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August 6, 2012 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Gilded cage? Auf Wiedersehen. Danke.

She languishingly stretched her long legs across the cool leather couch – reveling in the glove softness.

A stretch, and yawn.

Must have fallen asleep.

Now why was that ridiculous TV show on?

Guess it’s just what’s next on the channel.

She never even tried to flip to another.

It was only noise after all.

A series of moving shadows.

A pantomime of life outside. A Poor substitute, though.

The noise easy to ignore as the furniture.

Place holders.

“Reclining Lady” by Rimundo de Madrazo y Garreta (1841-1920) Image: WIKI/US Public domain

Silently, she paced to the window.

The same basic view, of course.

It wasn’t an ever-changing movie set.

Although tiny reality shows were there if anyone cared to look – or stood there long there enough to notice.

And of course she did.

Painting by Peter Vilhelm. (Image: WIKI commons)

Reclusive or captive?

Did it matter anymore?

Time to check the army.

Each morning pigeons lined up military fashion on the opposite building’s roof.

A meeting.

Getting organized?

A pigeon union getting their flight plans for the day?

“What do you think? That white car over there?” (Image: Thomas Kohler :

The silly thought caused a little smile.

Resting her chin on the ledge, she wondered if the apartment’s residents even were aware they hosted the campaign strategy sessions above their heads?

Did they hear the daily tap, tap, taping as the pigeons shuffled along the ledge?


They never noticed her constant presence.

Those distance shapes might as well be ghosts – or maybe they were.

An amusing thought.

A disturbing one. 

Her attention was drawn down the street to a rush of little figures hurrying towards the metro station.

She pressed her head against the window glass – trying to hear their sounds.


The double paned glass insulated her from worldly commotion.

Emotions, too.

Girl at Window by Andre. O. Karelin, 1906 (Image: WIKI commons/public domain)

Like a jewel in the Tower of London, she was sheltered.


Except from thunder.

Crashes of thunder would still intrude and drive her back into fear.

Panic still drove her to hide in dark places.

But the room was sunny now.

The drapes open as she preferred them.

Maybe not her chosen environment, but high in the air – a comfort.

Not able to fly, but snuggly perched.


(Image: Mike Peel. / WIKI commons)

She moved to the other window.

 The little park visible beyond the sharp building corner.

No one there. 

Still she was wistful.

A chance to stretch her legs outside for a bit?

That no one else was there wouldn’t matter.

She preferred it that way.

They would move close if others came too near: always watching her.

Portrait of Madame Recamier, 1800 (WIKI. public domain)

Always watched.

Never allowed out unattended.

Not allowed to accept offered snacks brought by others to share.

“Too delicate” was the explanation.

Even she saw that wasn’t believed, but none insisted.

But she knew those watched her too.

Some tried to befriend her.

Only to wander off puzzled by her reluctance.

Her shyness holding her as tight as any rope.

Oh, he’s there: the kindly elderly gentleman has arrived.

Mark Twain by Chuck Marean, 1903. (Image: Library of Congress/US public domain)

He never questioned.

Simply accepted her silent presence beside him.

Occasionally commenting about one or another.

“I don’t know why those boys must scramble about and kick up so much dust.”

The gentleman understood her anxiety, her hesitancy to approach the cliques.

In his shadow she felt safe.

She gained courage.

While still watched, she was allowed this small freedom.

Someday she would bravely run free with wild abandon.

Someday she would.


Not now.

It was – it was – it was too hot for that.

No. It was pleasant enough sitting by the old gentleman.

A lady never sweats.

No. Not this time.

By Winslow Homer: not for commercial use
(Image: domain)

Suddenly she was jarred.

He’s there now: the old gentleman.

Oh, he’s early.

Oh, how long will he stay?

I – I can’t miss him!

She glanced at the door.

She knew it was useless.

The lock was baffling.

She’d tried.

Even if she rattled and pounded the door, the neighbors would do nothing.

The entire building unresponsive to her.

Desperation drove her across the room.

She would risk it.

Leaping on the bed, she barked:

“Wake up!

My friend’s at the dog park. 

We are going out NOW!”

(And so they did.)

Life is exhausting. Naps are good.

A small report from that Lady of Leisure, the German,

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge

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  1. shoreacres / Aug 6 2012 1:09 pm

    Good to have a report! And glad to see the German gaining the confidence to take matters into her own paws!

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 6 2012 2:12 pm

      She seems to be doing well. But not happy about taking walks anywhere at night (maybe she watches too much TV?). Thanks for peeking over the fence to chat


  2. The Hook / Aug 6 2012 1:10 pm

    You have such awesome titles – and posts!


  3. roughseasinthemed / Aug 6 2012 1:30 pm

    Really enjoyed that read (of course). I knew what was coming and who it was about, and the photos were so clever and beguiling until that final denouement – and there she was 🙂

    Pippa sends encouraging wishes through the air waves, because all dogs need to be in charge of out time.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 6 2012 2:18 pm

      When I got that couch picture last week, it reminded me of those elegant ladies in paintings. Apparently she has taken to lounging on couch and bed when no one is around – Just to gain perspective.
      Pippa, the German is going to stand facing your direction and bark a salute but her thick windows may dim the greeting…she’s sure you’ll hear once it cools down and everyone is outdoors more.
      Thanks for rolling over and chatting!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Honie Briggs / Aug 6 2012 1:57 pm

    L O V E this.


