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August 14, 2020 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Incoming flock. Eying Owls

I want a owl.

They are landing in buildings like offices and schools, so why not?

Those silent, all seeing eyes unblinking with a gaze that follows every move. Noting every word.

At any moment – a sudden snap up of a quick byte.

Owl face of meeting technology (screenshot

Who couldn’t love that face? It’s neat: completely housebroken indoor compatible. (Owl

I want a Meeting Owl.

  • End that computer huddling. Tired of trying to not make people dizzy while wandering around the room/yard with FaceTime.
  • Besides I hate to sit still. Meeting Owls focus totally on you. Automatically follow any sudden dog-induced dash or demonstration of culinary disasters skills (without any snide remarks or ending the conversation by flopping over on the counter)
  • Everyone’s going to want one. Practical solution with reunions and visits to others being pretty difficult these days.
  • Now if I can just win the lottery…not making any profit here, but that probably won’t qualify as a non-profit for a reduced price refurbished one. Sigh.

Of course, some people of great profits, probably have already snatched up units as they flew off the shelves.

“Show Granny how you can walk. Walk, Baby, walk. Did you see that? Isn’t he cute? What? No, that is not grape juice stain on that outfit you sent. Stop it. It is Ok if the dog licks his face. Pediatricians say it prevents allergies. Hey how about watching his big brother ride his little scooter around the room and sister wants to show you her new cheer routine? Oh, she did not hurt her head on the couch. Socks are slippery. What? Yes, we do actually get out of our pajamas sometimes. That pile of clothes you see is next in line for the wash. Oh, dear, you’re right. The cat is throwing up under the table. Later.” click

Flying high during anti-social distancing, Meeting Owls are landing in schools.

Nothing more appropriate. Everyone knows owls are wise. And surely some Halloween icons will survive

Besides, kids love owls: Wol of “Winnie the Pooh”, a favorite, right? Harry Potter, certainly an owl aficionado.

Cuteness doesn’t hurt

If only those that could…

…the ones who say things like “social responsibility” and “Oh, they should make gazillionaires pay more taxes, I would be glad to do so if only they would ask.” – if those that could would not wait, but just go now and buy Owl units for school districts trying to figure out how to educate kids.

We’d all applaud. Promise.

You could do photo ops and selfies.

Meeting OWL technology on table by screen (Owls Labs screenshot)

No, it is not a sock puppet. I thought when I first saw it. The OWL looks very attentive, doesn’t it? (Owl Labs screenshot)

A win-win-win: Students, teachers, and society in general.

Close to live classroom instruction for students.

Better for teachers’ health, eyes, and posture by not forcing them to be isolated and sedimentary in front of a computer monitor all day. Wearing headsets (as seen in video below) teachers can actually move around, engage students, and teach pretty much as usual – whether the kids are in the room or not.

With new stuff, the teaching profession might actually attract some who normally would never considered teaching before – ones intrigued by the potential, challenges, and creative aspect: It’s like TikTok hits the big time! See who can get the most views and accolades!

Watch this cool Video:

OWL technology demonstrated in a Florida Broward County elementary school classroom.

Owl info and Educational Guide here.

Well, I can hope.

Meanwhile I want an Owl.

Just because it looks like a sock puppet

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge

Next door cat, Nyla, peering in asking for admittance ...unable to get podcast at this time. (© image. Copyrighted, no permissions granted, all rights reserved )

Tired of social distancing, next door cat, Nyla, peering in asking for a tourist visa for The Realm. She heard rumors about an indoor owl. RC Cat seems to have all the toys.(© image)


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  1. easyweimaraner / Aug 14 2020 6:45 am

    I love it… but I have no idea what I could do with it … but it’s c-owl …

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Kate Crimmins / Aug 14 2020 7:36 am

    Sounds like a great idea. I have teacher friends struggling with how to make it all interesting. Zoom is great but can get monotonous.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 14 2020 10:40 am

