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November 30, 2020 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Lights. Cameras. No action

The problem is then what?

What’s to look forward to?

Bored woman seated in garden. 1917 Geraldine Farrar (, artist life/

Can you overdose on leisure time? 2020 is certainly putting that to the test. (USPD/

When decorating is done, what to fill the time normally spent trying to find excuses to avoid:

Unscrambling lights, locating extension cords that aren’t hazardous (Why are only the defective ones easily found..Please tell me we didn’t give the wrong pile to Salvation Army…), maneuvering the ladder out from behind all the stuff it’s hiding behind, not to mention the excitement of performing magic with body and ladder by becoming only a few inches wide in order to sidestep along the narrow space between car and wall, and the inevitable doing a perfect imitation of Griswold frustration trying to find out why the middle string will not stay lit.

Without guests for the Thanksgiving mess dinner, the normal, “Oh, you go ahead. I’ll come out and help when I get the kitchen cleaned up” sounded lame.

Even the weather smirked offered no excuse to stall installation. Sunny and mild. Darn it.

Sleet never shows up when needed.

If the “experts” are right about those who decorate early for the holidays tend to be the happiest, well, then, we are just deliriously-cheerful-beyond-belief little elves here.

All of it done: yard, front door, indoor tree, the piano (Yeah, the piano – like an ancient old maid aunt who’s become part of the scenery. Too old world elegant to junk even if it’s in the way most of the year. Does hold a lovely Christmas display, though. Joanna Gains and Magnolia Market would be proud.)

Now what? After the decorating, the present buying, the wrapping, the shipping…what?

Can’t go any place

Can’t invite people over

(Insert twiddling thumbs here)

But, wait! There’s Christmas sweatshirts and short sleeve T-shirts to locate. I usually find them just before New Years. Could be the start of a new tradition!

Much too warm and humid for those Christmas sweaters here.

Although I can see a huge local market for Christmas rain ponchos – perhaps with matching dog gear. Maybe some umbrellas big enough to lift spirits and competitively race along with eight tiny reindeer.

Breakfast roll wrapper (© image. all rights reserved, copyrighted, no permissions granted)

Cook goodies? Uh, no. If you cook, goodies will be eaten…and how many months can you risk doing that? Still, in honor of the arrival of first actual cold front, breakfast rolls heated the kitchen and breakfast area this morning. Ah, now that’s a warming tradition.(© image)

Oh, don’t worry. I’m easily amused even if the basics are already done.

Jingle on. With anticipation. Magic happens.

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge.

How about a few possibly useful phrases for the season?

  • “I know right from wrong. Wrong is the fun one.”
  • “Lying through your teeth does not count as flossing”  Oh, zap. This one got a warning on it ’cause it’s more political/dysfunctional family in theme, not holiday spirited. No, it is not censorship. It’s being kind and considerate.
  • “Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.”
  • “Guess who got a lot done today? Not me. But Congratulations to someone out there.”
  • “I feel like I’m in Season 5 of my life and the writers are just making ridiculous stuff happen to keep things interesting”  (So 2020, right?)
Seated woman taking notes. Actress Edith Sanborn 1924 (USPD., artist life/

You’re taking notes? Music to my ears. Please take all you want and take them far far away. Christmas music overload arriving. (USPD/

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  1. easyweimaraner / Nov 30 2020 6:36 am

    I’m a “not me” too … specially now… it feels not right this year somehow…

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Nov 30 2020 7:10 am

      This is going to be year focusing on the inner piece HAHA. Magic happens though…a small faceted mirror ornament casually placed near a window spread a galaxy of stars across the hallway ceiling this morning. That’s a nice “good morning”. Hope your today is sprinkled with sun and fun. Thanks for decorating this comment bin


  2. Kate Crimmins / Nov 30 2020 8:19 am

    don’t have much holiday spirit this year but I did the mantle. Hopefully that’s enough at least for now.

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Nov 30 2020 2:45 pm

      Still haven’t pulled out the sweatshirt…know exactly where they are, but just can’t….
      Maybe after a nap.
      HAHA dreaming of Sugar plums and Christmas past!
      Thanks for trimming up comment to decorate this place.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Spinster / Nov 30 2020 11:06 am

    The first 2 useful phrases are excellent LMAO.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. sustainabilitea / Nov 30 2020 1:58 pm

    I love the “Light travels faster than sound” saying. I’m just getting started on decorating and will have to find some new places for some things since the move. When we had a piano, I always filled the top with decorations. Isn’t that what the top is there for?? It’s finally cool enough in Arizona to wear warm clothes in the morning, changing into clothes for the upper 60’s-low-70’s later on. Exciting stuff for those of us who like winter. 🙂

    As for entertaining, well, we’ve had my parents over a number of time and my brother and wife a couple. I even sneaking in a driving trip to SoCal before the latest lockdown and had a wonderful time visiting one daughter and husband. Judging by the traffic, I wasn’t the only one escaping. And it does feel more than a little wild and crazy.

    Hope you had a good Thanksgiving.


    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Dec 6 2020 3:34 pm

      It’s always thrilling to wear long sleeves – even a sweatshirt around Christmas …hard to convince anyone beach sand is just another version of Christmas snow like in the movies HAHA
      OF course the piano top was only created for decorations…and this very ld antique cut glass lamp that has to go somewhere…LooK! It’s just like the Christmas star if you squint!
      Glad you slipped over for a visit – and escaped. It may be winter, but staying inside because you’re told to is booooringggg.
      Zooming on into the cheery holiday season…and it will be cheery or else HAHA! Jingle on!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Anne Mehrling / Nov 30 2020 8:43 pm

    John did all the decorating, as usual. He scattered our huge collection of angels all around the house, got out the holiday plates and mugs, set up the nativity scene outside, and put up the outside lights. I’ll spend the remainder of the season appreciating his work.

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Dec 6 2020 3:35 pm

      How nice you have an in-house holiday designer! I need one of those. (Now where are those holiday plates…) Glad you’re all set to be merry and bright!


      • Anne Mehrling / Dec 6 2020 3:47 pm

        I wish I could rent John out. He’s good at decorating for Christmas.


  6. shoreacres / Nov 30 2020 8:54 pm

    Pssssst… Three words. Guerrilla Christmas-caroling. Pass it on.


  7. restlessjo / Dec 4 2020 12:28 pm

    Made me smile, but I haven’t started yet. No, I tell a lie- I bought 8 cards! Need to write them tomorrow… and buy some more 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Dec 6 2020 3:38 pm

      This year if you start decorating too early, what are you going to fill the rest of your time with?
      Cards! AAARRGH! Maybe I have some left over from last year…and some stamps…the 4th of July stamps will be ok, right? Red on them! Thanks for the reminder. Jingle on!


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