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April 24, 2023 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Will Wonders Never Cease?

Whoa! Did you see that? (Ritmo/Flickr/

Whoa! Did you see that? (Ritmo/Flickr/

Moral of the story: Apparently as you grows taller, you tend to look down the road for obstacles and dangers, often forgetting to pay attention the what is quietly right there.

Distance from the sole, means less grounded?

Not over looked by the slight, though.

So mesmerized by the sight, if I hadn’t had my hand on his shoulder, he would have never noticed his leg was stretched out completely over thin air…and he would have tumbled off the elevated walk, rolled down the bank, and into the lake.


Visiting ducks taking flight from the lake with much flapping of feathers and even a little ballet of webbed en pointe dancing across the water surface during lift off.

Hollywood Hank, our Siberian husky, was awestruck. Totally.

Previously no impressed by the dark lumps – maybe considering them floating rocks, logs, or something.

After duck departure, he turned with a look of complete wonder and joy on his face.

When you adopt a rescue dog, it’s always a challenge to wiggle out an understanding of their previous lives. 

We think Hank previously spent a lot of time in crates and indoors because he just just so overjoyed and overwhelmed at Spring. Each day’s walk full of new  – he acts a bit like a human toddler. Nothing goes unnoticed.

He now eagerly heads to the lake and the duck zone each dawn.

Ears straining for quacks.

Oddly enough, the migrating ducks seem to be amused by him. Or greatly appreciate his appreciation.

  • One flock graciously flew about four feet over our heads one morning.
  • Another group winged in and landed about six feet from us. Then one beautiful mallard marched back and forth across the front of the flock like a guard at Buckingham palace while the others preened, performed, and coyly showed off their lovely feathers. Hank was thrilled and sat quietly staring until they left. Then, of course, we had to go over and sniff where they had been. He grinned all the way home.
Tiny pale lavender flowers (© Image copyrighted, all rights reserved, no permissions granted)

Tiny pale lavender flowers (© Image)

He’s also most observant of flowers growing wild along the path:

  • The tallest being dandelions
  • Pink primroses next in the flower height chorus line
  • With rosy Texas stars mingling here and there – smugly feeling taller than
  • The white globes of clover next to
  • The smaller five petal yellow clover, who like the middle child, is happy standing a tiny bit taller than someone smaller:
  • The miniature pale lavender flowers at ground level.

Hank loves them all – closely examining them with such intensity, you have to smile. Sometimes you forget just how grand things really are.

Pink Texas star wildflowers (© image copyrighted, all rights reserved, no permissions granted.)

“Watch where you put that nose and those toes!” Petite Texas Star wildflowers.(© image)

Watching Hank’s absolute joy of Spring is hysterical.

Even rolling on his back in the backyard grass kicking his feet in the air seems new and exciting to him.

The wonders never cease.

What’s down the road will still be there down the road, and we’ll get there eventually, but, now, time enough to notice what is quietly close and underfoot.

Ducking out here and wondering what blooms around the corner

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge.

(Production note: apologies for being MIA with blogging/commenting right now. A bit of overload/overwhelm during another round of treatment for Sr. Staff – some success but fight goes on with that. Creativity, wit, crazy distracting stories, humor, and energy must flow in that direction right now. Appreciative of readers’ patience and understanding right now. Onward with heart, sole, and grins! Get out there and find some smiles…borrow a 3 year old human if necessary – that should be enlightening and energizing. Thanks and Hasta later.)

"In my dreams I can fly." (© image copyrighted, all rights reserved, no permissions granted)

“In my dreams I can fly.” (© image)


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  1. Kate Crimmins / Apr 24 2023 7:47 am

    Sending hugs to senior staff. Us bloggers will be around for the next spurt of energy directed towards us. I always love a new pet’s excitement at discovering new things. It may only be stairs (which none of my cats ever seem to have used before us) but it’s amazing. Helps us to rediscover treasures.

    Liked by 2 people

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Apr 24 2023 8:06 am

      We’ve never had a dog who wanst to lounge on his bed and be fed dinner…we asked him if in a previous life he was a Roman emperor who demanded to be hand fed peeled grapes. Finally will tolerate a short hug, and slowly speaking up to cuddle a bit. Rescues have their own comfort level schedule. We do miss RC Cat’s taking charge of those not feeling well….Hank has easily managed to donate soft fluff everywhere, but this large out of control paws still need a bit of tutoring. Paw waves and encouraging previews of monarch butterflies sent you way – Spring is slipping in. Thanks for bouncing over here!

