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September 3, 2021 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Square ambition. Last minute avoidance. That’s life.

Wood chip board kit. (Image screenshot Raandy Lemmon Garden Line)

For the serious hobbyist? (Image screenshot Randy Lemmon Gardenline Twitter)

Necessity is the Mother of Invention.

Best caption?

A. The shortages of building materials and lumber prices skyrocketing, some builders are getting desperate…

B. Unexpected sudden closures of schools have parents scraping the bottom of the barrel for ideas to keep the kids busy and occupied at home. (“Hey, if you get good at it, you can start your own home base business!”)

C. IKEA has taken DYI assembly even further

Building on that, it does pay acquire new skills – even if by unorthodox ways:

Spider web. (Image from R.L.Garden Line twitter)

That ought to stick with you. (Image: R.L.Gardenline Twitter)

Been somewhat of a whacky week here with Molly’s yearly vet visit (We can go in…which is good as she totally panics if separated from her family pack and can get a little snappy…she’ll overlook 2-3 “a little too personal” examining touches, but the 3rd, Well, “That’s enough!”), I’ve been recovering from minor outpatient surgery, we had a nail in a tire, the lawn is as highs an elephant’s eye, and it’s right at 100F outside.

Others are living through worse, so we count ourselves lucky. (We hope for the best for all those suffering right now.)

Also we have a tiny, tiny possum sleeping in our hedge today (Whew – didn’t really feel like getting out in the heat and trimming the hedge anyway). Molly spotted him after suspecting someone was drinking out of her giant outside water bowl. (Usually it’s birds or lizards)…this time there was a trail to track…and sit quietly – without barking – at scent’s end under the branch to observed the newest visitor.

This is a long holiday weekend here.

Hope you have adventures lined up…that do not include making your own plywood…simply a too extreme home remodeling project….Warning: there are no extra points for overly ambitious DIY…been there, done that, HAHA!

Hasta August. Cheers for the arrival of the merry olde month of September. Onward!

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge

Kids playing ball in the street (Screenshot image: Gardenline Twitter)

Awesome with many lessons learned – not always painlessly – but learned naturally and well. (Screenshot image: Gardenline Twitter)



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  1. shoreacres / Sep 3 2021 7:33 am

    Never mind streets and cars. We walked the railroad trestles and yelled, “Train!”

    Liked by 2 people

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Sep 3 2021 11:18 am

      We rode horses bareback, barefooted, in shorts – without helmets….and lived to tell about it. (gotta learn about sticky burrs, brambles, low branches, and how to hang on no matter what somehow!)
      OMG Trains thundering past and shaking the ground terrified me….even on flat land without trestles. But we did love to wait for the train down the hill and get the engineer to pull the whistle and wave.
      Play was serious work.
      Thanks for playing along!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Susan/PiedType / Sep 3 2021 8:52 am

    Love the pics. The first two started my day with the chuckle I always need. Annie says hi to Molly.

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Sep 3 2021 11:19 am

      Never too many laughs around. Paw waves to Annie and hope you have cooler weather and clearer skies this weekend!


  3. 1bl0gr3ad3r / Sep 3 2021 9:46 am

    Awww, a possum! Molly will learn she gets fewer ticks when they are on the job. Although in your area, better to call a rehabber/rescue to do a catch and release where it can have a good (safer) life? Hope your recovery is fast and you’re 100% before RC and Molly notice anything different! (Side by side on horses on the country roads, hearing CAR sent us to the ditches)

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Sep 3 2021 11:25 am

      Little possum has moved on, I guess. But they are so stealth, who knows. Being near wetlands, and a small waterway that functions as an animal corridor between wild life area and remaining open fields, we do get visitors: armadillo, raccoons, owls, and even a coyote trotting down the street once in a while. In this heat it only feels neighborly to have water available for wanderers during the summer. We may not see them, but we do notice little slid under the fence depressions in the mornings. If animals can adapt to get along, sure seems humans would be more able and willing to.
      Thanks for diving into this ditch – hope it’s cooler and with clearer air for you this weekend!


  4. Littlesundog / Sep 3 2021 11:49 am

    We grew up next to the RR tracks so yelling train was even more of an adrenaline rush than yelling car. Heat? As kids we rode our bikes down a gravel road about a half mile to pipe irrigation and played in the cold water for hours. Sometimes we went a mile out to the country to swim in a spring-fed farm pond. Of course every week day we headed to the town pool for two hours – mom insisted. I get it now… she was ready for us kids to scram so she could take a nap maybe or relax a bit.

    I hope you heal quickly, and am glad to see you leave the hedge trimming and lawn mowing for another day. We are looking forward to a cold front moving in tomorrow evening. Not much chance for rain but 86 for a high on Sunday seems too good to be true. Then it’s back to the heat wave. I spend a lot of time filling water bowls and water buckets and tubs around here. It is amazing how many critters come in broad daylight for water. Of course we have the deer visiting every evening about 7:30 to eat apples, crab apples and pears from our fruit trees. Even little Jojo has learned to stand on those hind legs to compete with her mama and aunties for those delicious snacks! It’s all good… life is good.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Kate Crimmins / Sep 3 2021 2:58 pm

    We get deer visitors. This summer there are two doe and three fawn that hang together. I was actually happy to see them today. We had major flooding from Ida and I worried about them a little. Animals are smarter than humans about those kinds of things so I don’t know why I worried! Hope your boo-boo heals fast and have a good holiday weekend! Hugs to Molly. I snap after the third private poking too.


  6. sustainabilitea / Sep 3 2021 9:24 pm

    We rode our bikes all over the neighborhood, played ball in the streets, and were out there without adults all the time. We also went on vacation without seat belts as I’m not sure we even had them. I hasten to add that I use mine every time I’m in a vehicle. We even for many, many years left home without a phone…and lived to tell about it!! We even survived quite without a TV until I was in high school, just read a lot. Life was definitely good.



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