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May 17, 2020 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Stadium seats. Stepping up.

GOOFY and Vada Pinson ready to play baseball in 1972 (USPD., no cr/

That dog may not hunt, but he’s ready to hit some cooties out of the park.(USPD/

Football stadiums are cathedrals – or disaster relief locations – around here. In some ways, all the same.

The game plan has changed yet again.

Jerry Jones has offered the Arlington AT&T Stadium for high school graduation ceremonies.

With the tons of room for social distancing, an open roof and doorways swooshing in breezes as well as people, it’s perfect.

Nice also, since the taxpaying public contributed a hefty amount to get the stadium built. Taxpayers have shelled out all across the country over the last 20 years. Plus the Federal subsidies. (For once people may actually get what they pay for?)

And as one high school girl said, “It’s cool not only because we will get a ceremony after all, but we all go there for games.”

If that helps make up for their crummy senior year, good. (Article and video)

Star studded (self serving?) TV shows, organized car parades, or virtual ceremonies by school districts are at least something, but nothing like gowning up, marching in to fanfare, sitting forever waiting for your name to be called. And the traditional pictures.

Common experiences bind us.

Getting the facilities cleaned up/decontaminated between ceremonies could be tricky: time consuming by hand and costly.

Where there’s will there’s a way.

Woman by window. 1899 Stratton illustration for Anderson's Fairy Tales (USPD. artist life,

“I am sooo tired of ZOOM. Need actual human contact.”(USPD/

There’s new technology designed just for situations like this by EagleHawk, a drone company in Syracuse, NY. 

Originally the company was part of the state’s 2019 Drone Accelerator program and focused on using drones and infrared technology to inspect structures, including roofs for possible leaks. But then everything changed.

Being bunch of engineers and thinkers, they thought, “Why not add disinfectant sprayers on drones instead using of people hazard suited up using spray bottles and hand wipes?”

Off the shelf drones weren’t quite up to the task, but now they are up and flying after working with the FAA and EPA. Their nimble drones have done successful tests indoors (basketball stadiums and arenas) and in large outdoor venues.

People are always a little nervous about sprays. Mosquito sprays are done mainly at night when to avoid contact with people – and still people hate their use.

The disinfectant chemicals EagleHawk is using must stay wet long enough to kill the COVID-19 virus, but dry fast enough to the touch and must not cause any health issues. Their solution is one used effectively against the SARS-CoV-2 virus (approved by the EPA and New York DEC).

Interesting article and video here from local Syracuse News9.

Maybe there is hope of a return to performances and celebrations.

Butterflies. illustration by Charles Perrault for fairy tales, 1922 (, artist life/

You saw it happen with COVID-19 masks. Bet It won’t be long before disinfecting ceremonial drones for weddings, birthdays, funerals, and sporting event will be redesigned with costumes to camouflage and enliven their service.(USPD/

Yes, life’s different. Well, good. All sorts of potential and reinvention possible.

Necessity is the mother of invention.

While some amateur inventors are being creative, not all ideas are equal.

  • The Hug Curtain? Close, but no. (Unless you are trying out spread the cooties to deelope herd immunity mindset.) Video and analysis here.
  • Swim noodles on hats to enforce social distancing – now that’s funny! (Video of German cafe) Laughing boosts the immune system, so yeah! (But the blow-up dolls and mannequins in restaurants are a bit creepy – a little too “The Shining” for me.)

How about if things got patched up? The medical community is getting stuck on some new ideas.

The VitalPatch by Vital Connect, which is about the size of a band aid, can be applied by patients themselves over their heart. The device can detect 22-different types of arrhythmia’s, or irregular heartbeats (including atrial fibrillation), plus all of the other major symptoms of COVID-19, then send the information to doctor or caretaker. No wonder the disposable patch has been fast tracked by the FDA and is currently in use at Methodist Hospital here and in recovering COVID-19 patients in their homes. (News article/ video here)

Life Signal also has a new wireless medical biosensor patch which also remotely monitors patients’ vital signs and relays data to Medical staff in who can quickly see which patients (at hospital or home) need the most/immediate attention for intervention without even risking getting infected by entering a patient’s room. Less chance of cross-contamination between patients, too..The disposable patches, which may be good up to five days, can be applied by patients themselves at home where it is more comfortable, and leaves more hospital beds available. (Read more about their remote monitoring patches here.)

