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October 10, 2023 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Worrisome views

One observation, it appears this year some Unfortunate Children have traveled with chaperones. Probably wise. Who knows how Orange Vegetable Intruders roll – or if they can be trusted around children. Sometimes they look seedy.

People say a picture is worth a thousand words, so snapped a few – along with some secretly record conversations from a recent scouting tour of the neighborhood.

Please forward this preliminary report to the HOAA, CP (Cat Prissy).

Assure them I’ve reviewed the Post-it Eyelashes on the Wall and will constantly be searching diligently for evidence of infiltration or undo influence by the Orange Vegetable Intruders.

Halloween ghouls. One in swing, and one with pumpkin ( image copyrighted, all rights reserved, no permissions granted)

Ready, set….now be reasonable. Stop belligerently hanging around. (© image)

“Now come on child, if you want us to be adopted, you must show outstanding ball handling skills.

These people seem to take great store in children being able to play soccer – swinging is not seen as desirable.

Being that there two of us, it might be an adoption obstacle, unless I can convince them I’m a great coach and you’re a soccer prodigy 

Think! Skip the ropes and give it a kick for our future!” 

Halloween scary twins or children on doorstep (© image copyrighted, no permissions granted, all rights reserved)

Twins or companions from necessity? They certainly are sticking close to each other. No doubt, hopeful they can be adopted together. (© image)

“Are your jaws tired? My jaws are tired.

I’m not sure this is what is expected when the potential adopters say, ‘Cheese!’

They seem wary of approaching us.

Maybe they aren’t taking about chomping snacks.

Do you think we should have waited for an firm acceptance offer before picking out our own Holler-Ring outfits?”

Halloween tree hugging witch.  (© image copyrighted, all rights reserved, no permissions granted)

Certainly wrapped up in the process.(© image)

Another approach to impress potential adopters: being a tree hugger.

Obviously has been advised many in the area love trees.

Definitely shows how well she would fit in with the environmentalists or Green community.”

Halloween witch in yard (© image copyrighted, all rights reserved, no permissions granted

Here I am, Babe, Signed, sealed with “Likes” soon to be delivered! (© image)

Chic shriek! Picture perfect!

Demonstrating potential as a trendy influencer.

Perfect addition to a home with those addicted to social media and those affirming views. 

Halloween towering skeleton in formal wear ( image copyrighted, all rights reserved, no permissions granted)

Done his research ahead of arrival to improve his adoption chances! Ready to be a long tall Texas – who rides a big white horse.( “When people look at him…oh, yeah, oh, yeah!”) Well done, dude.(Love the formal look – works for the Dallas ranch image!) (© image)

Also, apparently heard this is an enthusiastic basketball town.

Wise to show multiple reasons why should be asked to stay.

Versatility never hurts.

Halloween fall scarecrows on either side of front door (© image copyrighted, all rights reserved, no permissions granted)

Such fresh faced charmers! Guaranteed to make this home “Happy Together” forever!(© image)

Finally a traditional pair of Unfortunate Children who appear not to be overly influenced by the Orange Vegetable Invaders:

Smiling, neat and clean, willing to be tireless sentries at the door to screen and welcome guests.

(No doubt they will compete their staging with a big red “X” across that orange token on the door to clearly indicate no rotten Orange Vegetable Intruders allowed!) 

Pawsome report, right, CP?

Hasta later and over and out for now!

Hollywood Hank, the Happy Husky 

Dog's face. Hank the Husky checks in with report of Unfortunate Children sighted ( image copyrights, no permissions granted, all rights reserved)

Watch out Orange Vegetable Intruders. Hank’s on duty! (© image)


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  1. shoreacres / Oct 10 2023 8:14 am

    I’ve yet to see anything associated with Halloween, apart from the candy displays in the stores and the traditional hanging of the jack-o-lanterns on FM2094. Clearly, I don’t get into suburban neighborhoods (or IG/FB) enough. On the other hand — could there be just a touch of competitiveness in all this?

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 12 2023 12:23 pm

      Those bobbing pumpkins in that yard always make me smile ( Hmm, I need an updated picture of them)
      Maybe these hyper-Halloween stage worthy yards (which Hank hasn’t documented yet) are the result of people watching too much Home and Garden/Shopping network/Magnolia TV shows? selling that “pride in home ownership and you must do holiday decorating inside and out all year long”?
      Something tells me it’s not just the little kids grabbing stuff at Home Depot/Amazon.
      Whatever, it gives us a grin. Thanks for the ghoulish remark


  2. Kate Crimmins / Oct 10 2023 8:38 am

    Not much here in the way of orange intruders (except for the two perched on my porch that appeared like magic when there was a sale!). Since the average age of people in my neighborhood is close to 80, I’m not surprised.

