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January 16, 2017 / philosophermouseofthehedge

It’s her fault

It’s the Queen’s fault.

Why I was forced to wear closed toe shoes in a big crowd.

Why I answered the phone with “To whom do you wish to speak.”

Why I still automatically  check to see if there’s anything stuck between front teeth after a meal.

Stupid being proper.

Blame Elizabeth II.

Glamorous movie star Clara Bow in backless dress. 1922-35. Bain New Service. LOC/USPD/, artist life/Commons.wikimedia.oerg

Dress would not meet wardrobe guidelines By either of them.(USPD/

You see, HRH and my mom could be mistaken for twins. Seriously.

Same facial expressions – of frowns and grins. Those eyes: bright approval or grim tolerance. The shoulders.. The way that purse is grasp.

I really didn’t notice until an in-law said when watching some interview,  “Hey, she looks just like your mom.”

The simple unconscious mannerisms. Some ancient DNA coding making long distance calls.


As the Queen ages, I see more and more mirror images of Mom who really would have been the older sister.

It wouldn’t be appropriate to call her Liz, though.

Even if cousins – distant cousins, true, as we’re so far apart.

We didn’t expect invitations to the weddings.

We did stop by her house one year, but she was out which was OK as we hadn’t called ahead.

Dropping by unannounced would have frowned on.

By both of them.

I don’t post family pictures, so you can’t see for yourself.

You’ll have to just take my word for the twinsie-ness.

I was there. I know. Stored all the images of both in memory.

Confused woman holding hands with cowboy. 1919. Sunset pictures/Triangle Picture. (

“Honey, think hard and concentrate. You will remember. Skunks, prickly pear, and presidential elections leave their marks. (USPD/

You know maybe the Facebook and Twitter generation are just looking down the road – for when memories fail – with all their selfies stored in data clouds’ deep freeze memory 

Almost every moment and detail of their lives will be ready to stream into their nursing homes.

To refresh their thoughts.

Bet the old folks’ home staff will be busy.

Responding repeatedly to their charges’ questions of “Who are those loud people and why are they in my room?”

And scolding agitated residents who continually throw stuff at the chatty “windows” on the wall. “If you break one more screen, we’ll tie you down. You know your family wants those pictures playing up there for your enjoyment.”

A laugh, a sigh, and a royal imitation of the wave bye-bye.

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge.

Pretty in Pink. Queen Elizabeth II on Royal Navy Carrier. 2015. Image: Joel Rouse/Ministry of Defense. (

Mom? Oh, just Queen Elizabeth II. Reasonable facsimile.(Rouse/Ministry of Defense/





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  1. easyweimaraner / Jan 16 2017 9:08 am

    my granny had her birthday the same day like HRM… and we sometimes thought they were really twins… and I now know why HRM and my granny preferred totes and no shoulderbags… it was to give me one with the bag on my back when I walked around like the hunchback of notre dame instead to walk upright like homo sapiens…


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jan 17 2017 7:57 pm

      It’s funny the things that twine people together. Maybe magic is real.
      I’m about ready to buy Molly her own harness with pockets – Me carrying everyone’s water bottles/water bowls/little plastic bags just in case…I’m getting tired!
      Thanks for bagging up a comment to leave


  2. Beth / Jan 16 2017 9:11 am

    Your post reminded me of the most ridiculous knock knock joke I heard last week (that also genuinely made me laugh). You’ll have to do voices for both parts:
    Knock, Knock
    Who’s there?
    To Who?

    To Whom.
    (I burst out laughing.)

    Liked by 4 people

    • memoirsofahusk / Jan 16 2017 9:15 am

      So did I! Or should I say ‘so did one’, given this post? 😉

      Liked by 2 people

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jan 17 2017 8:02 pm

      Knock Knock jokes are the best for smiles.
      Here’s a joke my elderly neighbor (who’s a Brit) has told me every time he’s run into me this week while walking his also elderly dog:”Why do the French like to eat snails? They hate fast food!”
      Gotta love bad jokes!
      Thanks for laughing along (Hope the weather is being nice to you there – tired of all this rain here)

      Liked by 1 person

  3. memoirsofahusk / Jan 16 2017 9:17 am

    Ha ha ha this is so funny. And the image of the chatty windows on the wall, gurgling with laughter now, thanks!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jan 17 2017 8:05 pm

      If you’ve visited as many nursing homes/assisted living facilities as I have, you can easily see the potential. Glad you got a giggle. Thanks for chortling along


  4. Carrie Rubin / Jan 16 2017 9:39 am

    A royal doppelgänger–not such a bad thing. But it sure would be nice if they gave you access to those castles beyond where the tourists get to go!