      While this company/product has been flying under the radar for a bit, the current school issues may bring it to the forefront.
      It used to be said by Principals of high performing schools that you could always tell a good teacher – good (secondary) teachers never sit down in the classroom – that’s how they hold student’s interest and handle class control. I’ve heard teachers complaining about being hunched and huddling over a computer screen for hours on in, squinting to try and see kids’s faces to see if they are “getting” it – and not being able to immediately get and respond to questions. Being able to move around a classroom and have the students follow as if they were seated there – with the ability to ask questions along the way -could be a huge help – especially with science classes/labs.
      This virus is not going away soon and adaptations have to be made. Right now it might be best for grades 6-12 be in virtual classrooms. K-3 is a big concern as in the grades students are learning to read (and utilize information) rather than reading to learn. Critical difference and really difficult to do long distance.
      The districts here are finding ways to make sure all kids have internet access – some companies are offering to make phones free Hot Spot, giving free internet for a couple of months ( to screened and qualified homes), or making school buses Hot Spots and then parking them in areas that need internet access. Several very large churches are becoming internet centers where parents can drop off kids while they work and there are monitors to make sure they are doing their lessons on line – and getting 2 meals a day.
      May spur some real innovation in education (finally) It’s going to be interesting.
      Hope your realm is calm and eyes are soothed. Paw waves and thanks


  3. Teagan R. Geneviene / Aug 14 2020 8:17 am

    Aowlsome tech! Thanks for sharing. Hugs on owl wings.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 14 2020 10:40 am

      And it looks like a sock puppet! (HAHA) Thanks for seeing your way to flyings with a comment


  4. Audrey Kalman / Aug 14 2020 9:28 am

    Just what we need–more watchful eyes everywhere. Has anyone shown one to a cat? I believe mine might attack.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 14 2020 10:50 am

      A virtual meeting device that may help teachers and struggling school (if they can get the kids to tune in…probably more of a chance if the teacher isn’t just a static huddle hulk peering at them and the whole experience is more interactive. School have to adapt – and employ creative people who are up to the challenge of different instruction and virtual classrooms.
      Things like this are a concern:
      Might also be a winner for nursing homes protecting against/families who would really enjoy seeing their relative moving around/acting less rigid as with computer cameras and “chats”
      Must have a big off button if in a home – WHOA far too easy to have blooper reel/family disputes upon eavesdropping HAHA
      Cat attack imminent here…it looks like a catnip sock puppet! (Don’t count the bored dog out either)
      Thanks for stuffing in an. astute and hilarious idea.


  5. sustainabilitea / Aug 14 2020 3:01 pm

    I’m always leery of more watching-you-everywhere technology, but this sounds as if it has excellent possibilities. And it looks like a sock puppet. But don’t throw it across the room!



    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 15 2020 12:49 pm

      These could be the newest “house phone” device? Might be interesting…especially if the do decides it is her sockie puppet!
      Thanks for tossing that in here

      Liked by 1 person

  6. shoreacres / Aug 15 2020 8:50 am

    Well, here comes old fuddy-duddy me. I don’t want better gizmos for online learning, I want kids back in classrooms, with human teachers. If education only were the transmission of information, Zoom, or Owls, or any of the various other ways of computer-based learning would be fine. But it’s more than that, and the role of a teacher is more complex than paper-grading and such. See? I’m crabby! But when I think of the best learning experiences I’ve had, they always involve a teacher. Creating more and more distance between people, in all the ways that it’s being done, is destructive.

    Even my 94 year old aunt finally got sick of it and went all jail-break on her kids, convincing a friend’s husband to run her around town. She had a whee of a time, and still is testing negative for the virus. The quote of the day, from my last conversation with her:”I don’t intend to play dead for anyone.”