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 12 2023 12:40 pm

      I think you are on to something: the home owner’s ages may be reflected by their seasonal decorations. (as well as regional norms?). A lovely fall plant and a pumpkin either means older owners or more elegant, lesser is more thinking?
      One of the biggest displays has been up since the 3rd week of Sept (Hank hasn’t formalized his report on that..mainly because it’s a huge boneyard and he isn’t sure if those are supporters of the Organic Vegetable Intruders). Probably not little kids pushing that one…there are college football flags staked in there, too! (One question we have each year is “where do they store all that stuff the rest of the year!)
      One of our favorite yards a few years ago was one with multiple small children – who obviously went with dad frequently to Home Depot/Lowes and latched on to various holiday year items each time. It started with one character, then another, and another – until finally by the end of the month is it was a wonderful jumble of spooks, ghouls, witches, and cartoon characters – all mixed together with no plan, organization or theme. It was hysterical and wonderful. Kids know how to have fun.
      Glad your HOAA is keeping a lid on overdone holiday decor. Thanks for reporting in here

      Liked by 1 person

      • Kate Crimmins / Oct 12 2023 1:38 pm

        I often wonder if people who do huge holiday displays rent storage units. My attic groans at the thought.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. SusanR / Oct 10 2023 9:08 am

    Similar goings on around here. But that long tall guy is something new. Guess the spooks don’t grow that tall at this altitude.

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 12 2023 12:48 pm

      Apparently tall ghouls and spooks are in: skeletons of all types are showing up. I understand COSTCO and Home Depot both had them early in Sept but sold out – on line and in stores – within hours. There were waiting lists – and the second shipments sold out as fast a Cabbage Patch dolls did that one year (with instructions to bring car around back, give name and show receipt before getting box)
      Hank is very wary ( but not afraid, he wants you to know) of that tall one – it has red flashing eyes, the head is motion activated, and it talks. They left it on overnight and we saw it at dawn one morning…startling! Walking pace picks up a bit by that house.
      No more days of twisted orange and black crepe paper strips and orange construction paper pumpkins in the windows.
      What out for those spooky shadows – might be ghosts or bears this time of year. Thanks for a treat of a comment


  4. pensitivity101 / Oct 10 2023 9:26 am

    Houses are being decorated with webs and spiders. So far, Maya has not shown any interest on our walks. Great post., Good on ya Hank

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 12 2023 12:53 pm

      Last year was all about spider webs draped everywhere with lurking huge spiders – some with red glowing eyes. This year it’s huge skeletons and full size witches. The German refused to walk on the side of the street with any puffy inflatables. Molly was always very interested and wanted to look at everything – Hank just yawns and says “Let’s walk” Guess he figures his wolf heritage is equal to whatever is standing around in the yards? HAHA
      Maya seems to know what is real and what isn’t and why bother with fakes. Stroll on, pups! Thanks for walking these spooky trails


      • pensitivity101 / Oct 12 2023 2:31 pm

        Maya is curious and will sit and watch rather than bark first. She is also very much like Hank in the ‘Let’s walk’ attitude!

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Ally Bean / Oct 10 2023 9:44 am

    Those tree-hugging witches are a big deal around here this year. Don’t know who the influencer is who said they were all the rage, but someone must have convinced people considering how many poor dear witchy-poos are hitting the trees.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 12 2023 12:58 pm

      Maybe it’s the cute striped leggings?
      It’s interesting how few straw scary-no-toes (as Hank calls scarecrow-like Unfortunate Children). Only a few fresh faced ones standing around in one box shoved back int he corner at Home Depot. Lots of plastic skeletons of all shapes and sizes this year there…separated from the huge Christmas decoration display by patio furniture on sale.
      Hope the trees survive all the witch collisions.
      Thanks for flying a comment over here

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Anne Mehrling / Oct 10 2023 12:45 pm

    I adore your Hollow Ring posts.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. The Coastal Crone / Oct 10 2023 4:40 pm

    Not many pumpkins out here. Love the witches with or without a tree. Have you noticed in stores that the monsters are getting taller every year? Maybe it is a Texas thing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 12 2023 1:03 pm

      The first towering spook I spotted was in CO – maybe the wide open spaces of the West encourages things to grow as tall as the trees? Glad to hear you are so far safe from the Orange Vegetable – but beware – don’t let down your guard…they sneak in quietly when no one is looking!
      Thanks for rolling by with a comment


  8. easyweimaraner / Oct 11 2023 3:00 am

    that is great… we sadly celebrate not as big as in the us… but we try our best ;O)

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 12 2023 1:07 pm

      Just organize a howl at the moon session if that’s the best you can do. Audio Halloween creations get extra credit! (Especially by wolf descendants…Hank is sulking as he wants a vampire cape …we’ve told him werewolves don’t wear capes…and the red one goes with a little girl, it’s not Little Red Hooded Wolfie)
      Thanks for pawsing to send a ghoulish comment



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