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March 1, 2016 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Rodeo hides. Raw meat. Greets.

yellow flower growing through hole in the fence. NO permissions granted. Copyrighted. All rights reserved.

Pushing up daisies or a tricky hole in one?©

Hee-haw. It’s time to get down and dirty. Tear em’ up, pardners.

Ready to girth up? It’s rodeo time. Meat, you there. (You do have your doc on speed dial, right?)

Out of the first chute are new offerings in gourmet carnival feedbags:

  • Forget those soggy collapsing cardboard trays of nachos. This year tote Halloween loot-sized plastic buckets of nacho chips! Layers and layers of gooey unidentified yellow goop cheese sauce, chips, and jalapeños. (A Bucket List item for real.)
  • Twisted heat from Candy Apples dipped in Tajin, a powdered seasoning made with lime juice, hot chile peppers, and salt. (What was that about an apple a day calls the doc?)
  • Chomp a Koolicle: sour and sweet pickles spa-soaked in fruit punch Kool-Aid for 3 days.  Or stick with the deep fried pickle spears.
  • Deep fried unsalted butter with choice of dipping sauces.
  • A Deep Fried Snickers Sunday smothered with warm caramel and peanuts, topped vanilla ice cream with mountains of whipped cream and a cherry. (Easy to wear this body experience inside and out.)
  • Last year it was all bacon, bacon, bacon. This year bacon popcorn is being joined by a fiery clear-your-sinuses-out spicy version. (Have the beer chilled and ready at hand!)
  • Wanna a better view? Ch 26 Carnival Food Video or another serving at Midway Gourmet with Cleverley.

Hit the rode, cowboys and cowgirls. 

There’s nothing like deep fried foods on a hot day, with elbow to elbow crowds, and a fist full of tickets for carnival rides!

Gagging Gasping for mercy? Try Katherine’s Chuckwagon Creamed corn or Jalapeño Margarita recipes.

Small yellow flower peeking through fence. ALL rights reserved. Copyrighted. NO permissions granted.

Slipping through the cracks.©

Talk about gagging, then there’s People as meat.

Yep, ripped open human flesh looks just like stuff in the butcher’s case. (Oh, please can’t disengage for a minute to objectively, scientifically notice the animal within?)

Chunks gouged and open wounds does brings to mind certain gruesome movies. Not really what you want for real life neighborhood fare.

The phone call belongs in horror movies: One beginning with “I thought I was going to die.”

A small update concerning the vicious pit bull(s) attack on Molly and Staff,Too last week. Both are healing. While there are Frankenstiches to tend on Staff,Too, Molly smugly says, “A plush coat hides so much.” (A girl is always concerned about her appearance.)

Molly isn’t holding any grudges against other canines or nervous about being out of the house. Holding her same cheerful attitude, Molly is willing to deal with life as it comes, no less.

Spring bouquet of flowers. ALL rights reserved. Copyrighted. NO permissions gratned

No, that’s not a dirge you hear playing. Pretty flowers! Just pretty flowers! For celebration.©

No less has a place.

It has been no less – and a few daze more – than 5 years for this blog.

A handful of years and hands down the best readers in existence.

A big Thank You to every single reader and follower who stumbled and mumbled this way.

Can’t express for grateful I am for all the comments, kindness, challenges, and camaraderie I’ve found here.

RC Cat insists more celebration is in order…something about catnip mousies for all. Perhaps at a future date.

RC Cat thinking deep thoughts. ALL rights reserved. NO permissions granted. Copyrighted

RC Cat thinking deep thoughts of catnip mousies in swag bags…or not.©

Meanwhile, cheers to fellow bloggers! Onward through the fog and blogs!

Chew r great.

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge.

Smiling dog. ALL rights reserved. Copyright, NO permissions granted

It’s great! They didn’t even care I ate yet another harness. And yogurt. I get yogurt without whining. Although the cheese lumps taste a bit odd…but cheese!©



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  1. easyweimaraner / Mar 1 2016 7:06 am

    yep vet is on speed-dial here.. such attacks are horrible, Easy still has the scars on his butt and his dad can furget to become a leg-model once after a devildog ate parts of his calf :o((( I’m glad Molly still loves the canine world… hope from now on the world smiles back to us when we wander along…

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Mar 1 2016 8:39 am

      Just like with humans, some dogs are led down a bad path by people they trust and look up to. Certainly no hand and arm modeling jobs coming this way. We are so sorry you and your dad ran into a problem dog.
      Molly can identify with the punctured butt – at least she didn’t get her leg snapped in half in one bite like the last dog (also on a walk to the park). The German (called a “BIG girl” by her vet) was happy to provide a bit of muscled reassurance at her house for a couple of days. Ella was pleased to puppy bowl and beg for play (and the German was happy to relinquish dog nanny duties to Molly) Today Molly’s moving much less stiffly… and we are off for a nice nature walk somewhere shortly. Nothing better than sun and squirrels in trees! Thanks for the bark, Easy


      • easyweimaraner / Mar 1 2016 8:48 am

        I agree… I sometimes wish we could put some humans on a chain :o( And I’m still speechless that this owner had just a “merde!” for me as I brought her dog back while the two “dragon slayers” decorated the street with their blood….


