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March 4, 2020 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Fun with Corona

Stuffed peach and pear in box (© image. Copyrighted, all rights reserved, no permission granted)

“Noooo, Amazon. The order was for fresh peaches and pears, not stuffed toys!”(© image.)

Rather share Panda-monium than pandemic, but humor is where you find it.  A few giggles and grins offered for Corona-mageddon.

First one with diagnosis gets the white coat:

Multiple guess:  Is it virus, a cold, or rabies?  Clues: 1) Does the patient crave Gatorade or water? 2) Is diarrhea or concern over toilet paper supplies apparent? 3) Has the patient been to the San Antonio’s rodeo?(Answer:

Did the shopper have a cold, the ordinary no-worrying-about-it flu, or Corona? Clue: Did the CDC close the shopping mall that was visited by the individual? (Answer:

What’s on hand? Did the individual have fever or icy cold hands? (A sort of an easy beginner question. Should be enough said with the open cooler and limes on the counter)

Is it feverish delusions or ordinary mental response? Clues 1) Is there a 3 year old in the house? 2) Are the schools closed? 3) Did Spring Break trip get cancelled?(

Bonus question: Is it eco-terrorism or is a natural pandemic. (High level of difficulty here.) If everyone stays home in China and their factories are closed, the clearer skies is quite dramatic…(Please, no one point this out to Greta: first it might shake her belief of which countries she needs wag that finger at, and, second, she might get ideas and encourage others to chant “Corona is the solution to pollution” which is very catchy.) (

Oh, please. Everyone is tired of endless, unanswered questions, so how about alternatives?

Seated woman looking in mirror. 1922 actress Agnes Ayres/Screenland mag (USPD., artist life/

“Hey, video conferencing and working at home is answer to my dreams.” (USPD/

Creativity. Focus with that. Turn lemons into lemonade

People are gonna want bumper stickers and souvenir T-shirts. Write some.

“My parents went on a cruise and all I got was lousy Coronavirus”

 “Be pro life: Stay home if you’re sick”

“Hazmat suits are not Spring Break beachwear”

“Grocery stores are not Olympic track trials”

“Quarantine is not a Staycation.”

You got YouTube. Start the next dance craze or perform something original

Well, it worked with “Ring Around the Rosie”. Became a classic. (Remember to protect for residuals.)

Don’t ignore potential bored boardgames/ new video games….

It could be like Clue or the novel “Then There Were None” Participants are invited to board a mysterious cruise ship only to discover someone is infected with an engineered disease that will become contagious in 24 hours if they don’t find out who it is and get them off the ship. (Great opportunities for writer to reveal the skeletons in passengers closets – oh, that was about their past secrets, not actual bodies – How many interesting stories could come out of that?) 24 hours. Clock’s ticking.

Woman in vintage costume (1921 film. USPD.artist life,

Mask and gown? I thought you meant Mardi Gras mask and costuming.(USPD/

As good as NaNoWriMo: new novels and shows await to be liberated.

A new “Lord of the Flies” about a breakdown of society as people’s social masks are ripped off?

Well, while no man is an island, with mass quarantines there could be parallels besides “The Walking Dead”. Hmmm, have to wonder if the CDC’s “Zombie Preparedness” a few years ago wasn’t just a stupid human trick (Call a Congressional hearing! What did they know and when?)

The Amazing Race already nixed a reality show.

But there’s a lot of potential for sit-coms, right? (“What do you mean your mother is staying with us for the quarantine duration?”) Uh, maybe a few murder / crime stories, too…)

Oh, well, bored, cabin-fevered minds can be fertile and creative minds.

Contagion as a catalyst. Yep, let’s all go with that. (Works for bloggers, right?)

“There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor.” (Charles Dickens)

Nothing sick about that.

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge

Woman by pool. Water ballet swimmer; member of Shamrock Corkettes (1958 clipping Hou.Chron S. Pierson/

Spring Breakers here are hoping COVID-19 is history soon – like before next week.(1958.Hou.Chron S. Pierson/


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  1. Kate Crimmins / Mar 4 2020 7:08 am

    Ouch! This made my head hurt! Spring break and the corona virus at the same time. Yikes!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. shoreacres / Mar 4 2020 9:34 am

    I’ve been trying to figure out how I might telecommute, or work from home. There are a few issues to work out. I wonder how my apartment complex or the local civic authorities will feel about a canal from South Shore harbor to my front yard?


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Mar 4 2020 10:47 am

      Time for a teak prep and maintenance drone/robot force! Be the first on your block
      There may be hope. apparently there are 2 versions of the virus – and the worst one which makes people rally sick really fast (so they are identified quickly and isolated) seems to be decreasing. The old version is “less aggressive” in patients who may have it for longer times before identification…allowing them to spread it for some time. (IF you can believer the Chinese researchers…Disease specialists still not allowed in, but scientists Brits are working with what they have) But hey, a bit of sunshine – just keep your distance..(Seeking fresh ocean shore breezes for your health of old may actually be wise?) HaHa
      You just have to keep a sense of humor (but as you know I am very easily amused)
      Thanks for grabbing some giggles


  3. marina kanavaki / Mar 4 2020 10:00 am

    Even thieves have become inventive and threaten with the virus! Thanks for the giggles… very much needed! Obviously the Corona is much more catastrophic than a huge asteroid landing on our heads. Bet the masks will save us then! 🤣😂🤣… but don’t mention that either to Greta! 😬


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Mar 4 2020 10:50 am

      OMG. How funny.
      You might as well laugh about it.
      No matter how much controlling humans wish otherwise, we’re all basically on an out of control rock hurling through the universe.
      Space matters…(oh, especially with viruses apparently HAHA)
      Paw waves and smiles sent.
      Thanks for catching the fun

      Liked by 1 person

      • marina kanavaki / Mar 4 2020 1:34 pm

        “out of control” indeed! 😉
        Paw waves and smiles back! 🙂 🐾
        And here’s to ‘fun’ being the only thing we ever ‘catch’! 😉 😂🤣😂🤣

        Liked by 1 person

        • philosophermouseofthehedge / Mar 4 2020 2:22 pm

          Paw companionship and encouragement will get us through just about anything. Long live paws!


          • marina kanavaki / Mar 5 2020 2:21 am

            Oh, so very very true!!!!! LLP (from Hera too who’s wagging her tail!) 🙂🐾

            Liked by 1 person

  4. robstroud / Mar 4 2020 11:51 am

    Great suggestions here. These are strange days.


  5. Ally Bean / Mar 4 2020 12:47 pm

    Considering that there’s a virus out there in the world, and I like it in here in my home, I think as an introvert this might be my kind of pandemic. It’s not like I’m champing at the bit to go out amongst the people to begin with. Won’t bother me to stay away from them.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Mar 4 2020 2:41 pm

      It’s so weird around here (even when it’s not a foggy or rainy day)- people just aren’t out….makes walking the dog go so much swifter – less bouncing, lunging, and “I wanna go see my friend”.
      I’m with you.
      Thanks for slipping quietly by

      Liked by 1 person

  6. roughwighting / Mar 4 2020 3:32 pm

    You prove Charles Dickens quote. A little humor can go a long way. And you went far with this post. I enjoyed it! 🙂


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Mar 6 2020 12:46 pm

      It’s really easy to lose perspective sometimes. Humans were given great brain capacity – fortunately a sense of humor was also included to keep things in check and balance…the instruction book wasn’t a mandated read, though? Thanks for joining the fun

      Liked by 1 person

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