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May 30, 2019 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Smattering of mattering: creepy, meetie edition

Woman with big bear wrapped around here head and shoulders. Metro Pictures, 1919 Moving Picture World (USPD., artist life/

No amount of coffee is gonna make this go away. Why, yes, I do have a headache, why do you ask?(USPD/

After a very long night with dog demands of “my tummy hurts and no, I don’t know what I scarfed without permission ate and no, I am not faking it so I can go out and run with the local coyote or chase critters other than lizards” (Open the door. Open the door. Open the door – Quickly or else)

And then the cat, miffed at all the neglect of worshipping her undeserved attention decides, “Well, if that’s what it take, I can drop a few badities, too.” (And immediately demand more food or I’ll eat the dog food and you’ll be sorry.)

Sorry. That’s the feeling today.

woman holding man on floor. 1921 edition of Exhibitors Herald (USPD. life/

“I don’t care if you do have to fight traffic in the morning. She’s frantically barking at the door again and it’s your turn. Mind the coyote.” (USPD/

Luckily the Muse and Dunderheads deigned to fight for the stage assist with a smattering of mattering.

  • Biden. Geesch, recently at an appearance with one of the teacher’s unions in Houston, he told a little girl “I’ll bet you’re as bright as you are good-looking” and put his hands on her shoulders. While he was trying to give her a compliment (You can be pretty and smart), he’s getting slammed for mentioning she’s pretty and wondering if it’s even possible she has smarts, too – like women can have one and not the other. Look, he’s old – raised in a whole different era – probably grew up hearing that same comment offered by both his parents as they talked with children. They probably put their hands on kids’ shoulders, too. I find Biden a bit creepy, one without restraint (or even understanding). A man with the unfiltered actions/talk of one raised among rich elites and who rarely/never encountered ordinary people or what most people consider appropriate behavior in public. Considering his age, you have to put his actions in context. Yes, things have changed, but pretty tired of people looking for a problem and always seeming to find one. (Article)
  •  Not gender specific. It’s a Human Right for any individual to have access to a medical procedure necessary to save life and health. So in any law governing abortion, there must be exceptions for rape, incest, health of mother (and it is “mother” when a woman is pregnant despite what some on Supreme Court feel), and for severe genetic mutation/malformation (which some are just unable to manage financially or emotionally.) But once the fetus/child is viable outside the mother, he/she also the right to combat for life, too. Tricky. (Article: baby born at 23 weeks 3 days/8.6 oz goes home) Abortions are like guns: if you don’t like them, don’t get one.
  • State laws. Odd, unrealistic, or flat stupid laws being passed in your state? Where was everyone when those laws were being written, discussed and passed? If you really care, keep up, get off the couch, and get involved in the process instead of waking up too late, having to complain, protest, and file lawsuits. A whole lot easier to talk sanely/emphatically/politely directly to your elected officials early rather than cleaning up the mess later. The squeaky wheels get the grease. Tired of hitting your head against area attitudes or opposing philosophies? Use one of your other rights: the right to travel and move about the country at will. Wander over to where there are more that think like you. There’s 50 states – like Goldilocks, you can find one that feels comfortable. Easier than you think…or you can just sit there, hand over your state and local tax money for things you don’t support, and complain. Life’s too short to be miserable and constantly agitated.
  • Fake meat. Novelty now, but may be the key to survival after natural disasters destroy farmland, overpopulation, and in space. There’s a couple of types of the weird stuff: meat grown in labs from actual meat cells and the plant based patties. (Article: fight against ‘fake meat’ has begun) I have a couple of questions: 1) researchers are constantly saying eating processed foods is bad, is this considered “processed”? (Article: Heavily processed food linked to early death.) and 2) How will consumers know what’s in the veggie “meat”? Specific and completed labels are critical for those with food allergies and for those who are sensitive to soy as it can trigger Thyroid issues. Remember how mystery meat in school of college was avoided like the plague? This is mystery meat on steroids…oh, ok, maybe not antibiotics and steroids, but you get the idea. (Brings up some really disturbing SciFi movies like the one set in 2022)
Girl with cow. 1900 Alice Calhoun with cow. (USPD.LoC Bain collection,

Does this mean they will become lawn ornaments like horses? (USPD/

With a line of rain approaching, it is now time to check with dog to see if her tummy is grumbling in case we need to go back out again before the rumbling.

Blearily blearily we roll along

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge.

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  1. Kate Crimmins / May 30 2019 11:01 am

    Oh my! There is someone else out there with common sense! I was afraid I was the only one. The real dunderheads are governing! As for fake me, being a vegetarian is sounding better all the time. Please pass the watermelon! Sure hope your woofie is feeling better. Must be so nice to just go outside and poop without stinking up the house. Neighbors get touchy though.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / May 30 2019 6:35 pm

      Results of too much coffee – or not enough coffee (No way is that pup going to sleep all day today…cat appearances are alway good wake-up calls….)
      I even pick up plops in the backyard (with this climate, the flies, the smell – UGH) With dog digestion upsets, that’s a bit difficult, so the rain was was so welcomed to clean up the mess.
      Wish it was as easy to clean up the dundering blundering messes elsewhere.
      Thanks for serving up a delicious comment

      Liked by 1 person

  2. shoreacres / May 30 2019 11:15 am

    I hope everyone’s feeling better over that direction, and that you don’t have to walk around any scattered splatters. I’m home for lunch, waiting to see if it’s going to (a) dry out, or (b) start dumping serious rain.