      Liked by 3 people

      • Kate Crimmins / Apr 24 2023 8:21 am

        Every rescue is different. I have 4 and only one is a perfect cat. The rest are wonderful but peculiar in their own way. I’d love to know their backstories but that ship has sailed.

        Liked by 2 people

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Apr 24 2023 1:48 pm

      ” Perfect” and “beauty” is subjective and in the mind of the beholder?
      I have a feeling all your realm occupants are both…ask them…they are cats and know. HAHA

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Anne Mehrling / Apr 24 2023 8:58 am

    Despite what is happening in your life, you still write with magic and flair.

    I’m going to watch our rescue dog, who spent most of her life in a crate. She loves running full tilt in the yard and will streak to the neighbors if I don’t watch her.

    Liked by 2 people

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Apr 24 2023 1:58 pm

      I’m beginning to think Hank never had a yard to chance to run (except in the street when on his own). We go outside and the first thing he does is sit down in the grass. You have to “invite”/demo running back and forth until he gets up. But once in motion he does look delighted. He’s very sweet and tries so hard to be very very good. It’s nice to see him relax a bit and run a bit wild. Dogs need to be dogs some. (But he still does not play well with others…humans are fine, but other dogs, no…especially if I try to pet another dog we know in his presence…jealous and not going to share a good thing? HAHA)Thanks for wandering by to chat


      • Anne Mehrling / Apr 24 2023 9:25 pm

        Our dog would not play with toys when she came to us. It took about three weeks for her to begin to play. She, like Hank, tries to be good.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. easyweimaraner / Apr 24 2023 9:18 am

    we wish you would live closer to us, so we could have a duck day together.. our rescure neilson never saw a cow in his previous life… the whole dog was a question mark… then he ran back to the car and refused to leave it …

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Apr 24 2023 2:09 pm

      How funny. Maybe he’d been hearing things about “a lot of bull out there?” HAHA
      Hank doesn’t seem sure about what is expected behavior in the backyard…he sort of waits for permission before racing at top speed around the U shaped yard…although wading into flower beds doesn’t seem to require an OK to do that. Luckily the landscape knows it has to be tough, or leave.
      Paw waves and thanks for trotting by


  4. SusanR / Apr 24 2023 10:58 am

    I was smiling just reading about Hank and his rapt attention to the ducks. I imagine Charlie’s reaction would be similar, but so far we’ve only walked around the block. So much to sniff!! But no ducks. Hugs and warmest wishes to Sr. Staff.

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Apr 24 2023 2:01 pm

      You have had the weirdest winter weather – sometimes warmer than here, yet snow just recently. (Ski areas bound to be happy and probably wild fire watchers, too.) Are the wild flowers out yet? A few weeks ago people were photo shooting dogs and small children in bluebonnets..and parks service was warning parents to look before they plop the featured creature into the flowers – snakes love warm weather, too!
      Thanks for floating a comment this way


  5. pensitivity101 / Apr 24 2023 2:07 pm

    Maggie loved to smell the flowers on our walks. Nothing got past her sniffer…. she would walk round a clump of greenery, her tail wagging like a helicopter, then she’d sit and wait until finally a pheasant or ptarmigan took off and she’d ‘lifted’ it!! We didn’t even know it was there. Maya is getting into the sniffathons on our walks and finally realising it’s OK to pee and poo in other places and not just in the garden. Progress after some 14 months! Love to see their curiosity. We have ducks and geese in the park, and some ducks actually come into our road. Maya looks, and sits. Lovely post.
    Hope Snr Staff is doing OK.

