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June 4, 2014 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Smilie daddies. (Burp)

It’s out there. Everything you feared.

Premonitions? Reality based. Not easily dismissed.

Uncertain if ready to tie one on, yet there may be no choice given the options.

Run now.

Wait! TOWARDS the stores, not away.

Father’s Day is coming.

Father's Day items for Rednecks and wanna-be's

Descriptive brand name and tag line. Gits the imagination runnin’ hog wild.

Is there any social occasion that these would be out of place?

We think not. (You may read that any way you wish.)

Such conversation starters!

Yep, beverage holders open to interpretation. Clear to see that.

No more trendy way to toast Dad on his special day.

Speaking of toast, hungry for more?

Nothing gives dad a better message than rump roast?

What better message for dad than rump roast or BACON!

No need rushing into mall hopping shopping for Dad when the grocery store will do.

As it says “Pick out something nice for Dad!”

(Concerned how to hide the bags of ice until that special morning.)

Not just charcoal: premium lump charcoal.

Only the best for Dad.

(No, nothing to do with odd lumps in Christmas stockings. Whole different deal.)

Nothing says, “Luv ya’Dad” better than a loaded baked potato.

(He’s loaded and that life insurance policy is paid up? HUGS, Dad! More butter?)

Gifts beyond the imagination and the mandated ugly tie.

Wanted to let you be the first in line.

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge.

Claude Rains in "Four Daughters".1938 trailer screenshot. /US PD: life/

Oh, I am so hoping for pickled beets! (Claude Rains in “Four Daughters”1938/US PD:






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  1. shoreacres / Jun 4 2014 12:27 pm

    I’m offended — OFFENDED, I tell you! — by that Redneck barware. Some of my best friends are Rednecks, etc. etc. Now, since I’m offended, can I sue and get a lot of money? Then I could buy Daddy a really nice present. Well, except Daddy’s not around any more. Sure wish he was.

    On the other hand, and all joking aside, those stemmed red SOLO cups would be pretty cool to have. Anybody can drink from a fruit jar, but those red cups are iconic. Now I’ve got a taste for barbeque, too.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 4 2014 12:35 pm

      The reds are just perfect. Who could pass up those red cups? (Need to check to see if they include a marker/grease pencil to write names) For any occasion! – a wedding winner! (Time to head across the lake for barbeque?) Thanks for belching out a comment


      • shoreacres / Jun 4 2014 12:37 pm

        Actually, there are weddings where they’d do just fine. I once attended a wedding where the groom’s cake (chocolate, of course) was built as a perfect replica of the (old-style) Aggie bonfire. I’ll drink to that!


        • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 4 2014 12:40 pm

          Exactly – would have been ideal for a recent wedding in the fields and party/reception in the barn. These guys should make a fortune. Darn, missed it again (we’ve all had jars, but red cup stemware – just genius…even sorority parties…)


  2. easyweimaraner / Jun 4 2014 12:45 pm

    My dad will get barbecue coal, hope he understands the broad hint :o)


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 4 2014 1:09 pm

      Excellent choice…maybe we’ll add a fresh box of shrimp boil, too. Thanks for tossing a comment in the cart!


  3. Paul / Jun 4 2014 12:49 pm

    Love the stemmed plastic beer cup – a favorite of mine. And at the store, do you suppose we could convince them I could have BOTH potato chips AND popcorn? I would really like both. And what the heck is this assignment? Philmouse was always an environmentally sensitive mouse who lived clean. I miss you. Are you OK? Have you had bad family news that has driven you to drinking and eating unhealthy foods? You are my hero – I looked up to you. We want you back! (After you are done this excellently composed assignment, of course.) Cheers!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 4 2014 1:15 pm

      Potato chips and popcorn – sure, loaded couch potatoes are bound to be OK! Like snacks, sometime you stumble across things that are just too silly to pass up. The non-stop commercials and TV ads are starting up here. Usually they get crazier as Father’s Day approaches..but hard to beat bags of ice.
      Hang on, writing around here’s kind of like the weather…what out for the unpredictable lightning bolts. Thanks for stacking up a comment!


  4. bulldog / Jun 4 2014 1:15 pm

    Oh yes a rump roast for me thanks… and a pudding.. chocolate pudding that is with cream or ice cream… that’s all this Dad wants…


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 4 2014 1:19 pm

      See – the grocery store is right on target. Much better than the ugly tie or some plastic item destined for future garage sales. Thanks for affirming that concept! (and actually roast does sound pretty good…) Cheers!


  5. Spinster / Jun 4 2014 2:57 pm

    LMAO! That’s a hell of a present.