    As long as the keep the people-composters away from the mystery meat factories, I think we’ll be all right. Me? I just cooked up a mess of Bellville pork sausage, and no one’s taking it away from me.

    Beyond that, I’m a little grieved by the death of Leon Redbone. The first live concert I went to in Houston was his, back-back-back in the day. It was at Fitzgeralds, and now that’s being turned into a parking garage. Ah, well. Diddy-wah-diddy, baby!

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / May 30 2019 6:51 pm

      Mystery meat – Not to mention that old version of HG Wells’ Time machine which left quite an impact then and is rather haunting now:

      “She seems to think nothing of the fact that none of the other people tried to save her from drowning. She tells him her name is Weena, and her people are called “Eloi”, but she is dumbfounded when he asks her to spell it. The people are illiterate. Weena encourages George to come with her into the dome, because it is getting dark.

      Inside the dome, the people are eating the fruits laid out before them on the table. George tries to talk to some of the other Eloi people, but they are exceptionally poor conversationalists. Besides losing written language, he learns that the Eloi have no government or laws, and no one works. The food simply grows without being cultivated. The Eloi seem to have all the free time in the world, but they don’t even study or experiment or learn anything. They have lost their human curiosity as well.

      George asks an Eloi man if there is any way he could learn about the Eloi culture, such as from books, and the man tells him that there are indeed books. He shows George the books, which are in a dusty, long-neglected room in the back. George picks up a book which appears to be in terrible shape, and he discovered how terrible it is when he opens it to find the words faded to near-illegibility, a page crumbles to dust when he tries to turn it, and the whole book fragments to pieces in his hand. The books had been left to rot untouched for so long that he is able to put his fist through a whole shelf full of books, reducing them to powder. George now realizes how repulsive this culture is: although they had no more war and hardship, they had also lost everything that made life worthwhile over the centuries – knowledge of science, mathematics, philosophy…” and it continues
      “The Morlocks provide the Eloi with their food and clothing, but the Eloi must obey them. “…”people have also lost the concept of past and future. ..”
      Have to wonder some times if certain writers and musicians didn’t try to zap in to save us from ourselves?
      We’ll miss Fitzgeralds..maybe some graffitied artist will create a memorial to Leon.
      Thanks for sparking some thoughts


  3. Melanie B Cee / May 30 2019 11:21 am

    I’m having similar issues with pets today. I’m dog sitting and the dog in question is an elderly fellow, whose grip on ‘reality’ (dog version) is iffy. His owners have mentioned, frequently, that he’s getting more and more senile. I hadn’t noticed it until today when he wee’d on my rug in the den, and then, after I had put him out for an extended period of time, came right in and wee’d again…this time all over the cushion the pooches use as a sleeping spot. ARRRGGGHHH. He’s currently banished to the tile flooring outside the den and he’s not pleased about it, but I’m not having my guys think all that peein’ in the house is okay. They’re asleep under the desk as I’m typing. It’s tough having pets, isn’t it? They’re like really little kids (I guess) except they can’t talk and tell a person when the bodily functions are out of whack…


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / May 30 2019 6:57 pm

      Tile is good – it’s cool! (maybe with a towel for old elbows) Funny how they all seem to love to sit under the desk…keeping an eye on your feet perhaps?
      Huskies/Malmutes like Molly have quite an extensive speaking vocabulary…the cat who was silent for years, has suddenly become quite loud with distinct commands/requests once she saw the dog directing things. It’s quite loud when the “children” are chatty…not so happy about discussions and requests all night long, though. You’re a jewel for watching an elderly dog – they do get a little dotty and forgetful.
      Thanks for leashing a comment here


  4. The Coastal Crone / May 30 2019 12:42 pm

    It seems some states are trying to outdo each other on abortion laws and seems to be catching like some contagious disease. I think Texas has already done enough damage. Hope your fur baby is better.

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / May 30 2019 7:14 pm

      It’s difficult to come upon with any comparisons -the hyped up emotions driving the Salem witch trials? JR High cafeteria cliques trying to outdo each other and rule the school? A couple of Third grad boys yelling at each other that their Dad is the biggest, strongest, smartest…and you’re a doodo head?
      Throwing doctors in jail – seriously? Listen to yourselves. You aren’t impressing anyone with your fervor. If everyone would only go back to minding their own business…
      (I really like that TX legislature had time to pass a bill to keep cities/counties from harassing/shutting down kids’ lemonade stands…..when did things get so whacky a bill like that was even necessary..sanity and commonsense obviously aren’t contagious. OH, yeah, and it’s now legal to carry brass knuckles again.)
      Molly has been Ok since early this morning. I hope she’s still sleepy tonight – too wet for midnight walks!
      Thanks for snorting along


  5. Spinster / May 30 2019 1:11 pm

    I’m just so tired of the world. But your post just made it a bit more easier to digest. Thank you.