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jan 17 2017 8:20 pm

      Genetics are so eerie sometimes. When mom complained about her allergies ( and she had lots including food allergies) Dad and I used to snort it was probably from all those closely related royal couples marrying HA HA!…Oh Ok we only said it very quietly. Dad’s side has Scottish castle potential, but they probably won’t be home either if we manage to visit.
      Speaking of robber barons, how annoying that Bob. (Hey, everyone click over to Carrie’s blog and read about the latest battle writers are having to battle.)
      Thanks for touring this place!

      Liked by 2 people

      • Carrie Rubin / Jan 17 2017 8:41 pm

        Haha, thank you. Something tells me there’s no Royal blood in Bob’s family. 😁

        Liked by 1 person

        • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jan 18 2017 6:48 am

          He’s practiced in being a royal pain.
          (We used to stamp books across the page edges. So it’s pretty obvious the book was free. That guy is one home based business that needs to be shelved.)

          Liked by 1 person

  5. Kate Crimmins / Jan 16 2017 1:50 pm

    Those mystery images that the old folks get. I wish I could stack my cloud with some good ones for when I get there.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jan 17 2017 8:23 pm

      Don’t worry the cats are keeping track for you – you know how they are always staring at nothing and hunting small invisible things? Those are memories they are gathering up. And you know they are grateful enough to you to snag the good and happy ones. Thanks for stacking in a comment

      Liked by 1 person

  6. roughwighting / Jan 16 2017 2:01 pm

    Fun, funny, and yet… you could do worse. I’m just starting to watch the Netflix series THE CROWN. Hey, propriety has its perks. Like…well I can’t think of any, but I bet your mom can!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jan 17 2017 8:27 pm

      I’ll have to find that series. The Queen likes dogs and horses, so she’s probably OK. (And she rally lucky that she can has others to feed and clean up after them. Major perk!) Thanks for the crowning remark

      Liked by 1 person

  7. heretherebespiders / Jan 16 2017 2:29 pm

    Oh dear. Every Christmas Day, the uncles like to make my husband curse by pretending they are going to make us watch The Queen’s Speech. Unbearable for Irish people!
    But I do say ‘to whom’ and detest when people show up at my door unannounced. We should bring back calling cards.

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jan 16 2017 5:02 pm

      I would think that habit of uncles might result in a few smashed tv screens (and heads?)
      The Queen is elegance and grace rooted in a different era – we could all use more formal behavior at times – for cooler heads maybe. Calling cards were cool – business cards for ordinary life – much cooler than a note scratched on a scrap of paper stuck in your door or car wiper. Once there were dance cards girls used. My grandmother had some from her younger days where men would “sign up” early n the dance to reserve certain dances/times.Lovely script flourishes tied up with satin ribbons.
      No time for all that these days, it seems.
      Thanks for leaving a formal comment!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Erik / Jan 17 2017 4:39 am


      Liked by 1 person

  8. Sarah Ferguson and Choppy / Jan 16 2017 4:08 pm

    On the plus side, those who see you after your meals are happy not to have to ignore the food between your teeth.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jan 16 2017 4:44 pm

      Of course there are the ones who you can never please, “Who are you to pretend to be so perfect. We know what is behind those molars!” Gulp. (But with lips closed and politely behind a napkin…HA HA) Thanks for taking a bite out of this post

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Erik / Jan 17 2017 4:44 am

    You leave much room for multiple perspectives and tangents, my friend.
    My mom’s lifelong doppelgänger is a genie: well, Barbara Eden anyway.
    And, though I’ve had to grin and bear such things being a mentor of teens and young adults, it still sets my teeth on edge when people say “It’s me” or “between he and I.” So the Queen’s English (as well as your mom’s) does not go gentle into that good night.

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jan 17 2017 8:35 pm

      As kids we were always annoyed when mom and grandmother constantly corrected our grammar and pronunciations. But everyone knew you might use slang and sloppy speech patterns when relaxing with friends, but in public, on the job, or in school, everyone did their best to sound educated – the national newscasters were held up as models for their standard/correct speech. Like wearing the right clothes for each occasion. No big problem. We’ve lost a bit with relaxing standards…and not reading classical literature.
      Boy I bet you had a time growing up with a mom that looks like Genie. Cool. Could she do the head bob with crossed arms? How much fun
      Thanks for sliding in with a showy comment


  10. Aquileana / Jan 17 2017 6:23 am

    Love this!!!!… So Queen Elizabeth II and your mom look alike…
    And the specular image of the Queen (Lord say her!) then should have a sort magnetic or at least persuasive effect, which might explain the magical projections, involving manners and little such features! …
    The fact that you don´t added photos make the Similarities even more evident, mind you!… Words can trace traits, and so you did here! . Love & best wishes, dear Phil! 😀


