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July 3, 2014 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Mom said worth the wait.

No matter where you’re docked

May there be smooth sailing during travel

And safe harbor once arrived.

no permissions given. all rights reserved. Copyright

Cornered? Or reserving a seat? ©

July 4th.

More than just a day for shopping or grillin’.

It wasn’t easy. There was great loss and cost.

Real hardships.

More difficult than this century’s weak cell phone signals, finding parking spot at the mall, high food prices, and beach holidays rained out. 

The flag, then, more than just a decorative accent.

Stripes the color of the blood spilled by those of conviction, those of will,

Those willing to sacrifice for the ones that would follow.

Born: a country of laws.

It only works when all agree to follow the laws.

Then all are free to speak, negotiate in good faith, compromise, agree to disagree (but still be friends who respect one another), and mind their own business (without others telling them how).

Free to build both bridges and fences so society continues in running order.

Born: freedom for each to embrace their own history and heritage  – or to discard it. Reinvent themselves if so wished.

Born: a country that gives to those in need and rushes in to help when disaster strikes.

Born: a country always working to build a more perfect place.

Fireworks July 4th. Sparks of conviction, will, and great sacrifice.

Celebration of struggle.

Beacon to others offering possibilities.

It wasn’t easy. There was great loss and cost.

Nothing worth having is easy.

So stop complaining about the traffic and keep to the road. The only way to get there.

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge.

no permission granted. all rights reserved. Copyrighted

Takes courage to plunge into unknown waters ©
















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  1. Fearless Leader / Jul 3 2014 2:42 pm

    What a GREAT post!

    God bless America!


  2. Spinster / Jul 3 2014 2:47 pm

    Thanks for reminding us about the day’s real intent. Enjoy your 4th (and day off).


  3. bulldog / Jul 3 2014 2:55 pm

    Happy 4th tomorrow… good for America … may your celebrations all be good…


  4. easyweimaraner / Jul 3 2014 3:00 pm

    A great post to honor a great day! Have a sgood 4th of july.


  5. Carrie Rubin / Jul 3 2014 4:52 pm

    Have a wonderful Fourth of July! Nice post to showcase the holiday. 🙂


  6. Meredith / Jul 3 2014 5:09 pm



  7. Paul / Jul 3 2014 5:17 pm

    National spirit helps to overcome some of the negatives. Happy Independence Day! Enjoy!


  8. katecrimmins / Jul 3 2014 6:47 pm

    Here, here! A hot dog and beer will be consumed in honor of those who fought for our freedom!


  9. EllaDee / Jul 4 2014 5:40 am

    Your conveyed the true spirit of it. Happy Fourth of July 🙂


  10. gingerfightback / Jul 4 2014 2:34 pm

    Well said! Have a good one


  11. shoreacres / Jul 4 2014 7:43 pm

    A fine post. Subtle, but not too, and to the point, by not two-by-four-ish. Have a great day!


  12. jannatwrites / Jul 5 2014 5:59 pm

    Great post. Good to remember why we celebrate. Hope you had a relaxing 4th!


  13. jmmcdowell / Jul 10 2014 1:48 am

    Holidays should be for remembering why they exist! Somehow I doubt the Founding Fathers would have viewed shopping as the best way to celebrate the sacrifices made to bring forth a new nation….


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jul 10 2014 3:43 pm

      The slide started I think when holidays were combined (Presidents’ Day) and then holidays moved around to make it more convenient. It says celebrate the “Day” meaning on that specific day…or it all starts to lose meaning. A real danger. So hope the humidity is lower there while you get things sorted out. (pictures! Easy posts! clammering trying to relocate you in my brain) Get some rest. Lemonade with lots of ice – is there a porch or deck for spring and fall …although those would be a writing distraction for sure)
      Thanks for pausing with a thought


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