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May 8, 2016 / philosophermouseofthehedge

If remotely interested, sail on.

Lindsey Vonn on board Oracle getting into the sailing frame of mind.. (America's Cup Facebook page/Red Bull staff)

The appropriate frame of mind for racing sailboats. Cover your eyes, Mom. (America’s Cup Facebook/Red Bull)

The candy, the flowers, the cards all a ruse. Must control TV remote.

Oh, yeah, Mother’s Day. Now let’s float out some real entertainment. Water? Yes, please.

With this I might even consider the possibility of “I ♥ NY”: America’s Cup’s Oracle on the Hudson River.

Sunday NBC Sports will broadcast live coverage of the 2015-16 Louis Vuitton America’s Cup World Series, New York (2:00 EST)

With technology, drones, and new ways to view, it won’t be sailing coverage like before – which many viewers stuck on the shore likened to watching grass grow.

Should create quite a splash. There will be t-shirts.

(Without a weekend’s worth of boat bites…anyone who ever raced catamarans understands.)

Willing to share a seat on the couch, but not the TV remote.

What? Of course the remote was fixed for Mother’s Day, not for the races.

Moms always prefer a water view.

Racing to watch

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge.


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  1. shoreacres / May 8 2016 6:48 am

    You want to watch racing? Next week, the International J-70s will be racing on Clear Lake. The event’s being hosted by Lakewood, and I had no idea what a big deal it was. There are sailors coming from Brazil, South Africa, etc. One of my customers is the Committee Boat, so I have to finish up some varnish touchups this next week. Pray for no rain — or at least, no rain other than tomorrow. Tomorrow’s ok, because it’s new computer day, and who knows what that’s going to entail. At least, since I had it built rather than buying off the shelf, I’ll have some support. I’ve not upgraded since I moved from Win98 to Vista, and from AOL dialup to broadband cable. I suspect this may be as significant a change. 🙂


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / May 8 2016 7:28 am

      WOW – you’ve hit the big time: J boats and a new computer. Way to create a real splash. This is when it would be nice to have a little boat you could anchor off one of the marks with shade and a cooler and watch the fun…sad the lighthouse isn’t a big one with spiral steps – we could crawl up and hang off the circular catwalk. (Fingers crossed on the rain – maybe Monday will just get it all)
      One jam packed event week after another: Cinco parade and Kentucky Derby, yesterday, Dragon Races today, and America’s Cup…Greek Festival? (We shall not talk about the shooting at the Micky D’s on HWY 3 west of us. Gads. First that Sonic one and now this…must be a plot to get rid of fast food attendance.)
      Sigh. Windows 98. Gone but not forgotten. Can’t wait to hear about that new baby!(and you’ll be able to stream stuff! What you want when you want)
      Thanks for bobbing in these waters with a comment


      • shoreacres / May 8 2016 7:31 am

        I can stream stuff now with Vista, but the big problem was that my new camera won’t talk to a Vista computer, and none of the processing programs like Adobe will have anything to do with it, either. Plus, I’ve had Word 2002. What can I say? I didn’t need more. Now, I do. With a new Office suite, who knows what foolishness I can get up to. And, with terrebytes of storage, I can start photographing in RAW as well as jpeg. Learning curves abound — which is why I decided to stick with a PC instead of listening to the Mac fan boys and girls who swore that’s what I needed. I know my limits. 🙂


        • philosophermouseofthehedge / May 8 2016 8:08 am

          No computer and now you are limitless! Your new camera just turn up her trendy programs at the older generation – she deserves so much better. (And knew you’d get there sooner or later.)
          I used/use PC for work and Word can do an amazing sort of things, but have to admit after much prodding, Mac won me over. (We’re about the pull the plug on TV – it’s gotten so silly and foolish alternating with rants and politics. Better to choose you entertainment instead of paying someone to choose and serve it to up to you. Molly says she can easily do without DogTV.


  2. easyweimaraner / May 8 2016 6:52 am

    the mama is sadly the sea-sickness on two legs, so we stay with Upstairs Downstairs today… while the dad sends sad looks on the remote in the hand of the mama…. Happy Mothers Day :o)


  3. timkeen40 / May 8 2016 7:36 am

    Husbands everywhere shall turn over the remote on this day.



    • philosophermouseofthehedge / May 8 2016 7:39 am

      Wait! It’s actually written down somewhere. There will be trouble now – Ha Ha. Thanks for tossing a comment onto this dock


  4. Paul / May 8 2016 1:41 pm

    Wow! Talk about high energy. Phew! I don’t follow boating at all and I was amazed by the cats getting up on planes. I’ve never seen that before. The last race I watched was so long ago the boats’ hulls were in the water – old fashioned I am. That is amazing. i was brought up in Halifax and the Navy had experimental labs there. They had this hydroplane warship they built and for the 1970’s it was state if the art and could top 70 mph. They played with it doing test runs in the harbor and beyond – fascinating. The problem then was that the planes were very fragile. One editorial cartoon showed a young boy with a slingshot emblazoned with the hammer and sickle and behind him the warship careening out of control with one broken plane. They mothballed it after a few years. With new stronger materials now, it must be safer. I think actually that the US has some warships that are hydroplanes, if i’m not mistaken.

