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April 6, 2011 / philosophermouseofthehedge

When Cars Attack, Too Smarty?

Jetta attacks Smart Car!

Sullen, and snappishly mean, the Jetta rocked, fumed, and snarled as the rear wheels were unceremoniously hoisted off the ground. Wires were secured, as they prepared to remove it from the scene. It may have snapped after years of being bullied itself…but now it looked like jail for this glossy black bully.

Off to the side, the once bright-sky-blue Smart Car’s fenders were still trembling with shock and disbelief.  It’s perky rear bumper now forced up and molded around the small crepe myrtle tree trunk…the rear wheels desperately spinning in the air.  The front right headlight seemed to be tearfully glancing at the broad metal streak marring the front passenger door.  The right windshield wiper flapping as if trying to stretch and cover the embarrassing blemish.  Weeping from frustration, wiper fluid sporadically splurted and streaked fender and the hood.

“I’m smart!  I’m economical. I’m the future.  Why did he hit me?  Am I such a threat?  I’m non-violent. (Seriously, this is blue – not violet.) I’m just happy to play nice with others…..although I wish they were as enlightened as I”

“You’re not the only answer.  You arrogant little snit.”  The outraged Jetta snarled as the wrecker started to swing it away.  “You are just a roller skate!  Just because you’re small, doesn’t mean you can dart around like a bumble bee and expect everyone to defer to you and get out of the way!”

The Smart car flinched as the Jetta careened closer.  Tightening the front bumper into a pout, the Smart car attempted to nudge the driver still behind the wheel.  “It’s not my fault.  They’ll see….as soon as they manage to unfold my owner and squeeze her out.  I’m just small and there was a space – just room to dart – it should have been big enough for me.  I’m smart.  I can jump and go fast when the others are too clumsy to move quick. That’s why I’m the smart pick for these over-crowded narrow streets of the medical center.”

As the Jetta was jerked by, a tire reached out risking a quick swipe.  ‘You’re smug now – but I’ll tell you this:  once I was the new baby and tiny darling of the eco-friendly crowd.  Just wait, with gas and energy prices rising, there’s a flock of scooters just around the corner biding their time!”

And traffic inched by as the wreckers kept the cars apart.  Bulked-up Ambulances, and police cars flashing warning while medics, cops, and drivers tried to sort it all out.

The smart car started to shudder.  Suddenly aware.  This black bully car was leaving, but  more were out there.  “I’ll have to be smart – I’ll have to be wise.  Now I see it’s tough on the streets.  I’ll have to be bold to survive.”

Just a tale from today’s adventure – a short vignette of life.

Too much traffic.

Too narrow streets.

And people, too short of time.

(Note:  Luckily, no humans were apparently harmed in this event)

Cautiously yours,

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge.

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