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August 17, 2023 / philosophermouseofthehedge

No Promises

They say, “No”.

Simply non-committal. 

They drift on by.

Despite demands. 

Remaining completely unconcerned. 

Totally irrelevant, your view.

Boy riding butterfly. 1870-1900. Advertising Trade card. Boston Public Library/

Clouds don’t promise shapes of bunnies, dragons, or bears.

Shrug off that fluff. 

Give it up. 

“You are like a flea – of no importance to me.”

(Maybe they are the wise, guys. Know something we don’t?)

They just are.

Trees don’t promise root control around house foundations, branches being temperate about battering buildings, or neatly disposal of discarded appendages.

Give it up.

(You think they purposely provide shade for you? Perhaps honoring a treaty with other plants sheltering underneath? Is that wind or vegetation negotiation’s whispers?)

They just are.

Oceans don’t promise not to surge past the shorelines, to coddle passage of tankers or recreational vessels, or to provide trash dumps and energy equipment sites. 

Give it up.

(Perhaps they stay murky to hide something. So fiercely protecting their deep unknowns and local residents.)

They just are.

Nope. No promises. No commitments.

(Blame them? Who negotiates with the lesser?)

Of a different realm. 

An alternative plane of existence.

Earth, like a wet dog shaking off an offending flea, understandably gives a slap and a shake to humans occasionally. Barely noticing.

No promises here. Only practicing “are”.

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge.




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  1. shoreacres / Aug 17 2023 7:47 am

    I’ve got a post-in-process where I’ve quoted Annie Dillard quoting Simone Weil: “Let us love the country of here below. It is real; it offers resistance to love.” Exactly. The world isn’t a virtual reality, subject to our manipulations or wishes. If it changes, it will change on its own terms, not ours. The day will come when some of the screen-raised will finally encounter the real world, and be shocked.

    Liked by 2 people

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 17 2023 1:05 pm

      Business Channel today’s analyst said if ALL of the misnamed infrastructure/Green energy Act was implemented, in 10 years less than 1 degree of temperature would be changed….”equivalent of changing thermostats from 76 F degrees to 75.00000999F”.
      It’s all a sham. (Like “Oh, we’ve broken all temp records today”….only to reveal the records they are using started in 2002…yea, not being manipulated at all HAHA – I think the station got caught on that one and got lots and lots of calls correcting. Temp records here go back to right after 1800 storm…)
      Climates change (and tree ring data is NOT a solid record of heat like one “expert” is using to prove the Earth as NEVER been this hot before. Many factors affect tree rings…)
      Geesch people. Try a little common sense, conserve resources, but stop scaring the children (and the easily lead)
      Thanks for turning up the heat in the comment pile.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Helen Devries / Aug 17 2023 8:09 am

    I sincerely wish that the clouds would gather themselves and direct something unpleasant directly on those intent on harnessing them for their own ends….

    Liked by 3 people

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 17 2023 12:57 pm

      Hey did you ever think how the phrase “Nothing green can stay” was so far ahead of its’ time (OH, that was probably “Nothing gold can stay”….but that also relevant and true?)
      When one messes with Mother Nature, humans eventually pay to price of their meddling and arrogance
      Thanks for the smart swatting remark

      Liked by 2 people

      • Helen Devries / Aug 17 2023 1:00 pm

        I wish that Mother Nature would discriminate a little when she rises up…..just hit the houses of the arrogant ignoramuses responsible for her wounds.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Ally Bean / Aug 17 2023 8:36 am

    Clouds and trees I see on the regular, but oceans I rarely see. Suddenly I feel a little wistful…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. SusanR / Aug 17 2023 4:25 pm

    My son’s observation on heat “records” is that for consistency, all the reporting weather stations must stay in the same place ….. BUT the environment around them keeps changing, perhaps skyscrapers are built around a reporting station that was once in the middle of an open field, etc. He does have a point, but don’t meteorologists take that sort of thing into account? I dunno

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Spinster / Aug 19 2023 12:06 pm

    This is brilliant. Thank you for your words in an ocean of uncertainty.

    Liked by 1 person

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