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September 21, 2018 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Go fish


2 women in. vintage dresses. 1920 (USPD, artist life/Commons.,

Going to fish for compliments during a Girls’ Night Out?(USPD/

Three beauties met for sushi. Perhaps they were environmentalists trying to set those dinner bites free. 

Possible fishers of men, the three women soon begin baiting each other: soon sushi and water were flying across the table.

Police arrived. (One almost got hooked by a car as one of the women fled the scene.)

 A bizarre standoff after they followed her home, as she ignored them and refused to get out of her car.

Eventually she wiggled and finned like a dolphin…or a mad 2 year old having a tantrum…

Sound fishy? The reel story:  story and video version with arrest or the restaurant/parking lot security videos.

Mother fish talking to her school of little fish The Fables of Floridan. 1888 (USPD,, artist life/

Mom, out of the frying pan and into the fire isn’t an urban myth. (USPD/

People are always fishing for the answer of how to raise strong, well-balanced children who grow into stable, productive adults.

 “A new study from Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health finds that kids and teens who are raised with religious or spiritual practices tend to have better health and mental health as they age. But not to worry if you’re not a service-attender. The research published last week in the American Journal of Epidemiology, finds that people who prayed or meditated on their own time also reaped similar benefits, including lower risk of substance abuse and depression later on…”

(Read the rest: “Raising kids with religion or spirituality may protect their mental health”)

Simple meditation seems to net big results.

Many easy-to-get-along-with people seem to feel religions have commonalities. Many roads to the same destination.

Cloudy sky at sunset. (© Image, all rights reserved, copyrighted, no permissions granted

Rain, rain, go away! Sigh. (© Image)

Consider the Catholic Pope and the Tibetan Buddhist Dalai Lama

  • Both wear robes
  • Both ended up in similar places: one resides on the Temple Road in McLeod Ganj in what is called the Dalai Lama Temple. The other lives in the Apostolic Palace of the Vatican.
  • Neither one was born or raised in their current residence or country.
  • The Pope has his own army and government. The Dalai Lama may be chased by an army and a hostile government.
  • Both have to deal with scandals by their priests or teachers. Both denounce them. (Dalai Lama here. New US Catholic bishops policies here)
  • The Pope feels all refugees and immigrants should be cheerfully welcomed and provided for – share what you have. (2018 Message World day of Migrants and Refugees here.). The Dalai Lama feels refugees should be sheltered, educated, then they should go home to improve their own countries (Story here)
  • Both are considered holy and have many who look to them for guidance.
  • The Pope says his is the only way. The Dalai Lama is a little more open minded.
Goldfish print (Scrud 123/

Considering the scale of things, a small pond isn’t always so bad. (Scrud 123/

Alike but different about fish, too.

The fish in Buddhism may symbolize happiness, well-being, and freedom.

Early Christians adopted the “sign of the fish” as secret symbol and later there was the loaves and fishes thing.

Schools tried to make all of us eat fish on Fridays, but we didn’t. Many roads to the trash can.

Fish tossing. Maybe not so unusual after all.

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge.

woman cooking. 1918 LoC/USPD.artist life,

“It’s Friday. You know what it is.” You didn’t want to be the dinner guest at some friends’ houses on Fridays. (USPD/




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  1. easyweimaraner / Sep 21 2018 7:01 am

    currently the fish is the symbol of war in our area france vs. uk … it’s sad that the peaceful time along the canal ended because of a rule of the EU…


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Sep 21 2018 7:33 am

      Worrisome, indeed. The sea is not an endless kettle of fish.(And even here, the waves keep moving the territory markers and those that say “recovering zone – do not fish here” or “legal to fish here only at these times and dates”)
      It all swims together – like taking the wolves out of Yellowstone/wyoming destroyed the balance, blundering humans may find not being considerate and responsible may result in not only economic and political problems.
      Thanks for setting a comment hook here

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Kate Crimmins / Sep 21 2018 7:11 am

