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March 1, 2022 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Thee fishy three

Oyster boat unloaded by men. 1938 Olg Louisiana/Gulf of Mexico. (USPD. LoC/

Oyster boat being unloaded by men in 1938 Louisiana/Gulf of Mexico. (USPD/

Last year I went fishing with Salvador Dali. He was using a dotted line. He caught every other fish.

(Comedian Steven Wright)

John Forbes Kerry, the first United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, would be happy about this…He no doubt loves sustainably sourced products, organic stuff, probably anything with an exclusive label like “prestige” and a classy meal…although not necessarily in that order.

(Stop rolling your eyes. I know he is taking heat for while people are dying in Ukraine, he is fretting over how people may get distracted from climate change and green energy…in between flights on his private jet.)

But this shell game is a pretty big deal:

“San Leon oyster company, Prestige Oysters is the only sustainable oyster fishery in all the Americas, and one of only six in the world, certified by the Marine Stewardship Council.” A rare honor – which comes after thought, care, and hard work by the company and Prestige Oysters’ Raz Halili

“Sustainability comes from nurturing the reefs: rebuilding them with rock and shell during the off season; and harvesting just enough to give younger oysters the time and room to grow…more here (Video and article)

Notably these oyster beds are the only ones not closed by The Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife during the state’s ‘oyster-season’ out of concern that  aren’t enough mature oysters in the Gulf’s public waters.

While they are not fishing for compliments, cheers and well deserved to the guys just down the road.

Fish talking to fisherman. (ill. by Alexander Zick. 1845-1907) (USPD. arrtist life, date of pub./commons.wikim,

“Hey, I’ve got a line on a few things, but do not understand why people are so excited about being on the net. All I see is lots of entanglement.” (USPD/

All men are equal before fish. (Herbert Hoover)

Yesterday, things started out a little fishy.

If you’re been a reader for long, you already know I fought – for some 8 years – a woman trying to steal my vote during elections. It involved mailed voter registration cards that were repeatedly stolen (postal workers involved) and forgeries. A post about it here.

So when there in the mail box was an updated new voter registration card for me, but not one for Sr. Staff. Odd. The cards always arrive together. Noooooo! What are the odds lightning’s gonna strike twice.

Luckily later, a neighbor came by with the missing card that had been put in their mailbox. He was fuming, “This is how easy voter fraud happens.”

Frequent topics among neighbors on the block? 1) why does the state persist in mailing out voter registrations in postcard form (so easy recognize and to read/steal identities), and 2) if you keep getting other people’s mail, you know other people are getting your mail, too.

(We all wonder if we should ask to get the worker’s salary and divide it among ourselves because we sort and deliver misdirected items so often.)

Stinks like old fish. 

WordPress 11th anniversary note

Being a fish out of water is tough, but that’s how you evolve.

(Comedian Kumail Nanjiani)

Actually the blog is 11 years and 1 week old. It was just a little nuts last week….or as chaotic as usual…Orderly and predictable currently only a wishful dream ….but then again that might be boring, so there’s that.

Not trying to be a cold fish.

Please accept my apologies for not being around much / erratic posting schedule / commenting infrequently recently – dealing with some serious medical conditions of Sr. Staff. Not really funny – and as the old relatives always said, “Everyone has their crosses to bear – don’t bore people with yours.” We are managing, and that’s enough right now.

Laughter is the best medicine.

So I really appreciate all of you who wander through the meandering thoughts here, laugh (and cry) along with the Realm’s cast of characters, and add so many grins with your comments when you sit down to chat. You make my world so much more fun.

And just because we all can use more smirks laughter right now, I’ll leave you with this instructional quip…

A quote RC Cat used to muttered frequently:

Remember, a dead fish can float downstream, but it takes a live one to swim upstream.


We can all do that, right?

(Molly Malamute was supposed to add a paw wave and a witty howl, but she is totally crashed out after running in the fields with friends in the sun most of today after an entire week of rain ….She is still totally annoyed Staff hasn’t added a furry partner in grime to play with…although that large, older, Scottish Deerhound down the block tried to apply for the opening…made it into the garage when Staff realized he was terribly, terribly hungry. (and he was really sorry he ripped into the neighbor’s garbage bag…”Could you smooth that over a little for me, please?”) ..and maybe he had been abandoned and left behind?…But his person’s car finally did show up ….Staff is still keeping an eye on his unstable situation…and Molly is keeping her paws crossed in hope. She is enchanted. The older gentleman is quite handsome with a sweet disposition, but his heart has already been given no matter the circumstances he find himself in….We’ll see…like Staff needs one more thing to worry about or deal with right now.)

Everyone into the pool! Onward!

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge

Couple waterskiing performance Florida Cypress Gardens theme park 1970's. USPD., aaratist life/Archives Florida State Library)

Now this is cute. She’s as elegant as a water bird…although her partner seems to be grimacing a bit. Hey, who wouldn’t be? Just pick it up, and carry on. Works for many things.(Florida Cypress Gardens 1970’s.USPD/Archives Florida State Library)

Founded in 1926 by Dick and Julie Pope, Cypress Gardens was Florida’s first theme park. In 1941, it was proclaimed the Water Ski Capitol of the World and became the birthplace for performance water skiing. Probably a popular place for Spring Break, Easter, or summer vacations. Florida Cypress Gardens theme park closed on Sept 23, 2009.


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  1. easyweimaraner / Mar 1 2022 6:32 am

    w.c. fields is very wise…. that’s a thing we should remember

    Liked by 2 people

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Mar 1 2022 7:04 am

      He was quite a hoot. Is it funny that people will accept truth and advice in humorous form but not directly? Then again smiles are what people remember.
      Thanks for pawsing to drop a line in the comment pond.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. marina kanavaki / Mar 1 2022 7:03 am

    Happy three, my friend. I wonder whether we’ll get the chance, some years after all this, to look back and nod our heads: “good grief, whatever did we go through back then!”!
    Molly, just so you know, Hera would gladly fly over to run in the fields with you!
    Paw waves, smiles and wishes that burdens are lifted!