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 15 2020 12:48 pm

      Nope, not crabby.Unfortunately cooler heads do not seem to be able to win. Media hysteria and hype – intended to isolate and make people more say to follow directions / control? Hmmmmm
      The American Fed. of Teachers national union is determined to extend its’ grasp here using fear and Dora. (Injunction against FT Bend’s in house training session – of skills most teachers have not bothered to learn or keep up with – that will be needed if this long distance learning is forced on everyone. Most residents do not realize in this right to work state, the employer is quite within rights to set requirement of the job. And people are free to stay or leave as they choose. Problem solved. The district should say show up – and fire those that don’t. Teachers are considered state employees and cannot strike any more than police of fire. Get with the program or hasta, people.
      (I frown at the secondary English teacher that says we don ‘t just teach, we hug.” Not here baby. Districts and insurance companies have retrained/forbidden that due to lawsuits over sexual harassment and child abuse. No toucha rules…and don’t even think about breaking up a fight: mandated procedures now say, back off and call those who are designated/trained to set in with that…most parents not aware of that. Schools have little resemblance to what they used to be – in metro/big district areas anyway.)
      Only good thing about schools MIA is that we don’t have football/band/drill team kids being insanely marched around parking lots and fields getting heat stroke and dying. Schools used to start after Labor Day – sounds like a perfect idea who’s time has come again.
      Long distance learning can be done well – Australia’s outback has depended on it for years – along with sailing families using Calvert.
      It is not ideal, but better than letting the kids sit around and watch tv/ play video games or go to the beach/block parties/riots. The trick is getting the kids to agree to actually go online and do the lessons – huge numbers didn’t after March…and those all given a pass on to the next grade just like the ones who actually did the work. States do need a standardized test at first and end of school year mainly to measure growth and if the kids are getting it so adjustments can be made in strategies for the next year…that concept of a “test” being more for providing teachers’ feedback is pretty well abandoned.
      OWLS (and similar) are better than ZOOM type technology which so flat – good teachers move around and use multiple locations/teaching tools/lab work that need to be followed. While these are not new…it’s new to education who should have been using them for homebound/hopsital bound students a long time ago – no need for the expense and possibly marginal instruction by a traveling teacher.
      Another benefit of this whole mess is finally some parents are looking into what kids are learning – and deciding that home school/individualized instruction may be better and more efficient…your kid can get more attention and move through material faster or at their own pace – classroom teachers spend great deal of time managing disruptive students, or decide to slow down teaching pacing “so as not to leave anyone behind or hurt one child’s feeling because they can’t keep up. We may be seeing more one room school house approaches – actually good education came out of a lot of those not that long ago. My dad and his brothers went through one – and all ended up with advanced college degrees. The Learning Pod concept may be a good plan.
      COVID and the incoming flu/measles/chicken pox/mumps season isn’t going to disappear. It is what it is.
      But I can see in the future, families – even without COVID fears – are far far apart, this OWL technology is a much more natural way of staying in touch with people as well as company meetings.I hate flat screens and being anchored.
      Besides it looks like a sock puppet!!!!!!!
      (Let’s see reacher Fauci-who obviously lives in a bubble and hasn’t a clue about how humans think or human behavior…typical of many researchers….yesterday/today it’s taking temps with thermometer is probably not useful/good idea for schools and businesses as thermometers are unreliable and the readings will be wrong in hot weather or if someone has been rushing to get to that point…”It’s better to face to face ask questions of each individual about how they are feeling: tired? aches? sneezing? sore throat? difficulty breathing? lacking energy…yeah stop and ask each kid and see what they decide to say. And there’s more idiocy every minute…national and state numbers for positivity and hospitalization down….MEd center now says even if asymptotic, only able to pass virus on for 10- days even if still registering positive…severe cases a bit longer…so hospitals reducing the in-house isolation mandates as patients progress…a bad disease, but not everyone gets it bad……can sanity be just around the corner?)
      Love your aunt’s quote – been wondering how she was doing. She makes me smile.
      Go outside! Play!
      Make sock puppets and put on a show – (like Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland in those vintage BW movies were on Sat. afternoons…along with Lassie…who would probably eat the sock puppet….)
      Thanks for risking a crabby and on target comment!


  7. Kirt D Tisdale / Aug 17 2020 12:07 pm

    Fascinating technology and your description is spot on “sock puppet”.


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