    Anyway, very cool Phil. Thanks for the post.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / May 8 2016 2:45 pm

      These aren’t F. Scott Fitzgerald’s sailing yachts – a little more hands-on. (And it does help to hit the gym during the week even at lower level competitions. (Must do a post about one of the first time the Hobie Nationals were held on the Gulf Coast (in ancient times…dinos still in the swamps HA HA). We were all shocked that the CA crews left all the wives and girl friends on the shore during races. Women did not crew in races in CA at the time. Bizarre. You think weight was the reason, yet women generally are quicker to move around decks and with the lower center of gravity in the hip area – a woman slung in a harness perpendicular to the hull flying out of the water – basically standing on the side of the hull in the air with arms stretched above their head can maneuver forward and back along the hull and jump in and out of postion – or across the boat to the other side faster than most bulkier men. Gulf Coast crews skunked them many times. Maybe it’s the Annie Oakley attitude HA HA. Anyway this type of sailing gives a lot of exercise…and a few boat bites/bruises. Lindsay’s pose looked so real.
      It must have been really cool growing up in Halifax with the NAvy and harbor there. You’re right, the new materials are bringing big changes to marine vessels as well as planes.
      (Hmm, must follow crumbs over your way….OH! Realized the Whooping Cranes summer in Alberta. Wonder if they bothered to watch the news and are “recalculating, recalculating..” When Ike tore up their wetlands here, a bunch of them rerouted to Louisiana the next winter.) Thanks for tying up a comment here

      Liked by 1 person

      • Paul / May 8 2016 3:22 pm

        Thanks Phil. By the way, I have my weekly Sunday post over at Mark’s and have a guest post publishing Monday or Tuesday at Cordelia’s Mom I’d be honored if you dropped by for a read.


        • philosophermouseofthehedge / May 8 2016 3:55 pm

          Your Mother’s Day theater trip being tripped up by suspicious police women was hilarious – Thanks for the heads-up with cordeliasmomstill post. Last week that blog reappeared in my email notifications again, so fingers crossed WP has fixed some glitches. Hasta Later (and darn I missed the Dragon Boat races today downtown – so many watery possibilities!)

          Liked by 1 person

  5. Sarah Ferguson and Choppy / May 8 2016 4:30 pm

    Drone coverage – right up until something jumps out of the water and eats it up (note: in my mind, this is a shark. Because they obviously eat drones. And jump into the sky).

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / May 9 2016 10:48 am

      HaHa! That sounds like a cartoon strip.
      Better than drone are the GoPro cameras on the crew. The problem with sailboat races is the wide spread of the courses and the long distance views. ALl these tiny cameras are a big game changer….of course up until now no one had to watch what they said.
      But maybe a rogue whale or Great White on the course would add a level of difficulty – and add thrill on the screen? Sea World isn’t loaning out their animals any more and PETA would object…
      Thanks for splashing along

      Liked by 1 person

      • Sarah Ferguson and Choppy / May 10 2016 8:48 am

        I would love to see a rogue whale on the route – throw a little wrench into the plans of the crews!


        • philosophermouseofthehedge / May 10 2016 9:45 am

          Sharknado! Or lost cargo container! Obstacle course for an added measure of fun (and boat bites for the crew). Wonder if the committee judges would add or subtract points for contact? Sinking would definitely not score. How about one of those giant inflatable yellow floating ducks? They could put a tag on it for a crew member to try and grab as they flew by for bonus time points?

          Liked by 1 person

          • Sarah Ferguson and Choppy / May 10 2016 10:19 pm

            I am all about the Sharknado! And definitely some system of points for avoiding/contacting/catching obstacles. Double points for actually committing piracy and taking over the boat of another competitor.


          • philosophermouseofthehedge / May 11 2016 9:28 am

            But they definitely won’t award points for hitting, damaging, and taking out the competition – “Hey, shut it. We had starboard and you chose to play chicken. Hope those life jackets work and might want to swim off the race course ASAP ’cause there’s more coming.” (Take no prisoners! It’s not really that cut throat…so they want you to believe…)


  6. marthaschaefer / May 8 2016 5:06 pm

    Though I’m not a fan of sail boats, or anything bigger than a kayak, I am impressed with the big boys who turn out for the Cup. Great weekend for sports with the running of the Derby. Hope you can sail through all that Mother’s Day has to offer. The Greek Festival would be high on my list for delectable delights!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / May 9 2016 10:51 am

      It was quite a weekend (in addition there were Dragon Boat races…oh, and Beyonce concert) Always love to watch the ponies run (Whew, glad a couple were able to stop, drop, and roll and keep on running).
      Wish there was delivery for some of those homemade grapevine leaves. Thanks for enjoying the feasting here.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. roughwighting / May 9 2016 5:09 am

    Now, that’s a fun photo! Makes me seasick just looking at it though. I was living in SF bay area when the big America’s Cup raced on, and I had fun watching from the sidelines. The ‘new’ racing yachts were more like racing alien computers to me. But what do I know?


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / May 9 2016 10:53 am

      So much of a frenzy of activity, you can’t get seasick or you’ll fall off. The boats do get more and more strange it seems. Wish I’d made it to the SF Bay races. What a party. Thanks for paddling in with a comment

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Cynthia Reyes / May 10 2016 4:36 am

    Love your headline….. still smiling.


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