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October 17, 2016 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Travel window: pictured perfect

Ready to scream about the commuter crawl outside the windshield? Picture that.

Strapped-in kids whining because they can’t see out the windows? Screenshot.

Dog bored, won’t settle down, and backseat passengers are complaining about being used as a dog bed? Got something to chase that away.

angry man. Mickey Rooney. "Twilight-zone" CBS/USPD:, no cr./

“What road construction will take the next 6 months? More if it rains? Just can’t take any more!”(USPD/

The Mercedes-Benz F 015 concept car is ready for a look-see.

Yawn over the self driving, but Mercedes has created something that may spiral travel enthusiasm.

This car features screens wrapped around the passenger compartment under the actual windows. 360 degrees. Selected travel images glide along just like landscape outside.

Pick your view as easily as picking your route.

Tired of that grimy, depression urban scene? How about a Painted Desert?

Pull up a forest with glorious fall foliage, snowy mountains, or wetland with herons and gators. (Why not drunks glitz of the Las Vegas strip? Could be an adult option.)

I Spy games could take on a whole new look. 

What child wouldn’t delight to see a virtual Bambi peeking from out of a panel’s forest

Any bored dog would give paws up for a rabbit running around car’s screens.

Cats might jump for butterflies fluttering or birds soaring. (“Shut that window NOW, young man!”)

And that sullen teenager?  Rooting that the loping wolf rounds the dashboard and runs smack into a rearing, roaring, grizzly bear.

If visuals are available, sounds effects can’t be far behind. Imagine:

Crashing surf of Pacific Highway. Thunderstorms rolling across the high planes. Rocky Mountain winds tossing golden Aspen leaves.  Raucous New Orleans Mardi Gras.

Mom’s will be pleading for “Mercedes take me away” instead of Calgon

Seriously, the car’s virtual scenes offer benefits:

  • Lower heart rates and blood pressure for passengers who are whisked away from the annoying traffic sights outside.
  • Reduces police car chases as car jackers become so enthralled with the car’s scenes, they forget to reprogram for a getaway destination or to even drive off at all.
  • Could be just what the doctor ordered to prevent road rage.
  • Easier to hide where you are: both mentally and physically (especially on social media).

Wonder if new car owners will allow popcorn and sodas for these moving movies.

Picturing a restful wheel thing.

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge.

Read more?

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side view of 1936 silver Stout Scarab. ALL rights reserved. NO permissions granted. Copyrighted

Ancestor of some mettle. The spacey Stout Scarab©






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  1. Sue / Oct 17 2016 6:45 am

    At what cost?


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 17 2016 7:05 am

      Daydreaming, creativity, and independent thought. Nothing like a warm day on a long trip in a car with the windows down. Seeing pictures isn’t always the best learning, they say. (But it might be welcomed by parents dragging their small child to the dentist if the kid doesn’t have a clue “We aren’t going to Disneyland”?) Thanks for pricing out a comment

      Liked by 2 people

  2. easyweimaraner / Oct 17 2016 6:52 am

    I need it… it’s a torture with 80lbs on my lap :o) … and I probably can’t wait till 2030 :o)))


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 17 2016 7:07 am

      Easy, Molly wants to inquire if they need a panel of pups to test drive the selection of pictures. She says there will be howls if their full moon isn’t perfect. Thanks for driving a comment this way

      Liked by 1 person

  3. shoreacres / Oct 17 2016 7:05 am

    Uh — well, maybe. Of course, I’m at the point where I barely can remember Houston traffic, so there’s that. Maybe once I’m back in the madness, this will seem more thrilling. For now, I’m among people who smile and seem perfectly content at keeping a steady 55 or 60 mph. Of course, those hairpin mountain turns to tend to keep folks reasonable.

    Eureka Springs? Imagine a Carnival Cruise ship run aground on an Arkansas mountain. Need I say more?

