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July 1, 2014 / philosophermouseofthehedge

On the way. Systems go.

Now where do you suppose is this one going?

Air beneath the wings and all that.


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Earth to flyer, you are cleared to soar.©

Wise to select the best qualified for the job.

Possibly one of the trained turtle monitors hired by Galveston to cautiously move in front of the seaweed scooping/beach cleaning equipment looking for turtles .

This is the time of year endangered turtles are trying to get to the sand dunes to lay eggs.

Some of the Green sea turtles and Kemp’s Ridley sea turtles hitched rides on the seaweed floats.

Now on the beach, turtles are having trouble getting free.

Iffy situation: in some places seaweed piles are almost shoulder-high on a small child.

If the turtles decide hide a nest in the seaweed piles, the eggs can easily be crushed.

If it’s too difficult to get to the sandy dunes, the turtle give up and dump their eggs in the surf.

So they’ve hired turtle escorts to assist. Volunteers, too.

This skilled flyer probably works cheap: free to swoop down and snatch any little crabs, shrimp, or tidbits tangled in the mess.

Now drones might be able to do the same thing – without lunch breaks.

But bound to be people yelling “Quit taking pictures of my girl friend’s bikini!” (Is it odd how some people think they are so wonderful that everyone wants to look at them?)

Some may think the drones are government snoopers. (Are those drone operators so bored they need some pretty girls to look at? Or some people to ridicule? Nah, that never happens. Snort.)

Then there’s always the worriers: “Inmigración! Niños”. (Like anyone cares anymore.)

Some Veterans might be annoyed with drones though. All that money on those spent while they sit waiting. (But sun and beach are healing and fight depression, so good job!)

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It’s a plain plane. It’s the neighbor’s drone. Nah, It’s a grateful seagull. ©

Who knows what the flighty one is after. Different perspective up high.

Maybe a handout from the dock dwellers. (Gotta get stuff while you can. When it’s gone it’s gone. No problemo. Simply fly off to next promising spot.)

Or attempting to stay away from the maddening holiday crowd.

Everything considered, the seagulls perhaps are pitching in to show their appreciation.

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission and the John McGovern Foundation have awarded funds for developing the 640 acre East End Lagoon Nature Park and Preserve.

Big Reef Nature Park, a barrier island park, has coastal wetlands, prairie, and beach habitats. Quiet. Peaceful. Beautiful. Now safe.

Trails, an observation deck, benches, nature signs, and parking will keep humans in their place.

Birds. Flighty, you know, but they sure can soar.

Happy they are being given a chance.

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge.

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Up. Up and away! With a little help from friends.©




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  1. Ally Bean / Jul 1 2014 5:05 pm

    Turtles & seagulls go hand-in-hand [flipper-and-wing?] with a nature preserve near the ocean. And it looks like both are getting a bit of help. How happy is that?


  2. Paul / Jul 1 2014 5:10 pm

    Love your post Phil. I grew up in Halifax, a port city in Eastern Canada. I used to watch the seagulls with fascination. There are some ferries in the area and the seagulls would fly alongside the ferries just a few feet off the ferry rail – steady in the wind – and mooch french fries or sandwich bits or whatever you wanted to contribute. They can manoever so fast that they can catch anything in midair that you care to toss them. Amazing. As scavengers, they play an important part in the food chain and their avionics are unbelievable. But, also as scavangers, on the ground in restaurant parking lots or picnic areas, they are very brazen and annoying. Turn you head for a minute and your hotdog is gone. And they’ll get right up in your face with dozens of their friends. It can feel scary. I won’t eat outside if there are seagulls around. Ha!

    Thanks for the post Phil – it brought back memories.


  3. katecrimmins / Jul 1 2014 7:06 pm

    Glad that they are trying to save the turtles. Life is hard enough for them.


  4. EllaDee / Jul 1 2014 8:41 pm

    Urban seagulls are annoying but they are a product of their environment like so many other urban abominations… and they need tombs congratulated for their success in adapting but for the flippered ones, the process is not so easy, and we need to, in so many areas, assist those who need a little help. A job creation scheme in the making 🙂


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jul 2 2014 2:47 pm

      We are so close to the gulf here,these guys commute, I think. They seem to love some of the ‘lakes”/flood retention ponds near a big mall….they’d like their fountain shower turned back on as soon as the road construction is finished, though. People in this area have been turtle advocates for many years. Even with fed. cutbacks, the projects and help for them goes on. People like the turtles. School kids like the turtles. Who couldn’t like a turtle? (and we don’t mean for lunch).
      Molly would go check on them, but she’s very occupied watching/annoying frogs and june bugs currently. Thanks for herding a comment over


  5. reneejohnsonwrites / Jul 1 2014 11:20 pm

    The OBX has a great preservation policy for the turtles and often closes sections of beach when protecting their eggs. Life can be difficult for the wee ones.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jul 2 2014 2:53 pm

      In some areas beaches are closed at time – not the public beaches in Galveston – but areas up and down the coast where the turtles always seem to return each year. One problem is that hurricanes redirect turtle some years – and the babies imprint on where they hatch. Rescue groups like to collect the eggs before that happens, so they can redirect them back to where it’s safe. Quite a mission. There are warning signs and schools do teach kids to watch and help. It all makes a difference. Thanks for floating over with a comment


  6. Kourtney Heintz / Jul 2 2014 12:34 am

    Here’s hoping the turtles make it to the sand dunes. 🙂


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jul 2 2014 2:57 pm

      There’s a big turtle research place on Galveston and one around Padre Island/Corpus Christi area. People are watching for them at the beaches. One whopping big year for seaweed. But it’s natural and hope they utilize it as nature intended to build dunes. Beaches aren’t just for people. Can’t wait for the new hiking trails on the preserve. Thanks for splashing a comment this way! (Hope you have a happy 4th of July!)


  7. PiedType / Jul 2 2014 5:41 pm

    Interesting about the turtles and the seaweed. As if they didn’t have enough obstacles to overcome. (How come the nature films always show them scurrying across pristine uncluttered sands?)


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jul 2 2014 6:40 pm

      That’s probably south Texas coast where it is really pristine – here we’re tan sands and muddy water – and normally hardly any seaweed. This seaweed rafting happens once in a while. Guess it wanted to see the new pleasure pier and rides? It is weird – plan to get down there to see how it’s going…but not during the holiday crowds. Thanks for splashing over a comment.


  8. jmmcdowell / Jul 2 2014 11:41 pm

    Life’s not easy for those turtles, so hopefully some helping hands will ease their journey!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jul 3 2014 3:38 pm

      Even good swimmers need a raft assist once in a while. (Hope you only need umbrella and not a raft on July 4th!) Thanks for scrambling by


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