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September 26, 2016 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Remedial Tutorial for Presidential Debate

Building with window refections. ALL rights reserved. NO permissions granted. Copyrighted

Upon reflection, some structure is necessary to keep things in shape.©

The fine art of the caterwauling duels is rarely practiced with skill by humans.

No patience to perfect the spitting, ear-piercing combative screams, sharp swipes, and fur flying. People seem contented to stop learning at puffed up posing and stiff strutting.

A watered down version traditionally taught to the lesser species is based social concepts they easily understand: winners and losers.

Before Monday’s comedy workshop Presidential debate-ish performance, a review:

Although there have been dark ages that only cats can see the light of, this modified for human consumption version has worked through the ages …mostly.

You know humans: two steps forward and 50 back.

The tutorial concepts continue to apply no matter age, gender, or coat covering.

No We most certainly did not steal this idea for a post. Imitation is the finest form of fur flying flattery.

For of those of literary purrsuasion or more elevated interest in sociology, We suggest reading Mere Inkling’s entire post: “The Urgent Need for Chivalry”.

“With all the nations of the world engaged in power struggles—or cowering behind the protection of their more courageous allies—C.S. Lewis’ essay on “The Necessity of Chivalry” demands our attention.

Yes, the very word “chivalry” reeks of a bygone era that has been superseded and relegated to history books. But those who consider the concept outdated impoverish their lives and quite possibly contribute to the violent spirit of our age.

Warfare is not an abstract concept to the millions—yes, millions—of people who are surrounded by vicious threats every hour. Britain itself was in this position when…..”(continued here)

See. There. You may let go of the scruff of Our neck.

We have provided recognition and link to source  – as was intended all along. We are an RC. Honorable.

Cat talking to man on bridge.. Puss in Boots. Walter Crane (1845-1915) USPD.reprod.of pd art, artist life/

Hey, Dunderhead. I saw you sneak out that window. You didn’t exactly go out on little cat feet in the fog. Back inside until dismissed. (USPD/

And now We shall leave you to your assignment.

Maybe knowledge will lessen the foolish epidemic of clown fear, while the real impending threat is being ignored: the Fall Invasion of Vegetables.

If it’s not one rotten thing, it’s another.

 Giant big box Halloween store with pumpkin on roof ALL rights reserved. Copyriighted. NO permissions granted

It’s out of the box now: the Vegetable Intruders have a staging ground. Preparing to carve things up.©

We shall return later for discussion.

What? Quiz? Dunderhead!

Life in its’ entirety is a quiz.

Humans, why do We bother?

You may take notes.

You are trying. Very trying.

No, there is not popcorn. That might lead to vegetables popping in early.

This is beginning to push Our civility to the limit

Staff! Where is staff?

Staff, begin the instructional video before they completely lose focus.

Where are Our mousies? We crave soothing mousies for Our aching head.

Being an exemplary being is so exhausting.

Adieu, mon chere

And don’t forget to leave an open can of cat food in the doorway as tribute.

I am RC Cat and approve of this message.


Of course you wish for more: Vegetable Invasion (Could get mushy) or Holler-Ring and Revels of Other Realms  or perhaps Angry Veggies: Captured or Harvested?


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  1. shoreacres / Sep 26 2016 6:34 am

    Political caterwauling. Exactly. That’s a genius analogy, Phil. Put the two cats in the middle of a broken-down, distintegrating neighborhood with an audience of utterly irritated, shoe-throwing neighbors, and it comes close to being complete. Not perfect, but pretty good. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Sep 26 2016 8:26 am

      RC Cat: Fits all of that word’s definitions. Appreciate you shoo-ing that excellent visual image. An appreciative paw wave to you!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. memoirsofahusk / Sep 26 2016 7:15 am

    Love this. Been in hiding for a while but you tempted me out. I watched the CS Lewis Doodle video. Big thanks for introducing me to that – something of a CS Lewis fan myself. I never do despair but politics, refugee crises, the war in Syria, Yemen … it’s a close run thing. Maybe I need a feline familiar in the Lancashire witchly tradition 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Sep 26 2016 9:09 am

      RC Cat: There is intelligent life out there. Mere Inklings is one of the lovely CS Lewis bloggers. We are so tired of the annoying politics, that We have chewed through, uh, not really, We have encouraged Staff to quiet that squawking box of irritation. Nothing to be seen there. Moths are more interesting. Perhaps We should let a few of the outdoor moths inside for some lively entertainment for staff. Ah, Yes, yes. We offer a soft cheek pat for helping Us think of that! Cheers!

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Kate Crimmins / Sep 26 2016 7:34 am

    Video was great. Yes, I watched it. All 9 minutes! I know. I can’t believe it either. Very informational but alas too true to truly enjoy. As for the caterwauling, I have some shows taped that I have to watch. A debate wouldn’t sway me as it’s a sashaying with words only. I’ll watch Stephen Colbert instead. Watch out for those invading vegetables. I say them and they are everywhere, in armies of thousands.

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Sep 26 2016 9:14 am

      RC Cat: “Yes, yes, visual tutorials are so mesmerizing. And previously recorded experiences are so much more worthy than the planned smack down reality show scheduled. Purrhaps Molly shall take staff on a reconnaissance mission about the neighborhood looking for signs of early intruders. Delightful idea! We graciously off a soft walking ankle brush-by for your inspiration. A quick one. Do not attempt to pause even if you are overwhelmed with this honor.”

      Liked by 2 people

  4. robstroud / Sep 26 2016 5:35 pm

    Right before reading this great column I finished a conversation with my son about whether or not he intended to watch the debate tonight… He said he would decline to do so, and inferred that it was because he wasn’t a masochist. (No, he didn’t use the word, but the message got through.)

    Caterwauling is the perfect metaphor for what I expect should I tune in…


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Sep 26 2016 5:42 pm

      RC Cat; “We encourage residents of the Realm to seek constructive use of time and avoid events that might result in throwing things or hoarse throats the following day. You and your son sound wise. A fond paw wave as salute to your inspirational posts.”


  5. The Hook / Sep 28 2016 4:16 am

    And a feline shall light the way…
    Well stated, RC.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Sep 28 2016 8:16 am

      RC Cat: “Ah, a comment that rings from a bellman. We repeated gesture towards you as one who has learned the lessons. A cheery paw wave to you!”


  6. Littlesundog / Sep 28 2016 7:25 am

    I loved the video and was so taken up by it I did not realize how long it was! I was prompted afterward to check out more of the blog. Fascinating work. I did not watch the debate, and I haven’t watched much political news in months. It’s overload for this walker of the woodlands.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Sep 28 2016 8:20 am

      RC Cat. “How lovely you hear the call of the mild in the woods. We have found the realm so much happier without that noisy box blurting out foolishness and all those clowns. No wonder humans have become overwhelmed with clowns. The multi-ring circus got tiring. You are wise to be preocupied with rings of trees instead. AN encouraging paw wave to you!”

      Liked by 1 person

  7. pegoleg / Sep 28 2016 7:56 am

    Thanks for the link to that piece on chivalry – it was really thought provoking! Too bad the debate participants didn’t see it before their performance.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Sep 28 2016 8:24 am

      RC Cat “How lovely you discovered a small space of sanity. One can only hope the over-heated half-baked performances go out of fashion quickly. Meanwhile We shall continue to provide staff with other things to chase – like moths who slip in as the door opens. Exercise is good! A cheery paw wave to you!”


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