    Liked by 2 people

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Mar 1 2022 7:10 am

      As long as there are fishing the sea and birds in the sky, life will go soaring and swimmingly on…much to the delight of dogs and those who are chosen by them to accompany along life’s journey.
      Cheers and jump high, my friend – and know when you look at the sky and bark joyfully at the wind, we share the same. Paw waves and happy days to you!

      Liked by 1 person

      • marina kanavaki / Mar 1 2022 8:50 am

        Happy days to you too, my dear friend and indeed, we are chosen by them! 😉
        More happy paw waves!

        Liked by 2 people

  3. beth / Mar 1 2022 7:16 am


    Liked by 2 people

  4. disperser / Mar 1 2022 8:20 am

    Sorry to hear about health issues, and I understand not overly sharing (not grave, but annoying health issues here but other than in passing, I don’t see the need to share them with my readers).

    Scottish Deerhound, eh? Back in the day, when I thought I’d have a life suited to dog ownership, I did a lot of research on dogs, and settled on the Scottish Deerhound as what I would want . . . never did get one. They are shorter-lived than I would like, and I think I’d need a different house than what I currently have, but the main reason for not having a dog right now is that we’ve sworn off pets for a while. We’ll see as a bit more time passes . . . although, if we get a dog, it probably won’t be one that big.

    Funny you mentioned voter cards . . . Melisa got hers, but I didn’t . . . I’d like to see someone even try to pronounce my name, but I suppose it could happen. I guess I’ll have to call the county and check why I haven’t received one, although I’m not sure I’ll be voting, local or national.

    Take care, and good luck with everything.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. pIEdTyPe / Mar 1 2022 9:46 am

    Upstream, downstream. Doesn’t really matter as long as you just keep swimming. (Ask any salmon.)

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Kate Crimmins / Mar 1 2022 12:07 pm

    Mollie does need a friend. How about a nice cat. One with regal elegance that can help her with the RC duties so she can romp in the yard. Hope your “stuff” settled down in a good way. Ours did. I don’t share much because I’d only do it after the fact and then people send so much sympathy and good wishes that I feel guilty keeping them all for myself. Keep on swimming, upstream, downstream, don’t matter just keep the fins to the left, fins to the right….hmmm sounds like a Jimmy Buffett song!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. sustainabilitea / Mar 1 2022 3:42 pm

    Enjoyed the humor which is so needed these days. Perhaps John Kerry could talk to Al Gore. After all, if he could invent the internet, he could probably do anything. He certainly knows how to use energy while telling others to abstain. And voter fraud? Really? I have a liberal friend who says it only rarely happens and never has an effect on the outcome of any election. I’m trying to sell him some land in Florida. Sorry to read about the health issues. I hope they’re resolving themselves.


    Liked by 2 people

  8. shoreacres / Mar 1 2022 6:46 pm

    Well, this year I got three voter registration cards in the mail. When I went to vote, I mentioned it to two of the nice ladies who were working the polls. One of them had received two, and the other hadn’t received a single one. Their assumption was that some sort of database error (or whatever) had happened, rather than theft. But, as they pointed out, a voter registration card isn’t enough to allow someone to vote; the photo ID still is necessary.

    Oh — and they also said that some of the precinct lines had been redrawn, so the precinct numbers changed for some people. When I looked at my little collection of cards, sure enough. Who knows? I voted, and that was an easy-peasy proposition.

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Mar 1 2022 7:14 pm

      We’ve gotten 2 sets of new cards just about 10 days apart – with just one section different. The concern is not as much voter fraud at this point, but that those MIA cards have info that can be used to construct fake legit looking profiles for other situations. It’s just mind boggling.
      Thank goodness photo ID is now required! (Although it took years and a lot of effort by so many to get that simple requirement mandated…..just like they are for airports, banks, picking up prescriptions…you just have to wonder what the big deal was/wasn’t. At the same time we also tried to get the postcard format at least put in envelopes if they were going to use the US postal service…but postcards cost less to mail out…)
      We voted early down at Kemah city hall – we had to call as it seems all the normal places weren’t being used and it seemed like a secret where you could go vote. But pleasant experience…no cookies though HAHA
      Wish they would pick up all the political signs…serious litter. but probably wishful thinking.
      A little lull in the campaign noise/signs between elections would be great.
      Thanks for voting to leave a comment here

      Liked by 2 people

  9. cat9984 / Mar 2 2022 10:03 am

    My best wishes to Sr. Staff. Take care

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Ally Bean / Mar 2 2022 11:36 am

    Congrats on your blogging birthday. Well done. Sorry about your mail mix-ups. We get the proper mail, but it arrives anywhere from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. which bugs me. As for Florida Cypress Gardens I remember being a kid and seeing a show there. I was very impressed.

    Liked by 2 people

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Mar 7 2022 8:23 am

      Ah, growing up Cypress Gardens always sounded like lifestyles of the rich and Hollywood famous. Watching a performance there must have been magical.
      We need magical…once the mailman arrived at your house like clockwork – and we handed out lemonade in the summer. Warm thoughts in several ways.
      Thanks for the dreamy comment

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Littlesundog / Mar 11 2022 7:21 pm

    Our blogs are both eleven years old now. Fancy that. At least you are still posting. It’s been a crazy year for me… I’m not sure when I’ll manage to write. And, I’m on the distrustful side of government now. I’m not sure I feel like sharing about my life anymore.

    I’m sending good vibes and well wishes on the health issue scenario. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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