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December 7, 2020 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Picture that. No Elves.

Could be pity maybe, but, in any case, hard to explain:

rainbow on wall. (© image, copyrighted, all rights reserved, no permissions granted)

Rainbow, thinking perhaps I’m over it, is issuing a formal invitation to come out and play? (© image)

Diamonds on the souls of my knews. (© image copyrighted, all rights reserved, no permissions granted)

Diamonds on the souls of my knews. Tiny stars slipping quietly through the window above the door for a stellar seeing. (© image)

Mondrian-like shadows on the wall (© image. Copyrighted, all rights reserved. No permissions granted)

Limited this time in place, a traveling art exhibit by Piet Mondrian quite welcomed inside my lore. (© image)

To approach the spiritual in art, one will make as little use as possible of reality, because reality is opposed to the spiritual.”

– Piet Mondrian

Organic Mondrian shadows on the wall (© image copyrighted, all rights reserved, no permissions granted)

The original organic Mondrian. What is paint but refraction of light? (© image)

“Reality manifests itself as constant and objective – independent of us, but as changeable in space and time. Consequently, its reflection in us contains both properties. Mixed up in our mind, these properties are confused and we do not have a proper image of reality. ”
– Piet Mondrian

Dog asleep in hall ignoring the impressionistic art on the walls. (© image copyrighted, all rights reserved, no permissions granted)

Obviously Molly Malamute, asleep in hall, is unimpressed by the Impressionistic art on the walls. (© image)

“In past times when one lived in contact with nature, abstraction was easy; it was done unconsciously. Now in our denaturalized age abstraction becomes an effort.”
– Piet Mondrian

Obviously, the dog, one with nature, is demonstrating that meditation leads to art…and rested mind.

While critics, sociologists, and philosophers adamantly state that Nature is completely oblivious and unconcerned about any human condition, sometimes it does seem like the environment is making an effort to cheer me up.

Noted and appreciated.

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge.

Elves, my tinsel!

You see it, right?

Shadows of reindeer peeking in the window!

Shadows like reindeer on wall. (© image copyrighted, all rights reserved, no permissions granted)

Shadows on the walls. They don’t bother me at all..unlike a creepy elf on the shelf idea. (© image)


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  1. easyweimaraner / Dec 7 2020 6:56 am

    it really does ;O)


  2. shoreacres / Dec 7 2020 6:57 am

    Commenting’s a pain with wifi and 30 second page loads. This is what passes for roughing it, these days! I found a star you’ll enjoy yesterday, shining in the middle of the proverbial Nowhere. Such fun!


  3. marina kanavaki / Dec 7 2020 7:03 am

    Mondrian would really love these!!!! do I! 😉 And if I may, in addition to brilliant Statlers:

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Maggie Wilson / Dec 7 2020 7:45 am

    I love engaging with nature in this way. Full of surprises.


  5. Pied Type / Dec 7 2020 12:10 pm

    Lucky you. I get so little direct sunlight in my house with two-story homes close on two sides, and a porch and covered deck on the other two sides. Sunlight is so medicinal!


  6. sustainabilitea / Dec 7 2020 12:17 pm

    We get a lot of that sort of art here as well. 🙂



  7. Audrey Kalman / Dec 7 2020 12:58 pm

    I love noticing light and shadow, in nature and as it enters my house. Thank you for the lovely found art.


  8. Irene Tobias Rodriguez / Dec 7 2020 2:08 pm

    I grew up with rainbows on the wall and still love them. I also like shadows. Your pictures are wonderful. Anyone out there counting flowers on the wall during this “stay at home” time?


  9. Curt Mekemson / Dec 8 2020 6:08 pm

    Love your imagination here, Karen. And who knows what Molly was dreaming, maybe speckled light shining down on a fat rabbit in a meadow. –Curt


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