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May 16, 2024 / philosophermouseofthehedge


Woman in vintage costume. Actress/dancer Ada Forman 1921 Shadowland image (USPD., artist life,/

“Pink slip? No, I think it’s beige. Oh, but if my job is cut, how will I pay for sequins and costuming?” (USPD/

Once they thought as long as there were infants and small children, they were safe. 

But no.

Job security vanishing like the sweet Spring clover.

It was bad enough when the Davos elites turned up their noses and gave them a thumbs down.

Haughtily citing climate concerns and pushing their green agenda  

(Weird as these in the climate crosshairs clearly LOVE green – to eat and to earn.)

Being stoic, serious, and pragmatically practical, the cows noted the transformation success of those once considered simply common transportation: horses. 

Horses pivoted and became pampered lawn ornaments – with a few horse athletes still around for races, rodeos, or horse shows.

Of course, there are always some equines who stable with anachronistic throwbacks and smugly end up as nostalgic features on vintage-style farms or ranches. Those horses boldly pretending they can outperform 4 wheeled vehicles or drones.

Cow dressed as woman. Cat dressed as hungry boy (USPD lithograph, 1829. life of artist/

Able to tolerate heat, rain, even winter, but just not having the temperament to be a STR host. (USPD/

COVID provided a perfect time for cows to plod towards an alternative occupation: Cow cuddling!

A health oriented career path frequently touted as one of the best routes to avoid being replaced by AI or computers!

For a while, they made hay while the sun shined.

Animals playing golf. Cickenhittingeggs by Dan reynolds/English-language wikipedia/

“Ah, the delights of finally having leisure time.” (Dan reynolds/English-language wikipedia/

But once again, herded into despair by rumors and fear peddlers.

Now “authorities are cautioning humans not too get too close or too friendly with cows because of Avian/Bird Flu potential.

Sounds like cows rubbed someone the wrong way.

To topple even more cows, their milk, previously considered part of a healthy diet, is scrutinized as  possibly “dangerous”.

If it’s not one thing it’s another.

Dog in the manger yelling at cow famiy 1880 McLoughlin Bros. (USPD,, artist life, reprod of PD art/

“Don’t threaten me with those horns. Get out and take that pail of poison with you! Don’t make me dog you! (USPD/

What’s a cow to do?  

(Maybe a distracted cow stepped on the wrong human foot in another life? Sigh. Not all humans would consider that a sign of favor. )

Dripping green cud, many cow herds are attempting to show solidarity with activists.

Always a thoughtful chewing of brainstorming activity. (Cows were standing with “green” long before many people got up to speed.)

But FYI, might be a good idea to shudder off any birds sitting on your cows backs for a while.

I doubt anyone catches your demonstration of tolerance, getting along for the benefit of both, or acceptance of diversity.

These days people are quick to jump to conclusions like: “those who lie down with featherheads get up with the taint of close association”.

Cows  dressed as farm family. 1828 lithograph (USPD artist life, date of publication/

A star was born: “Don’t worry, Elsie. We’ll find a way to survive. Your dad is as strong as any bull. You’re pretty enough to be featured in a marketing campaign. Now how about practicing your cow bell?” (USPD/

Don’t fence them in.

Like everyone else, cows are ready to mooove on.

Got any ideas of what a cow could do?  

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge

Is that Hollywood calling?

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  1. Helen Devries / May 16 2024 8:54 am

    One thing though, thanks to the green terrorists cows cannot be eaten…..

    Liked by 2 people

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / May 16 2024 10:10 am

      So landowners can look forward to muddy watering holes and lots of herds demanding to be worshiped….(if “lesser gods/heavenly beings” becomes their new job description?) Will they start bullying and demanding tribute – nicer homes?

      Oh, the possibilities! It’s going to be fun

      Thanks for herding a comment this way

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Pied Type / May 16 2024 9:15 am

    Elsie! I hadn’t thought of her in forever. Whatever happened to her? Cows don’t get enough respect. They provide two of the most basic, popular things in our diets, milk and beef. Not to mention those that entertain at rodeos. And what would our Old West have been without cows?

    Liked by 2 people

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / May 16 2024 10:22 am

      Yeah, buffalo, elk, and antelope were so willing to let the cows become the legends of The West.

      I had to look Elsie’s story up – the first one debuted at the 1939 NY World’s Fair. She (and her calves) traveled some after that. Elsie was actually in a 1940 movie as “Buttercup” There have been several Elsies, but the original one was buried at her home, the Walker -Gordon Farm in NJ.

      She always looked like such a sweet cow with the daisy chain and that smile.

      Not like the pasture cows at our place.(And didn’t look she would to try to run you down if you walked into the field. HAHA!)

      Thanks for roping a comment to leave here

      Liked by 1 person

  3. The Coastal Crone / May 16 2024 3:21 pm

    I grew up on a ranch and knew cattle could be deadly weapons. Something else for people to worry about! And didn’t we have mad cow disease for a time? Thank goodness you put it all in perspective!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. shoreacres / May 16 2024 8:37 pm

    Bird flu is Covid, all dressed up and ready to be used to terrify the populace again. Plenty of people have assumed that Covid would reappear prior to the 2024 election; we just didn’t know it would involve feathers and milkshakes.

    Speaking of which, I noticed that Bluebell — that ice cream from the place that cows think is heaven — has a new flavor out. I very nearly picked up a half-gallon of A&W Root Beer float. I may still. When I was a kid, those exact floats were our Sunday afternoon treat after a Sunday afternoon drive out in the country to see how the corn was doing.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Curt Mekemson / May 17 2024 1:07 pm

    Hey, I was just in cow country among the dairy herds north of SF along the coast where Elsie still reigns supreme. In their honor, we ate lots of great cheese. My thought is they are happy cows, outstanding in their fields. And much happier that the cattle that find themselves up to their knees in cow dung among the massive feed lots that so many ‘ranchers’ have turned to.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Bruce@WOTC / May 27 2024 10:48 am

    Molly Moo-Cow and the Butterflies made for a great watch. Made me smile…as did those leisure time golfers.🙂

    Liked by 1 person


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