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December 15, 2023 / philosophermouseofthehedge

No Pining To Dine

Elegant Formal dining at Chatsworth House with all the fancy trimmings.(

Oh, dream on. Like any of that could go in my dishwasher. Elegant formal dining at Chatsworth House with all the fancy trimmings. (

Dining tables are such prima donnas.

Each is polished to perfection at their “finishing schools” before making their public debut.

Like ballerinas waiting in the wings, they preen and side-eye evaluate the competition in the store.

Their matched chairs are clutched close like a momma duck and her ducklings as potential clients approach.

Dining tables may appear wooden, but you know they critically study and rate store visitors: 

  • “Oh, no. That family will not do – too many children who will drag sharp objects across my lovely surface. And use crayons no doubt.”
  • “Oh, no. Just the wrong style. Garish themed placemats with assorted chipped dishes predicted, and eclectic tableware that has been chewed due to being used to explore the garbage disposal. Crossing my legs hoping they will walk those faked jeans on by and be enchanted with that other one over there. That dented, distressed, vintage look being more suitable, Yes.”
  • “OH. Oh, yes! Trendy hair cuts, designer bag, and lovely stylish wide leg pants. Probably Restoration Hardware fans! Oh, they would probably spring for the most elegant table linens! Sigh. Look over here! Look. Highly polished! Sleek and sophisticated, right here! Straighten up and look elegant chairs! This could be our ticket outta here.”

Once a dining table gets home, it doesn’t get much better.

Always demanding their own room.

Their arrival somehow always points the necessity of a bit of room updating  – for the best look. (You can’t really expect moi, the Chosen One, to fit in and be happy with this old drab place!)

Background is important. New wallpaper? Of course. Or Pottery Barn paint is acceptable if that’s the best you can offer.

Those window coverings – Seriously? UGH! Clashes with the seat cushions.

While you are at it, order a new rug. How can you expect a new dining table to play footsie with dents from a previous occupant? Sigh. (And keep that dog’s muddy paws and chewy jaws out of here….No, your backpack cannot land there…or your coat – even if you plan to move it shortly!)

Dining tables have high expectations – and an image to keep up, people.

Well, this year our dining table was feeling sullen as there won’t be any big gatherings during the holidays. Creaks like sobs have been heard.

Sooo, since there will be no fancy holiday table runners or seasonal centerpieces this year, why not?

We dug through the storeroom and located it: the box holding the old HO scale train set. And yes, the track just fits.

Toy Train and snowy Christmas village in progress. (© image copyrighted, all rights reserved, no permissions granted)

And it begins. “I think I can. I think I can.”(© image)

On the dining table

I swear there were some unexplained shaking and shivers, but along with the track, a small village appeared made up of assorted Christmas items collected over the years on a snow field of old white felt.

Hmmm. Maybe, not so sad now. 

Surprisingly, the dining table, seems pleased now with visitors dropping in to see.

Appeased. Once again in the starring role of happily holding up the holiday cheer.

(Really, the dining table confided to the chairs, in the past, those dripping holiday centerpiece candles were always something of a worry. Adapt or sigh!)

Guess the table’s all set.

A different feast, perhaps, but just as filling.

Christmas village with Santa hiding behind house. (© image. all rights reserved, NO permissions granted)

Santa scoping out the scene. (© image)

Christmas village. Santa watching Russian chess players. (© image copyrighted, all rights reserved, no permissions granted)

Now watching Russian chess players. Watching to see who’w naughty and who’s nice? (Yes, I am easily amused.) (© image)

Christmas village nutcracker guardian (© image copyrighted, all rights reserved, no Permissions granted)

Christmas village Nutcracker guardian (© image)

Jingle on!

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge.

Looking for holiday amusement?

Beautiful – maybe inspiring – video of train traveling through snowy mountain scenery as Dean Martin serenades with Christmas songs here.

Christmas train passing Santa in the village. (© image copyrighted, all rights reserved. No permissions granted)

He’s everywhere. He’s everywhere! Probably asking “What about the twinkle lights?” Uh, maybe next year – or if there’s down time…right now, if it’s not fun, it’s not done…I get to choose my merry! (© image)



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  1. Pied Type / Dec 15 2023 9:32 am

    Love the train, and especially the chess table! That table up top has no right to be snooty until those candles are straightened.


  2. Helen Devries / Dec 15 2023 10:05 am

    No dining table has ever accepted us…..we are still with the table Leo rescued from the bonfire on which his father had placed it some sixty years ago. It has been kind enough to accompany us from the U.K. to France and now to Costa Rica without a murmur, even when covered with the Egyptian cotton cloth we bought in Luxor twenty years ago…
    I think it might like that train layout though, brighten up its life.


  3. Anne Mehrling / Dec 15 2023 10:34 am

    I love it! Disdainful tables! Your solution at home is fantastic. How my husband would have enjoyed it! He loved trains, but we always had guests for Christmas.


  4. Kate Crimmins / Dec 15 2023 11:06 am

    I used to have an elegant table. Downsizing is not kind to the noble. It was gifted to a relative who uses it daily now. No fancy centerpieces and polished surfaces. The new table is smaller and in an eating nook. It’s not the same especially at the holidays. Should have kept that old one and made it work somehow.


  5. sustainabilitea / Dec 15 2023 11:57 am

    I like it! Our first dining room table, a very nice but small oak table and those same rattan chairs you show in one of the photos, was originally mine before we got married. Once we had children, those chairs, lovely as they were, got put away so that they didn’t get destroyed. My husband had a bigger table, to mine transformed to a table in one of the extra bedrooms and then into the kitchen table when we moved to Illinois. By this time we’d gotten an Amish table and chairs, although the inserts remained under the bed due to lack of dining room space. Now in Arizona, the oak table is my husband’s desk and both inserts are in the dining room table, which has morphed into (half of it, anyway) the puzzle table or for when company comes over. We have another table for the kitchen area and all live in perfect harmony, content in their roles and enhancing our dining and puzzle-working pleasure. 🙂


  6. The Coastal Crone / Dec 15 2023 4:13 pm

    A practical way to use your dining table! Why not!


  7. shoreacres / Dec 15 2023 7:41 pm

    A train set beats piles of papers, a battery-operated drill, a flagpole waiting to be varnished, and the rest of the detritus that can land on any nice, horizontal surface. I actually like my table now, but it’s a gateleg. It’s great for two, and usable for four, but everyone has to agree to sit just a bit off-center!


  8. Curt Mekemson / Dec 18 2023 12:24 pm

    Our move from our small home in Oregon to a smaller abode in Virginia left our more lavish dining table behind. Our table now includes my Advent calendar (24 cans of beer from Germany via Costco) a small Christmas tree, and miscellaneous other Christmas decorations. it looks quite cozy and happy. Enjoyed your post. –Curt

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Dec 24 2023 5:36 pm

      HA – I know that calendar!
      It does sound just right.
      May your Christmas be merry and bright
      And may your new year be full of wonder and delight!
      Jingle on


  9. leggypeggy / Dec 31 2023 10:20 pm

    A fun post and perfect for the holidays.


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