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June 9, 2014 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Bob. Thirteen. Sure, fire slogan.

All rights reserved. no permissions granted. Copyrighted

Silence. Invaluable

In negotiations, mysterious women, crime prevention.

Good to keep ’em guessin’.


Shot in Texas.

(Gun comparison appropriate.)

Houston Police Chief: “Investigate every crime? Never was, never will be goal.” (June 5, 2014)

Astute to blurt?

Guess no longer.

Crimes with workable leads (2013) not investigated: 20,000.

Most burglaries and thefts (despite clear pictures/identification of criminals, ID dropped by crooks, iPhone tracking, or stolen stuff in possession)

Included: 3,000 assaults. Nearly 3,000 hit and runs.(Even with vehicle make, model, and license.)

Thieves and petty criminals, come on down!

Welcome mat out.

Opportunities, limitless.

Dovetails into Houston’s new slogan: “Houston. The city with no limits”

Next slogan? “Houston: a little too welcoming.”

Silence is golden. Apparently.

New Easy Pawn shops on every corner.

Cowboys, a welcoming bunch.

Odd. Cows missing, too.

Caution: cattle rustlers still dealt with harshly.

City slickers slackin’. (They ain’t ridin’ mustangs any more.)

Houston Police: all hat and no cattle.

Quiet secret, no more.



More Bob? Twelve here.

(Who is Bob, you ask? Simple)

no permissions given. All rights reserved. Copyrighted

True blue. Bob ©








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  1. robstroud / Jun 9 2014 9:20 pm

    This is really sickening. I’ve never had the misfortune of being robbed… but knowing that they could easily solve the crime with existing evidence and they chose not to pursue it would be revolting. I understand police being overtaxed; prosecutors make the decisions about what they will pursue in court, and police have to shuffle their limited resources. It’s reasonable that with some “property crimes” with extremely low rates of success (e.g. theft when home left unlocked or something in the yard taken) might be on the bottom of the list… but when the criminal is almost certain to be discovered, it’s inexcusable.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 9 2014 9:47 pm

      Bob: Attitude and priorities of top command. Powerplay with city council in progress. Humourous new slogan,though. Bye Bob


  2. Ally Bean / Jun 9 2014 11:22 pm

    Wow. Quite the statement. Wonder if his house is robbed or his car is stolen how low of a priority it’ll be to solve the case. Just saying…


  3. marthaschaefer / Jun 10 2014 1:32 am

    Sadly, Houston was where I lost my brother in a 1985 murder. I have been back only once for the trial, she got off pretty much scott-free (who ever “scot” is) and the prosecutor was so disgusted she left her post shortly thereafter. Sorry to hear it hasn’t changed in all these years… I assume the honorable Judge Holmes is no longer?


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 10 2014 1:25 pm

      Bob:(Bowing out of respect). Young moved-to-the-big-city relative also murdered (downtown garage.Early ’70’s). Little interest from police. Not rich enough to offer bigger reward. Holmes ranching after 21 yrs. Leadership ignoring victims.Bye”(with nod)


  4. jannatwrites / Jun 10 2014 4:53 am

    Wow, I can’t believe the Chief would say that out loud. Not a good message to put out there….


  5. gingerfightback / Jun 10 2014 6:31 am

    Inspires confidence


  6. easyweimaraner / Jun 10 2014 2:34 pm

    It’s sad to read… I’m glad to live in an area where the police can close their office at 5pm.


  7. Spinster / Jun 10 2014 5:34 pm

    Not surprised. Rape, another disgusting crime, is under-reported across the country (and probably across the world), and all or most major cities have huge backlogs of untested rape kits because of course, they’re not that important to police. (Check out the Detroit Crime Commission to see the enormity of their city’s backlog; I donated last year and will likely do so again this year.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 10 2014 7:31 pm

      Bob:”Massive effort here to clear that backlog. Funny, Chicago found an odd way to “report” their rape cases which makes it difficult to compare – so that city is left out.(in same data study that says EL Paso is the “safest city”. Right. Completely misleading). And DC won’t talk about their subways and rapes. Serious breakdown occurring. Bye.”


      • Spinster / Jun 10 2014 7:52 pm

        Indeed. Beam me up, Scotty. 😐


  8. Paul / Jun 10 2014 5:45 pm

    This would explain the new movement for “Open carry” in Texas. The cops are refusing to stop or solve crimes (closely related since many crimes are committed by repeat offenders – leave ’em out there and they just keep goin’ like the Energizer Bunny). Would this be a result of lower taxes from the rich and therefore inability to properly fund a good police force? If so, it becomes apparent that it is cheaper to protect the accumuated assets of the rich than it is to remove the criminals from circulation. Which kinda leaves us non-rich in a bit of a quandry. Oh Bob where will this end – I have a bad feeling.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 10 2014 6:58 pm

      Bob: “The ones you speak of are NOT taken seriously here and are very few in number. There always those misfits looking for attention.(and the media will foam at the mouth and say to the nuts at the other extreme “Look, they are ALL like this.” Wrong.) Open gun carry is inappropriate for many reasons. If these people wish to make the world safer how about handing out brochures: “1.Guns are for killing. Don’t take a gun out unless very last resort. 2. Guns are for killing. Dead is dead. If you take a gun out, be prepared to use it realizing that life for you and all involved and their families will be forever change. There are consequences. So be sure 3. Always assume the gun is loaded, 4.NEVER point a gun at a person (except to fire it in self defense), 5.Guns are NOT fashion or ego accessories.” This is what most of us here were taught as children – and all adults need to start saying it again loudly and frequently along with “Violence is not an acceptable solution for your problems.” If those people want to do something constructive, do some educational events…not parades.
      Conceal Carry permits accomplish what is needed.
      It’s not the money or rich vs poor. (Property taxes here. What you own, gets taxed.)
      It’s the leadership, their agendas, and political posturing. So many other cities are seeing the same thing – many alter/change the way crimes are reported. Most are smart enough not to tip off the crooks about how bad things are…but then again, it’s all about power struggles. Sigh indeed.Bye”


  9. Sun / Jun 13 2014 4:48 am

    it’s true: crime pays. 🙂 and pays well in some states. right on, Bob. shhh . . . you didn’t hear anything.



  1. Bob. Fourteen. Purple, food. Bare, nothin’ | Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge

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