    Children raised with animals and kindness grow up kinder. (There must be a research study that says that but my limited research confirms it!) A commonality is that religion believes in kindness to people. Too bad we kill in the name of religion because that’s not what it’s meant to do. As for those fish Fridays, I wonder what happened to all those folks who went to hell for eating meat. Maybe they got a reprieve. My mom was creative for Fridays as we were not a fishy family. One Friday my mom made shrimp and told my Dad it was chicken. He liked it (although I’m not sure he believed her). That’s one our favorite stories about my Dad. He thought whatever my mom did was perfect and right. Need more men like that. It’s a great way to grow up.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Sep 21 2018 8:00 am

      Can anyone ever forget the smell of school fish sticks in the humid hot cafeteria? We weren’t Friday fishy, but with frugal budget, we did eat all the catfish and perch dad could catch from the farm tanks, and trout from the national park lakes. Sigh. Maybe not healthy, but an old fashioned catfish dinner (even better with restaurant hush puppies and maybe fries) – always with canned green beans or maybe fresh squash/blackeyed peas/tomatoes) – now that’s comfort food.
      Your family does sound lovely – if only people would stop trying to be the focus on the stage themselves and stop trying to create things to impress others on the mirage of social media, maybe everything would actual be more balanced. People used to make an effort to get along ( and name calling, tattling, setting people up, and kicking people when they are down was all considered poor behavior). People used to overlook little things to get along – and laugh more.
      You are right, there’s tons of research that shows those raised with animals/pets are kinder, more mentally stable, and actually healthier, too…(says oe rationalizing 3 large dogs…you know we were afraid to answer the phone for a couple of days HAHA. We’d said we could only do no other options available – and probably only short term as RC really is getting elderly and although has become even more assertive (She will attack and other charged The German who was fortunately a polite guest), she can’t move as fast and never was much of a jumper…too undignified)
      I know schools and governments do not want any form of religion or philosophy in schools, but it might be smart to teach from the beginning “Do not kill”, “Do not steal”, Do your best” and “Help others” – everyone seems to believe in those – even atheists. Might save the species HAHA (Actually not so funny.)
      Thanks for serving up a fishy comment

      Liked by 2 people

      • Kate Crimmins / Sep 21 2018 11:14 am

        Yes, I’m still working on those 3 days. Can’t wait until they visit. Yikes!


  3. pnwauthor / Sep 21 2018 9:51 am

    You have a fascinating way of tying information from different sources together and coming up with commonalities. I enjoy your wit.

    Liked by 2 people

    • LordBeariOfBow / Sep 21 2018 7:05 pm

      I’ve thought that too, just wasn’t sure how to say it; thank you 😀


  4. LordBeariOfBow / Sep 21 2018 7:05 pm

    Rain Rain don’t go away come on over here.

    I wasn’t exactly raised in religion, my dear old dad was a confirmed convinced socialist. (as I now am). It was thought I was destined for the church,George Carey was happy I didn’t. Go on that is! 👿

    I raised our children in the catholic faith at the orders of the War office, she’s a Mick! (not that she’s practised it the last 50 years). All our children have turned out very well indeed.

    I’m quite content being the President of the Universal Order of Atheists. and consider myself more honest than either the Dalai Lama or El Papa,


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Sep 24 2018 8:34 am

      Wooshed some your way, but it’s apparently taken a wrong turn and coming back tomorrow afternoon. Been out trying to assist drowning plants.
      Many roads, one must find the trail that leads them best. Always thought it was wise to raise kids in some church or belief – so they can have something to rebel against as teenager…they have to rebel against something…it’s their job.
      Thanks for being faithful in adding comment here!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Curt Mekemson / Sep 21 2018 8:05 pm

    If I recall my mythology, those Friday fish go back to the Egyptians, Phil. I can still recall all of my little Catholic buddies eating fish on Friday. Have to agree on the power of meditation. Ommmmm. –Curt


  6. the dune mouse (CybeleMoon) / Sep 22 2018 7:31 pm

    always a great story!! However as to the current pope I think he is very broadminded compared to many previous. As for a fish story I do know a song:
    Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu! Three little fishies and a momma fishy too, and they swam and they swam all over the dam.


  7. ShimonZ / Oct 22 2018 11:07 pm

    Have to be careful about teachers. Give them your ears, but not your sexual organs.


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