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jan 17 2017 8:38 pm

      Like peas in a pod. Something of a start when I see the Queen move on TV as the body language is identical. How does that happen? More mysteries between Heaven and earth than we can know. Thanks for leaping by to dance along

      Liked by 1 person

  11. sportsattitudes / Jan 17 2017 10:13 am

    “Almost every moment and detail of their lives will be ready to stream into their nursing homes.” So true. So very true. And while we should not judge others I do wonder if all this capturing the moment really allows people to live in their moments. To get the very most out of each moment. Seems distracting…as did that dress that didn’t meet guidelines.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jan 17 2017 8:43 pm

      Can they please use those new drones that follow along for selfies? Those selfie sticks are so annoying. You do have to be concerned when you are at an event like Isle of Man races and some person delighted to be there leans out into the course with their backs to approaching traffic….they are missing it! But in the assisted living home, they will have all that to experience – like for the first time. That will be cool (Hope the cloud storage holds up…will we have a Right for free cloud storage? Hmmm)
      Thanks for dressing up a comment, too

      Liked by 1 person

  12. shoreacres / Jan 17 2017 10:50 am

    I’ve loved the Queen ever since I got to watch her coronation on our brand new, 12″ black and white tv — in its walnut cabinet with four legs. She was beautiful then, and still is. What a life. Dont’ you wonder what she says about her kids when she tosses off her shoes, grabs a drink, and relaxes for a while?

    I love that your mom favors her. I got a little nervous when HRM was ill over Christmas, but apparently she’s recovered just fine, and 2016 didn’t get her, too.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jan 17 2017 8:46 pm

      I have vague memories of Mom insisting we watch her coronation on our tiny flickering screen. White horses and a pretty young queen in the carriage. (Bet her head hurt from that big old crown)
      I do think she has looked happier in the past few years. (and worried over the cold, too. But she’s up and walking a friend’s dog)
      thanks for adding a royal comment


  13. Robin / Jan 17 2017 3:22 pm

    I think we could all benefit from lessons in decorum from the Queen. How fun that your mum is her twin in looks. 🙂


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jan 17 2017 8:48 pm

      Graciousness and dignity should never go out of style.
      Mom tried to pass it onto us, but you know. Blue jeans, tennis shoes, and wanting to climb trees. Thanks for adding a wave to the pair


  14. Paprika Furstenburg / Jan 17 2017 6:36 pm

    It’s great that you have such a regal reminder of you mom.

    Dr. Ruth Westheimer, the world renowned sex therapist, reminds me of all of my paternal aunts. Not quite as classy as the queen.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jan 17 2017 8:49 pm

      You must have had constant laughter with those aunts if they were like Dr. Ruth. She had those twinkling eyes, too. Thanks for giggling along

      Liked by 1 person

  15. reocochran / Jan 18 2017 7:01 pm

    My Mom looked like Katherine Hepburn when they were both young. Auburn hair and green eyes made my Dad go a little “stalker” – like, when he spied her on U of C (Ohio, U.S.) campus. She was funny like the Queen, picky about language and proper manners. She would answer “Yes” and hang up on my friend’s who would ask, “Is Robin home?” When friends came over she would ask what they would like to drink, giving them two or three choices. If they said the common response of, “I don’t care” or grandchildren’s response, “Whatever.” My Mom would promptly sit down and never ask this same person the beverage’s choice question. 😀


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jan 18 2017 7:28 pm

      Katherine Hepburn was so elegant and classy. Your mom sounds like she had many of the same traits. Always poised with polite manners even in the face of changing times. She must have been quite a catch – no wonder your dad had laser focus on her.
      Thanks for peering into these doors and pausing to chat


  16. RKLikesReeses / Jan 23 2017 1:11 pm

    Haaaa!!!! Did you wear gloves “out,” too? Little white ones, for young ladies. I could never understand what the point was, since it was easier to wash my grubby fingers than those extremely delicate gloves. But that’s what was done. Gloved hands, clasped on lap; chin up, small smile.

    Elegant post, delightfully presented – as befits the royalty you are.

    Oh! FB & the like – WOW! So true!! What a commentary!!! Have to say that it reminds me of what all those tattoos will look like on 90-year-old bodies. Nursing home staff members of the future will need to be ready for some troubling visuals along with the social media “memory lane” onslaught.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jan 23 2017 3:23 pm

      Total failure at keeping gloves clean and sitting sedately and still. They probably got the dingy grey laundry commercials after glancing at those gloves. Oh, had forgotten the chin up thing, too
      BTW, old geezers with saggy/distorted tats are already unsightly events in the med centers/Ers now….enough to make some of the younger ones swear they’ll never get a tattoo.
      Not your mother’s/grandmother’s nursing home anymore.
      Rock on, you rockin’chairs. Thanks for giggling along


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