        • philosophermouseofthehedge / Mar 1 2016 9:33 am

          A few years ago, I hauled up one tiny snapper pooch and took it to their house – the woman didn’t even bothering getting off her cell phone- grabbed the dog and shut the door. No wonder dogs get into trouble. Big dogs usually try to keep the peace – and we try to keep them in one piece. Paw salute to pups!


  2. Ally Bean / Mar 1 2016 7:30 am

    1) I’m pleased to know that everyone is on the mend. I didn’t think that I could love Molly more, but her attitude is inspiring.

    2) “Deep fried unsalted butter with choice of dipping sauces.” The end of the world is nigh. YUCK.

    3) Congrats on a keeping a blog this wonderful for so long. You rock the topics like no one else. Thanks.

    Liked by 2 people

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Mar 1 2016 8:51 am

      The sun is warm and squirrels are on the fence, so it looks like the start of a good day with everyone feeling improved. Molly is an amazing dog – easy going, but if push she’s able to stand up for herself. (And she has this dense coat – finding the puncture wounds takes some work)
      All that carnival food on a hot sunny day makes me queasy just thinking about it. Luckily the rodeo is so large and the audience so diverse there’s real actual restaurants with sit down tents with just about any kind of food you’d like – veggies, salads, and specialties for ethnic groups with dietary restriction. A long way from the original offerings of corn dogs, fries, and a coke.
      It’s a wacky world here (but the real world is and nobody notices?) Thanks so much for being a long term reader and commenter. Both take time and I am appreciate your efforts. Cheers and blog on!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Paul / Mar 1 2016 7:35 am

    Oh my, I’m glad that all are healing well. I can’t believe some of the fried monstrosities that are being offered as food – egads. And happy Blogversary!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Mar 1 2016 8:53 am

      Wait – that’s food? Thought it was some sort of survival game or obstacle course.
      So glad you dropped by – please drop blog crumbs so I can find your posts as things are changing.
      Thanks for riding along.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Paul / Mar 1 2016 9:15 am

        I actually have two posts outstanding but I’m not sure when they will be posted.


  4. sportsattitudes / Mar 1 2016 7:45 am

    (RC Cat high on catnip is blog worthy in itself…with pictures) Glad all are healing and doing well after the “incident.” It’s been a joy and a pleasure to stumble and mumble across these pages over the last few years!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Mar 1 2016 9:18 am

      Always enjoy when you stop by to play along.You serve up the nicest comments.(and RC is quite please with your adoration. Appropriate, she says with a grand sweep of a paw wave) Thanks for traveling these paths!

      Liked by 1 person

      • sportsattitudes / Mar 3 2016 11:21 am

        The feeling is more than mutual on comments left behind. You’ve supported me whether I’ve been blogging regularly or been away for long periods of time. I always look forward to your comment “servings” as well! (Waving back to RC!)


        • philosophermouseofthehedge / Mar 3 2016 11:41 am

          Arian Foster released this morning. Ball is up in the air now. (will play catch up over at your field shortly!) Thanks for touching down here

          Liked by 1 person

  5. Kate Crimmins / Mar 1 2016 9:14 am

    Hmmm….you are sneaking meds in cheese? Wouldn’t work for our cats here. They don’t do yogurt either. Not even the Boston cream flavor the vet said was irresistible. Glad everyone is one the mend and so sorry about the loss of modeling jobs. Hugs all around. Now I have to go and unclog my arteries. I didn’t know you could clog them by reading blog posts and congrats on 5+ years.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Mar 1 2016 9:29 am

      You see, that’s the difference with dogs: the gulping. You can slice cheese within nose reach – until drools occur – then feed a couple of “normal” pieces quickly followed by a “loaded” one rapidly followed by a couple of “normal” ones. Hey, they say “give with food” on the bottle. So far so swallowed. (I don’t do the jamming down throat and risking bodily injury with cats.Staff,Too’s job when necessary).Molly’s now turning up her nose at Moosa honey vanilla and the coconut…now if the German was here who slurps yogurt totally delighted, the peer pressure would work. I refuse to donate my Key Lime yogurt to the cause.
      The carnival food pictures aren’t too bad, but that fried smell wafting on a hot day – I’ll pass.
      Thanks for showing up so often and taking time to chats. Always cheered to see you stop by

      Liked by 1 person

      • Kate Crimmins / Mar 1 2016 1:22 pm

        yeah, that drool thing doesn’t work with cats. Not even my foody cat.


  6. Larissa Thomson / Mar 1 2016 10:07 am

    Congratulations on five years, Phil! Your posts are always so interesting to read. I just love your unique writing style!