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 17 2016 11:23 am

      I know Eureka Springs. No need to say more.
      Trains/mass transportation would be welcomed instead of the crawl on the area roads right now as the region is undergoing another huge influx of people. Totally insane – and forget going I45 S to the beach or N to the lakes on nice weekends. (How long have we been voting for trains and all we get are unwanted buses?)
      You might enjoy this about how transportation is evolving. Kids not getting drivers’ licenses (can you imagine admitting that? Maybe in a crowded big city or if mom is still driving them everywhere since they are living at home?) Do you own the last car you’ll ever buy? Some may applaud – but there will always be those who love the long trips in the wide open with the windows down and radio up loud…Mustang convertibles will always call some.
      Enjoy your road wandering!


  4. Kate Crimmins / Oct 17 2016 7:21 am

    I’m still waiting to get beamed by Scotty. That’s the ultimate travel.


  5. RKLikesReeses / Oct 17 2016 7:21 am

    Whoa. This is amazing and scary! I guess the next step is individual versions, wrap-around worlds to keep us all entertained/controlled 24/7. Wow. Thank you for telling us about it! 🙂


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 17 2016 11:14 am

      Sounds very much like a couple of Sci Fi movies. This is a concept car for far down the road, but it’s always a race between companies offering new technology.
      Somehow those old cross country trains with the Vista View glass domes or giant windowed tourist observation cars offering panoramic views still sound attractive: actual real scenery, you can walk around, get snacks, and you don’t have to drive them either. Commuters can only dream of those where we are (been voting for rapid transit/rail for every and ever, yet all we get are used buses from other places and promises)
      Thanks for sitting a comment into the comment seats

      Liked by 1 person

      • RKLikesReeses / Oct 18 2016 11:15 am

        Real scenery, real sounds, time and room to move with the road – sounds perfect! I don’t think we have any like that either. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Roxie / Oct 17 2016 8:20 am

    Lulls car thieves, hahahaha! But will it work on screaming kids? Probably not as their attention span is 10 seconds! I wouldn’t mind having a “screened-in” porch with a changing view.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 17 2016 9:32 am

      Kids’ attention spans are about 2 seconds longer than their years. Real opportunity for increase loud car squabbles over who gets to choose the pictured locale…and there’s no “shotgun” seat to call. (Anyone notice the increase car speed button is right there by a side panel? What if you have a fat dog or bouncing kid bumping around?)
      The potential for hilarious sitcome plots are endless – just think what I Love Lucy or Dick van Dyke shows could do.
      Ah, a pictured change of scenery can really be nice – in summer with the AC turned up to crisp clean mts air speed or during a frigid winter add a sun lamp and beach scenes. I think the sci fi writers beat us to it.
      Thanks for coasting by with a comment

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Robin / Oct 17 2016 12:58 pm

    And soon we’ll all be living in a virtual reality. *sigh* I’m just back from a road trip that I don’t think I would have enjoyed half as much if I hadn’t been looking out the window to see what there is to see.

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 17 2016 2:40 pm

      Just like the bear going over the mountain to see what he could see. Lots of fun doing that. Potential to deprive car passengers of the real road trip experience. Thanks for parking a comment


  8. Ally Bean / Oct 18 2016 1:53 pm

    Well, I don’t like this idea one bit. First smart phones entice a person to ignore what is in front of them– and now this? When the aliens land on Earth, taking over won’t be difficult. Who will even notice that there are aliens among us? That would require paying attention to reality.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 19 2016 10:31 am

      OMG. You’ve uncovered a dastardly plot either by aliens or local AI / robots – give humans plush compartments, give them trinkets to occupy them, and take over.
      Love your last 2 lines. Thanks for parking those here

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Kourtney Heintz / Oct 27 2016 6:43 pm

    This sounds really cool. I’d love to play I spy on a long roadtrip in that car!



  1. Check out this new Benz Concept car. The Mercedes-Benz F 015

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