  6. RKLikesReeses / May 30 2019 1:22 pm

    Oh, no! Sick puppeeeeeee! and kitteeeee! The Princesses send good wishes for speedy recoveries!
    They also wonder how Bob is doing.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / May 30 2019 7:25 pm

      Bob stayed waaaay up on the shelf far far from sickie-poo pup. Don’t want to get knock over in the rush to get outside. (We are pretty sure RC Cat was only trying to get her share of attention – and was pretty annoyed for getting waken up all night long by running feet and lights coming on unexpectedly)
      We had enough rain to help wash in the lumps and puddles outside – far too hard to bag that, so very grateful for the little storms.
      Besides no better way to recuperate than to snooze on a rainy day.
      We all thank you for your concern and cheering up wishes!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. dogear6 / May 30 2019 7:35 pm

    You covered a wide range of topics today! And with your usual thoughtfulness and insight. Sorry to hear the four legged kids are threatening grief. Be tough! You’re the adult, even if they don’t believe it.


    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / May 31 2019 8:13 am

      Tummy issues resolved (Oh, do I need to knock on wood with that?) Weekend’s looking good – hope yours is great. Thanks for stopping by these stomping grounds

      Liked by 1 person

  8. LordBeariOfBow / Jun 1 2019 1:42 am

    Well you’re getting “Fake News” rammed down your throats on a daily basis so I don’t suppose fake meat will take much getting used to

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 5 2019 7:14 am

      Fake outs! (and we all run screaming to the hills…) Cheers!


      • LordBeariOfBow / Jun 5 2019 6:38 pm

        I noticed a bit of Fake News coming out of England this morning, Seems that the Princes William and Henry aka Harry have been avoiding having their photos taken with the chump, seems he was hoping for some pictures of himself with them to use in his run for re-election, I wonder if he was embarrassed at the State Dinner, all those men dressed correctly, sporting all the medals and awards that they earned/won in the service of their countries. His chest looked decidedly bare. he does throw a snappy salute though, wonder where he learned to do that.

        Liked by 1 person

        • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 7 2019 4:03 pm

          Fewer and fewer men serve in the military these days. Military service does add something even without the medals. Honor. Responsibility. Respect for those who fought before.
          Sad that Bill Clinton actually walked into the US embassy in London and tried to renounce his US citizenship in order to avoid the draft. Character eventually shows.
          Trump did look respectful and honored to be there. After all, he was visiting the cradle, the homeland, and roots of the founding beliefs this country.
          (And his wife was courteous and respectful enough to follow protocol with the Queen…unlike another. The First Lady may be the best thing of this administration: grace and dignity)


          • LordBeariOfBow / Jun 7 2019 10:25 pm

            I never regretted being conscripted at age 18 into the Australian Army, it did me more good than harm. I just wish that the country had never got rid of conscription, I’m sure that the middle aged, the young of today would have benefited greatly. The youth especially, they seem to have nothing except TV drugs and a loud noise bursting their ear drums purporting to be music. If you can’t walk along whistling a song from the top ten then it ain’t music!


          • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 9 2019 1:03 pm

            Universal service by all youth has many benefits – to the individual as well as the country itself. There’s something each could do no matter their abilities. Some might discover just how much they are capable of doing, gain self reliance and confidence, and some would get a glimpse of what life is for others. Probably difficult to get that law/concept passed these days.


          • LordBeariOfBow / Jun 7 2019 10:31 pm

            It’s a crying shame that the majority of people both in Australia and the USA do not understand and realize the debt they owe to the English. Not just the language , but their laws sense of justice and respect that have I suppose dominated and spread throughout the world. I have lived in Australia 68 of my 84 years but I am still English, not British and certainly not a “brit” the most offensive insult to an Englishman IMNSHO


          • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 9 2019 2:54 pm

            Far too many far too willing to find fault, criticize historical figures based on modern criteria – and ignoring the actions and efforts of those people that moved the human species towards being more civilized. They made huge progress. Easier to dismiss/ignore facts and say those that went before had faults and foibles which therefore negates everything. BAH on tossing the baby out with the bathwater and he who is without any flaws can cast the first stone/erase history. Society suicide.
            OMG Brits.Never thought about that. Like assuming anyone who speaks Spanish is Mexican. Got it! Thanks


  9. cat9984 / Jul 6 2019 9:14 pm

    I think some town in Michigan finally got rid of the law saying that you can’t tie your alligator to a fire hydrant. I always wondered when that became enough of a problem to need legislation. I’ve lived here my entire life and never seen one. Guessing it’s the cold and snow.

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jul 8 2019 8:03 am

      What a law! There’s bound to be a story there that would be interesting to know.
      The authorities said they’ve been watching the gator with the knife stuck in his head – he’s find and somehow the fake unicorn horn/knife is gone…guess he realized Halloween is not just around the corner…saving it for later – That would be even more spooky in Oct.
      Thanks for tethering a comment here

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