    And I’m glad to hear everyone is healing well! What a scary experience!

    Hmmmm, pickles soaked in Kool-Aid?! Wow. Talk about sweet n sour!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Mar 1 2016 5:22 pm

      Sweet and sour is perfect description for those pickles. (Bet they stain just as bad as the red Kool-Aid does…(memo to self: wear stain absorbing red shirt.) Appreciate your kind words. Thanks for riding in with a comment

      Liked by 1 person

  7. pegoleg / Mar 1 2016 12:43 pm

    So glad that Molly and staff are healing – how scary! Happy Blogaversary!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Mar 1 2016 5:31 pm

      Not the way anyone wants to spend their time (and double darn – we missed early voting so there were lines to wait in today). All those scouting first aid and bandaging drills are finally paying off.
      Appreciate all your visits and quips. Thanks for rounding up a comment


  8. PiedType / Mar 1 2016 4:42 pm

    Thought for a minute there that the Texas State Fair folks had gotten seriously confused …

    Here’s to fast recoveries all around, and the most unique blog it’s been my pleasure to visit.
    Cheers 🍸


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Mar 1 2016 6:39 pm

      It’s a great debate whether the State Fair food is the warm-up for the rodeo food or the opposite. Cooler weather and fall seems more appropriate for carnival food…hot, humid weather and all those fried smells makes me queasy just thinking about them. One of the newest treats is deep fried chocolate dipped cinnamon bun. Overload!
      Appreciate the kind words. Always enjoy traveling your way, too. Thanks for rounding up a comment


  9. Jane Dougherty / Mar 2 2016 2:04 am

    You’d be amazed how much your post read like a foreign language (the rodeo part). Texas sounds like something off a Hollywood film set. Get well soon Molly, and where are the catnip mice? I hope you didn’t forget to dish them out.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Mar 2 2016 8:20 am

      We do enjoy poking a bit of fun at ourselves here. Especially for the tourists. Rodeo is an international party for livestock and horse breeders/owners/ranchers with the events such as bronco riding, roping, and chuckwagon races happening in the NFL stadium. Also a chance for all the schools to bus kids in to milk cows, see baby animals, and celebrate western history/life before everyone goes back to normal.
      Texas with a range of environments from mountains to coastal prairies, to deserts, to forests, to the high planes to mesas and canyons – and the changeable weather, along with the reality that there’s always been a great deal of diversity of people from the very beginning. Where I am located was heavy settled by Italian and German immigrants along with a couple of long long ago Japanese families.
      Texas pretty much is a whole different country – probably nothing like you imagine, but most are pleasantly surprised. (We try to keep it a secret, but people keep coming and staying HA HA) Thanks for roping a comment to add to the herd.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. memoirsofahusk / Mar 2 2016 7:26 am

    Food? That’s FOOD? Bleah. B L E A H. Gotta love Texas’ sense of style though! (Still not been to a rodeo, just an empty rodeo arena – twice in 30 years of visiting).


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Mar 2 2016 8:34 am

      Oh, this stuff is mostly for PR for the vendors and a huge contest they have each year for the most outlandish food offerings. Each year it’s hard to imagine what they will come up with next. They do the same thing at the State Fair grounds in the fall. Sometimes there are contests for the cast iron stomachs to eat one of the year’s special “treats” – they have a punch card for people to use how many they managed to shove down. A rodeo party challenge stunt mainly for the strong or young, I think. Actually, there are many fine food restaurants set up in tents for real food – beside shrimp, BBQ, and fajitas, there’s salads and veggie dishes. Not sure how people stay on their feet after all that deep fried stuff in the heat and in the crowds.
      The Houston Rodeo pushes the definition of “rodeo” to me. It’s become more of a big party with music concerts with a few horses and cows on the side. But the goal is to raise scholarship money for kids – and they do raise a ton of it. Real rodeo is more often found on Friday nights in smaller arenas…you can still get dirt flung on the audience during events.
      Everybody should experience a real rodeo and beerhall polka/Tejano style dancing once in their lives. Party on! Thanks for boot scooting over with a comment

      Liked by 1 person

  11. heretherebespiders / Mar 2 2016 1:07 pm

    I’d try most of it! Then go on a super-spinny ride so I could…get rid of it! Euuuccchhh!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Mar 2 2016 4:59 pm

      Now there’s a plan. Enjoy the dining experience, but don’t live with it for long. Clever! Thanks for galloping that one over this way


  12. heretherebespiders / Mar 2 2016 1:12 pm

    And I had no idea about the dog attack – just read the post. So sorry. For all. Good to hear recovery is in progress. Furry hugs to all.

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Mar 2 2016 5:03 pm

      Molly’s a little stiff, but ready to get out – just back from a short visit to Pine Gully Trail. Paw waves from a grateful pup!

      Liked by 1 person

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