  5. The Good Greatsby / Aug 6 2012 2:19 pm

    Thanks for reminding me to take more naps.


  6. RAB / Aug 6 2012 3:13 pm

    Nice to see the German again!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 6 2012 3:35 pm

      We get a howl once in a while. She’s just such a lady of leisure now. Thanks for lingering to chat


  7. mandyevebarnett / Aug 6 2012 3:14 pm

    I love how you lead me through these internal thoughts…my own dog has understanding beyond her form too.


  8. Beth / Aug 6 2012 4:21 pm

    My first thought was Granny or RC! I adore both, but then I was pleasantly surprised to see the return of The German. (Please don’t tell Granny or RC. Sending mousies STAT.)


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 6 2012 5:44 pm

      RC Cat: We are delighted to accept the surprise of mousies. We shall closely guard those sent for our elderly distant relative – yes, yes, We pledge to keep those closely by Our side…or perhaps those would be more comforted – and less lonely sitting among Our mousies. Perfect. We graciously award a soft cheek pat for your thoughtfulness.”
      (Psst – over here: RC hasn’t seen the pictures – she might start demanding new furniture and pillows. Thanks for stopping by!)


  9. jmmcdowell / Aug 6 2012 6:00 pm

    Glad to see the German is settling in. The Mid-Atlantic summer has been a hot and humid one, so lounging on the couch is a good idea. But it’s still important to get out and see friends!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 6 2012 7:14 pm

      It’s been very hot there. The German is looking forward to a wonderful cool fall – and new places to explore. Thanks for checking in


  10. PiedType / Aug 6 2012 9:32 pm

    You didn’t fool me for a second, but I loved languishing by the windows with all those ladies. ‘Tis important we ladies get our proper rest and not over-exert in the heat of the day.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 6 2012 9:35 pm

      Oh, the title made it too easy. This time of year everyone should be reclining in a cool spot! (fires better there? haven’t heard recently. OK’s got them now….where are those water tankers?!)


  11. robstroud / Aug 6 2012 10:34 pm

    I’m with the German!


  12. Unconfirmed Bachelorette / Aug 6 2012 11:08 pm

    She’s so beautiful! I love this post! Made my day. 🙂


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 7 2012 1:35 pm

      The German seems to identify with the elegant ladies in the paintings. Thanks for strolling over to chat


  13. Jeannie / Aug 7 2012 12:55 am

    Nice to hear the German is doing well! Looks like she has the best seat in the house, lady that she is! xoxox


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 7 2012 1:37 pm

      Granny cat has whispered that the German is taking to snoozing on the bed when no one’s around….and Granny (on the pillow) is not amused. Thanks for rolling over to chat


  14. Anna Scott Graham / Aug 7 2012 2:46 am

    Oh my goodness this is lovely!!

    Thank you for stopping at my blog so I could come back here and read that. Thank you thank you!!!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 7 2012 1:39 pm

      Appreciate the kind words. The German is a dog we fostered for awhile – she sends a bark this way once in a while. (Her whole saga is under “german shepherd” in the sidebar tag cloud)
      Glad you found something to amuse you. Thanks for barking along with the pack.


  15. Bongo / Aug 7 2012 4:33 am

    Lounging around is nice, but it’s always important to go to the dog park when your friends are there. I wish we could hang out at the dog park together German.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 7 2012 1:42 pm

      So true, Bongo. The German is lucky enough to have a view of the dog park – so she can announce when her friends are there. (but doggy day care just confused her – more on that adventure later). Thanks for barking along!


  16. justbetweencousins / Aug 7 2012 1:28 pm

    Wonderfully written. I enjoyed every thought and twist.
    Peach State


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 7 2012 1:46 pm

      Enjoyed visiting your blog – always looking for a good read.
      Glad you found something to amuse you here.
      Thanks for coming over to play


      • justbetweencousins / Aug 7 2012 3:07 pm

        My precious princess enjoys guarding the house and holding down the stairs. It is a hard life she leads. Her evening chore would include washing the dinner dishes but …there is no need to wash them twice.
        Peach State


  17. Robin / Aug 7 2012 2:58 pm

    LOL! I love this. It’s so wonderfully written. And now that I’m spending a week with Bo the Dog, I’m becoming quite familiar with the leaping on the bed and Wake Up! routine. 🙂


  18. Sunshine / Aug 7 2012 4:10 pm

    Oh, how lovely the German looks among all these lovely ladies…and ‘what-a-mustache,’ Mark Twain!! I enjoyed your story immensely. 🙂


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 7 2012 6:11 pm

      When I got that pix all I could think of was those paintings – Twain in the window was a happy find..he’s not Danish, but he is great (a great twain?) Glad you got a chuckle. Thanks for lolling around to chat


  19. Patti / Aug 7 2012 5:07 pm

    A delicate bird in a gilded cage… The hard part is knowing that the bars are there.


  20. EllaDee / Aug 10 2012 9:58 am

    So happy to see a “German” post 🙂 and so clever as well.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 10 2012 4:29 pm

      The German has always shown quite a bit of creative thought. Thanks for running over to chat



  1. O Scary Night. | Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge
  2. Lady of a Certain Reputation | Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge

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