs was in the display department at a “second tier” department store: Foley’s. We may not have been Neiman’s, but were one of the top suburban retail stores – and we worked like crazy to make our store as much of a holiday shopping destination as the two first tier fancy ones. We also were in decorating competition with our flagship downtown store. (Not so snooty now, Downtown! Gotcha this year, slackers.)

Christmas started in August behind the scenes and the full blown Christmas Wonderland was never put up prior to Thanksgiving night. People, then, did line up for the store opening that next Friday – as much to see the holiday wonder unveiled as for the opening of the gift giving shopping season. We would hide and watch the faces as people streamed in and marveled at the amazing sights waiting them. Great fun. Great job. (Post about that job here)

Santa and children at Christmas party. 1923 book, FT Hunter, ill. (USPD, artist life/

Santa and children at Christmas party. 1923 book.(USPD/

No, their hands aren’t super glued together in order to get the photo op.

Little girls may still wear the knee socks and Mary Jane shoes, but do little boys get stuck with those sailor outfits these days? Gotta love that kid with a curl.

Dancing, happy children certainly what became the expected Christmas image.

Two Christmas angels with gold wings. 1800. Missoouri History Museum.USPD., artist life/

Two Christmas angels with gold wings from the 1800’s would be right at home on Christmas cards today.(USPD/

Looking forward and back,

Timelessness and classic beauty are always in style.

So are cheerful positive season’s greetings.

May your Christmas be merry and bright

And may your New Year be full of wonder and delight.

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge.

Woman and angel decorating Christmas tree (1906 Christmas posts card. USPD., artist life/

1906 Christmas post card. Just nice. (USPD/



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  1. Annette Rochelle Aben / Dec 24 2023 3:50 pm

    Merriest of Christmases to you and those who mean the most to you!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Kate Crimmins / Dec 24 2023 4:41 pm

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Dec 24 2023 5:40 pm

      Oh starry night – just in time for Santa!
      A quiet Christmas is just right.
      Merry Christmas and to all a good (and non sniffling, wheezing, sneezing ) night!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. pensitivity101 / Dec 24 2023 5:31 pm

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Helen Devries / Dec 24 2023 5:39 pm

    Merry Christmas to you and yours….enjoyed your tales of Display!

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Dec 24 2023 5:43 pm

      Oh, the thrill of shuffling completely decorated 6-8 foot trees up and down staircases in Oct to hide them from the fire marshal.
      Yes, we did have a ton of fun.
      Thanks for gifting me with a visit and Christmas wishes!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Pied Type / Dec 24 2023 6:17 pm

    Merry Christmas from Susan, Charlie, and Rowdy in Colorado!
    (can’t believe that guy stole that fish!)

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Dec 29 2023 11:06 am

      Weird! I can’t believe no one did or said anything to him. It was a huge fish! Certainly not an example of catch and release at the site.
      Sounds like you had a really white Christmas. Stay warm and marry inside! (and I’m trying to get up to speed with Minecraft to keep up with the littles…should keep me busy for a while….then they will move one to the next one…ARRRRGH)
      Enjoy the time left in this year!


  6. Littlesundog / Dec 24 2023 7:07 pm

    A blessed Christmas to you! I was just thinking of you the other day… so much I’ve missed out on in the last year and a half. But, there is beauty in the woods and we have a small herd of twelve now – Forrest raised a little buck this year (I thought would be a good project for him to have responsibility and something to get him out of the house) and he’s flourishing. The deer have been so good for us. While life changed in a big way, we are thankful for many of the things that are a mainstay here. I wish you a wonderful 2024!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. shoreacres / Dec 24 2023 10:35 pm

    I laughed at your naughty-or-nice title. I’m posting a video for Christmas day that involves Santa swiping right or swiping left to separate the naughty and nice: Tinder-like, you might say! It’s funny as can be, and as you might expect, the naughty beat out the nice by a good bit!

    I just can remember, however vaguely, a card like you banker-Santa. I had a Christmas savings account when I was a kid. Every Saturday, Dad would take me to the bank, and I’d put in my 25 or 50 cents. I had an actual passbook, and the teller would, with all seriousness, record my deposit in that book. When Christmas came, I would withdraw the money and have some extra to spend on gifts. What a quaint idea!

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Dec 29 2023 11:01 am

      Isn’t it great when Christmas traditions are updated with whimsy and wit? What a merry video.
      We also had childhood savings accounts – with passbooks and trips to deposit half of allowances, birthday gifts, and extra money from extra chores. That money was only for college, though. Never got to check it out. My account was at Ghlbraltar Savings in Meyerland (it’s a rock, I thought. Ought to be sturdy and safe). The tellers were very kind. Many families in our area taught budgets, and saving – but not all. Probably the ones that were fared better in the long run?
      Time to ho-ho-ho and into the new year, go. Thanks for banking a comment here

      Liked by 1 person

  8. easyweimaraner / Dec 25 2023 3:02 am

    love it… …merry christmas…

    Liked by 1 person

  9. marina kanavaki / Dec 25 2023 9:55 am

    Merry Christmas! …with special merry paw waves too! 🌟🎄🐾✨

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Dec 29 2023 10:51 am

      Hope Christmas magic spread widely at your house! (Hank offered to share his new bear…but it lasted like a nano second – and we thought the pieces to disruptive to digestion to offer as Christmas friendship gifts – so wide grins and tail wags instead!)
      Enjoy the rest of this year.Thanks for stopping by here

      Liked by 1 person

      • marina kanavaki / Dec 30 2023 3:04 pm

        A hahahaaaa…. Hera’s toys are all gutted and resewn… empty! Fortunately she doesn’t like the fillers. She just loves to spread it all over the place! She’ll happily take grins and tail wags. She sends more back!

        Liked by 1 person

  10. cat9984 / Dec 25 2023 12:25 pm

    Merry Christmas!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Bruce@WOTC / Dec 26 2023 2:33 pm

    Karen, Happy Holidays to you and yours!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Spinster / Dec 26 2023 4:08 pm

    Happy holidays.

    Liked by 1 person

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