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Apr 24 2023 2:22 pm

      It is nice to see a dog being a dog and relaxing and able to enjoying life. Molly loved the shore/ water birds; Hank doesn’t seem interested in the gulls, herons, or egrets – but ducks are a whole different thing. Even funnier is that the ducks seem amused by his attention. It’s just nice to be in the outdoor community – a few monarchs have even arrived. On our short night before bedtime walks, Hank is baffled by the June bugs hum and jittery dance on the porch – not to mention he was totally blown away by a small frog that was hopping down the walk ahead of him (we finally got the frog to slip off into the grass of a yard).
      Nothing lightens your mood than a dog just delighted with the world he’s in.
      Appreciate the kind words and thanks for stopping by to chat

      Liked by 1 person

      • pensitivity101 / Apr 24 2023 3:09 pm

        Maya has yet to meet a hedgehog and is fascinated by the crane flies. It’s so wonderful to watch her trying to work things out. Current mystery is the light dot on the ceiling/carpet/settee which dances about ans then disappears . This is the sun catching the glass face of my watch, bit like cats with the red dot. Take care.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. The Coastal Crone / Apr 24 2023 4:33 pm

    What joy to see a rescue dog so happy to explore the freedom and beauty that we humans take for granted sometimes. Lovely post! “Ode to Joy” comes to my mind somehow.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. disperser / Apr 24 2023 9:42 pm

    Wishing everyone would be like Hank . . . we might then take better care of this place.

    And best wishes in the medical department.

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Apr 25 2023 3:20 pm

      Willingness to sit, observe, and listen – without jumping in with four feet to instruct how things are supposed to go and how others are to act – would go a long way with civil society, too.
      Live and let live as well as only dig in one spot of the flowerbed – and fill that in when done so it is restored to original condition. Hank says, “Paws up for that!”
      Thanks; greatly appreciated.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Bruce @ walkingoffthechessboard / Apr 25 2023 12:00 pm

    I remember readers here offering RC Cat cans of food as tribute. We now offer Sr. Staff all the wit, humor, and energy we “can.” It is heartwarming to hear Hank has taken to Spring, and it is amusing the ducks find Hank amusing. That just quacks me up.🦆

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Helen Devries / Apr 25 2023 3:26 pm

    We had an Alsatian from a ‘trainer’, so terrified he would eat his own shit in an attempt to be a ‘good dog’. Luckily our other dogs demonstrated that these extremes were not necessary and after a couple of months he started to relax and gradually became as naughty as the rest of them.
    Good luck with the medical marathon.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. shoreacres / Apr 26 2023 8:03 am

    It’s so good to have a post from you, despite all the complexities that life seems to be sending your way. It’s good to hear that Hank’s loosening up and enjoying life a bit more. On the other hand, my neighbor’s rescue dog recently amused himself by giving me an enthusiastic bite on the back of my left leg. The result? Four puncture wounds, a trip to the doc, antibiotics, and a fresh new tetanus shot for me, and a visit from the animal control officer for my neighbor and his dog.

    It was so odd. The neighbor and I were just chatting in the breezeway after I’d come home from lunch, and the dog was on its leash. We were talking about the cupcake place close to you, when I asked the dog if he’d like a cupcake. In response, he bit me. I guess he doesn’t like cupcakes. All’s well now. We all agreed that the new five-day home quarantine — no dog park, etc — would do, since the dog has all its papers, shots, and etc. By the time the neighbor got done apologizing, bringing flowers, and so on, I felt as though I should apologize for putting my leg in front of his dog.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / May 7 2023 4:10 pm

      OMG! I step away for a bit and you got bit!
      Rescues are such a mystery….but chomping neighbors not allowed…he’s got plenty of food in his bowl!
      Not a cool as a weekend sailboat boat “bite” ( I used to have new scars every weekend from something on board) but just as painful. You’re updated on shots now in case while sloshing through some swamp for that elusive image.
      Thanks for hobbling by – will have to check in more frequently
      Appreciate you stopping by. (Hope to post tomorrow…maybe… if I can find the right illustrations….)

      Liked by 1 person

  11. cat9984 / May 3 2023 7:57 am

    Wishing you the best


  12. Ally Bean / May 8 2023 8:45 am

    Hank loves them all – closely examining them with such intensity, you have to smile. Oh I am smiling at Hank and the humans who have to good fortune to live with him now. No doubt many more interesting blog posts to come, courtesy of Hank.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. doggycrush / Oct 2 2023 6:00 pm

    This story is absolutely mesmerizing! The moral of the story is so true and reminds us to pay attention to the little things around us. It was so interesting to read about Hank’s reactions and his surprise at the ducks taking flight. It’s a beautiful reminder to stay grounded and take in the small wonders around us. Thank you for sharing this story, author!


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