Spry Health is just loopy with their new patient monitor. COVID-19 causes respiratory damage, but also does serious damage to the heart. Often cardiac problems do not show up until the patient is recovering at home. Patients can slip on Spry’s The Loop to keep everyone in the loop. a wrist-worn device that remotely tracks heart rates, pulse oximetry, and breathing of patients already is FDA-cleared. Not just for COVID-19 but for any chronically ill patient.

Others like the company with bluetooth enabled thermometers that uses apps to connect patients and doctors are stepping up in this challenging new world.

Graduating to thoughts flying. Ball’s in each’s field.

March on.

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge

Astronauts playing baseball on Space Station (screenshot.USPD. NASA/

Talk about the ingenuity and determination to make things happen. Astronauts playing baseball on Space Station. Watch that game here. Astronauts also play soccer on board. You have a front row seat! (USPD. NASA/


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  1. beth / May 17 2020 7:47 am

    It will be interesting to see what they do with sports

    Liked by 2 people

  2. disperser / May 17 2020 8:15 am

    Lots of interesting stuff . . . but I’ll pass on the curtain (never was big on hugs, not even when I was small).


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / May 17 2020 5:07 pm

      The hug curtain some reminds me of horror movie stuff. Or those old sticky hot plastic coverings people used to put on couches to keep them clean.
      Not a hugger anyway.
      Thanks for wandering around this crazy game board


  3. Ally Bean / May 17 2020 8:18 am

    I saw the people with the noodles on their hats in the restaurant and immediately thought the photo looked like an outtake from Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland. An idea run amuck for the movie, but now useful in real life? What a wacko world.


  4. Spinster / May 17 2020 11:26 am

    A few common-sense ideas. Who would’ve thunk it?…


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / May 17 2020 4:47 pm

      People have stopped panicking and started thinkin’ how to revamp and get on with life? Fingers crossed.
      So happy you stopped by and are doing well. Take care (but OK to grumble about not even thinking about traveling somewhere….soooo annoying! Darn it.)

      Liked by 1 person

      • Spinster / May 17 2020 4:52 pm

        That (grumbling) post is coming tomorrow…

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Kate Crimmins / May 17 2020 1:21 pm

    I’ve been wondering if someone would come up with a drone that disinfects. Sounds like a winner. I didn’t realize that covid19 did heart damage. Yikes!

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / May 17 2020 4:46 pm

      The cardiac issues are common – dropping people after everyone thinks danger is passed and patient is home. Happened to business associate. So the patient applied monitor patches for 2 weeks seem especially good.
      As people are coming out of their “caves” new ideas are getting rolling – or flying as in the drone cleaning crew. Cool idea…much better than the robocalls dog marching around telling people to get back inside/ put on masks…even if it’s polite – it’s creepy!
      Thanks for patching in a comment

      Liked by 1 person

    • Spinster / May 17 2020 5:44 pm

      Yes, that and, unfortunately, a bunch of other damage. It’s horrible. 2 friends (one of whom is very close to me) are recovering and the recovery is not for the faint hearted.

      Liked by 1 person

      • philosophermouseofthehedge / May 18 2020 7:35 am

        They are not sure why the heart problems develop but suspect the virus which is respiratory and badly infects (and permanently scars the lungs terribly) somehow enables the infection crosses over to neighboring organs like the heart right next door. Wondering if kids are fighting off the virus and having light cases only to go straight to cardiac incidents afterwards.
        It can also attack the brain – we know friend’s wife who had a light case, but is now in hospital with “diminished capacity”/dementia. She was no spring chicken, but managed. They are trying to figure out what to do. Nursing homes are a death sentence.
        This is a really bad sickness. You do not want to get it. Stay safe, avoid crowds, wash hands, good masks if needed, and get outside into the sun to build immune system.
        Want to be able to read the analysis and debriefing reports years down the road.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Kirt D Tisdale / May 19 2020 12:46 pm

    Interesting post and very thought provoking…..we keep learning more and more of this disease…..


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / May 22 2020 4:32 pm

      It looks like we are only beginning to scratch the surface about this odd disease. (Over 100,000 people died in the US during the 1968 flu…)
      The brain damage – similar to that of SARS- is only now being noticed and may have big impact for society down the road. Wife of a friend is now afflicted with this. (summary article…most people glaze over at the actual research study paper HAHA: )
      Please leave the bat houses/colonies way out on there own in the wilds, not in backyards as many environmental foolishly encourage. We need bats, but not next door. Take care and hope you find some cool things for your photo captures!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Kirt D Tisdale / May 23 2020 10:38 am

        Thank you for sharing! I agree with you as we are just scratching the surface…


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