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September 21, 2013 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Be the pig.

Sometimes it’s necessary.

Snort if you will.

Bloggy Atophy Award (Created by the one and only Ally Bean of the

Blog Atophy Award (Created by Ally Bean,The Spectacled

Wise to embrace the piggy.

Wallow in that pen of wisdom.

Don’t weight until fried up.

The trough has to be slopped sometime.

Just prudent to know when to step in.

Sometimes you need to be piggy with your time.

So Philosopher Mouse will be unplugged a few daze. Hoofing over to check on people. Roads reopening, power back, but internet may be sparse.

Hope to catch up on some blog reading. (I haven’t forgotten you. Email notification seems to be working again)

Monday’s post will be delayed. (Snort. I heard that)

Truth be pointedly toed, there’s bound to be something around here unpoked.

So root around previous posts if so amused.

Entertaining reading is not like finding a needle in a hay stack. (3 Little Pigs, 1904.L.Leslie Brooke:Lib.of Congress/ US PD: exp. cr./artist

Entertaining reading is easier than finding a needle in a haystack.
(3 Little Pigs1904.L.L.Brooke:Lib.of Congr./US PD: life+70/

Or scrambled over and dig into these bountiful blog bogs:

Whoa. A bit of a crowd there. A fun bunch worth sitting at the table with.

This little piggy needs to sleep it off. (Beer guzzling brawling porker.Main Raods Pibara/Australian Broadcasting Corp/

This little piggy needs to sleep it off.
(Beer guzzling brawling porker.Main Roads Pibara/Australian Broadcasting Corp/

Now don’t go hog wild like the little Australian piggy guy. 

He chugged some 18 stolen beers and then tried to bully a cow. (Who was probably moo-ing protests like “Milk does a body good”. )

Here’s the pig out story if you missed it.

He was probably just celebrating Kiwi’s success at the America’s Cup.

Aussies are understandably proud of their neighbors. (And there is no truth to the rumor that Elladeewords gave this particular swine the booze)

Oink in peace, little wild one.

So see ya’ soon. Carve out a little piggy time yourself for you and yours.

Yours in bacon.

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge

Be piggy with your time -even if there's a wolf at the door. Down Molly. Down! (1934. Oskar Herrfurth 1862-1934, US public reprod of PD art/artist life+70/

Be piggy with your time even if there’s a woof at the door. Down Molly. Down!
(1934. Oskar Herrfurth 1862-1934, US public reprod of PD art/artist life+70/

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  1. Beth / Sep 21 2013 1:11 pm

    Hope you find an amazing truffle or two and don’t go too hog wild, because we love hearing stories from the pen (please don’t tell RC I referred to the Realm in such a way). Thank you for the shout out and thank you for thinking about Sage. I do miss her furry tail-lessness – always my kitten. Sam, our beagle, is pretty sure that she gets her own pet now – or at least a safer walk down the hallway since now she only needs to make it past Hodi unseen.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Sep 23 2013 11:05 pm

      Found magic all right: snow. (more on that soon)
      Sage picked a good home. Won’t be forgotten.(RC was overcome and asks to send a soft check pat with a rare head butt to the ear…a very soft one.)
      Thanks for trottin’ by


  2. shoreacres / Sep 21 2013 1:12 pm

    Bon Voyage – or whatever’s appropriate. Have fun! See you when you get back.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Sep 23 2013 11:12 pm

      So fast it was almost whiplash. Mountains involved – stay tuned)oh and nice Oracle kept the race alive while I was landlocked… what a series. They ought to be really scrapping tomorrow) Thanks for sliding in


  3. Snoring Dog Studio / Sep 21 2013 1:29 pm

    Thank you for the mention and all those links! Take a breather. We all need one once in a while. I’ll be waiting for your return.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Sep 23 2013 11:14 pm

      Glad you discovered a new blog or two. Had to help get a niece married off…but not your ordinary wedding ( and as it turned out, there was quite a bit of mud involved…)Thanks for hanging around the pen here


  4. Carrie Rubin / Sep 21 2013 1:51 pm

    Have a good break. It does a body (and mind!) good. Thanks so much for the blog mention. Much appreciated!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Sep 23 2013 11:15 pm

      Ah, yes. Change of scenery does so much good…and snow doesn’t hurt either. More on the magic later. Glad you wandered over


  5. heretherebespiders / Sep 21 2013 1:53 pm

    Deep snorting breaths! Enjoy your time away. Thank you for the link, that was a lovely surprise.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Sep 23 2013 11:17 pm

      Not long enough – no time to waste sleeping when in mountains -can do that here. Glad you got a giggle


  6. PiedType / Sep 21 2013 2:50 pm



    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Sep 23 2013 11:19 pm

      Would have called, but so quick it almost caused whiplash. Yes, the higher elevations are white…and what is more perfect than a wedding in the clouds…although we could have done without the hail, flakes-fine. Did wave while fling by!


  7. Robin / Sep 21 2013 6:00 pm

    Enjoy your piggy time! Thank you for the link love. 🙂


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Sep 23 2013 11:20 pm

      Had a short stomp around some higher elevations…which actually involved mud, too. Thanks for waving a comment this way


  8. angelswhisper2011 / Sep 22 2013 8:19 am

    Have a great piggy time, Philosophermouse. Sending some Pawkisses for on the way 🙂


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Sep 23 2013 11:24 pm

      Oh, the Pawkisses were so appreciated. Shared some with my niece on her wedding day. Purrfect gift – thanks


  9. EllaDee / Sep 22 2013 12:15 pm

    I love how the news gets around… Chinese, sweet & sour?, Whispers… The Grill Team, the radio program to I listen weekday mornings on MMM Sydney were hoping to host a bbq for the Pilbara Pig as the main course… oops… I mean, guest.
    Wallow in your break… channel your inner Sheila, and enjoy 🙂


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Sep 23 2013 11:27 pm

      HA! Sweet and sour! What a pushy little porker – just couldn’t let that oinker go without a squeal.
      Oddly I ended up in mud there, too…but scenery and snow made it OK. There was some lovely bbq at the reception after the ceremony. (And I didn’t really expect Oracle to keep the series going until I got back – just joking guys! Finish it tomorrow!)


  10. jmmcdowell / Sep 22 2013 11:00 pm

    Thank you for the shout out! And have a great break doing things you enjoy!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Sep 23 2013 11:29 pm

      Well, the snow made up for some of the less enjoyable. (predicting ski slope open early this year). Wedding in the clouds, niece was wearing cowboy boots with the dress, so what’s a bit of dirt? Thanks for holding down the fort


  11. jannatwrites / Sep 23 2013 5:01 am

    “Yours in bacon” – that signoff made me smile 🙂 Enjoy your break – hope you get caught up on what you need to do. (Thanks for including my blog/Darlene’s Story in your list!)


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Sep 23 2013 11:33 pm

      I am now really really officially behind in reading…hard to get signal in the mts – a wedding in the clouds(we’ll ignore the hail) – and snow. (How much magic can you cram in one weekend?) Thanks for watchin’ the hog.


  12. The Hook / Sep 27 2013 5:09 pm

    I consider my inclusion here an honor, old friend.
    Thank you for always being one of my biggest fans and stalwart allies.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Sep 27 2013 6:07 pm

      You always have smiles waiting on your blog. Hope things are calming down (right, likely…) Always glad when you stop by


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