  6. Ally Bean / Jun 4 2014 3:49 pm

    Those red cups on a crystal stem get me laughing every time. Thanks for reminding me that trashy and classy can coexist in beverage-hoisting harmony.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 4 2014 4:11 pm

      Are people supposed to use stick-on nametag labels or markers to identify ownership – red cups = one or the other? Yes, these are definitely on the shopping list for summer. Thanks for sipping along


  7. Littlesundog / Jun 4 2014 4:46 pm

    Hmm, we’re kind of redneck up here… we don’t put no labels on our cups. We like to argue about who stole our beer cup or exclaim that we done lost our drink! I think Sunday FD just wants a little pool time. I’ll keep the frosted mugs coming poolside and play some good,tropical tunes.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 4 2014 5:08 pm

      No labels? Some use the lipstick color match system. The red cups on stems just made me giggle. Bound to be a winner. Frosted mugs and the pool sound ideal Thanks for stacking up a comment


  8. katecrimmins / Jun 4 2014 5:02 pm

    Was at Bed, Bath and Beyond this morning and saw all that stemware. Was at a picnic once. They used canning jars from cardboard cases. I was wondering is anyone washed them. Don’t think so since they had to slice open the case. Oh yes, you gotta die of something! These are great gifts for the men in your life!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 4 2014 5:12 pm

      Oh, we missed these glasses there. Growing up we drank out of jelly jars – the Ball jars were kept safe for putting up produce. Didn’t some restaurant chain use jar as part of their theme? Had to laugh over the stems, though. Opens up a whole new market. Thanks for shopping along


      • katecrimmins / Jun 4 2014 5:14 pm

        Jelly jars were our good glasses growing up! After all if one broke, you had to eat a jar of jelly!


  9. EllaDee / Jun 5 2014 2:45 am

    That Red Nek merchandise would be classed as Hipster in Sydney. Every cool cafe in my neighbourhood serves drinks in jars. And yes, me too back in the day we drank out of jam and vegemite jars. It wasn’t cool it was country thrift. I like to buy my Dad a book for Fathers Day etc, when he’s read it he lends it to me 🙂


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 5 2014 12:36 pm

      While the jars are pretty traditional, the red cups seem to be approaching a new level with the stems. Very clever product. Between the novelty and the normalcy, they are truly at home anywhere. No longer will a frat party/tailgate party/backyard be offering cheap, flimsy, no-value, I-don’t-think-much-of-my-guests barware – wine will be much more comfortable now that it’s elevated? (giggles).
      Books are a great option (and for that reason!) Thanks for raising a glass over here


  10. PiedType / Jun 5 2014 10:10 pm

    My dad wasn’t much of a beer drinker. But he sure got a lot of ties and golf balls over the years. Wish he were still around so I could give him some more …


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 5 2014 11:35 pm

      Ties and shirts. Or gardening stuff. The latter preferred as he’d rather be outside. We’ll have to make do with smiles and memories. Thanks for musing along


  11. jannatwrites / Jun 6 2014 5:43 am

    You crack me up! “Nothing says, “Luv ya’Dad” better than a loaded baked potato.” Hahahaha! And here I was thinking of getting him soap-on-a-rope.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 6 2014 3:09 pm

      It was all too funny. Just couldn’t pass that buy. Thanks for tossing a comment into the cart


  12. Sun / Jun 8 2014 12:12 am

    its those unique gifts and hugs that make a perfect gift. right on, Philmouse! now pass the rednek cup full of beer. 😛 ha-ha!!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 8 2014 1:20 pm

      I do love stemware. These for outside use? Bet they get toppled over a lot – not due to glass design. Thanks for tossing a comment into the shopping cart


  13. heretherebespiders / Jun 10 2014 9:56 pm

    Dear me. My dad grows all of that veg, had his own cows slaughtered for the good steaks, would consider a bag of ice just helping out with needs when company calls over for the slow smoked BBQ he already has going… About all I’d have left would be a bottle of fine bourbon or whiskey that would set me back half my week’s wages!

    As to the redneck cups… Oh my. A bit of trivia for you, from over the pond (how I wish all of your commenters would see this!). Ireland is selling red Solo cups as ‘American’ during the summer months, at €5 for a dozen cups! That’s $6.75 for 12 cheapo plastic cups at today’s exchange rate. Wow! Even better that we don’t consider them redneck, just classic Americana. Don’t you feel extra-special now, dads?

    By the way, that exchange rate is really good, come to Ireland!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 10 2014 10:08 pm

      Your dad sounds like he sets up a good time
      I think we need to set up a specialty import company…and feel the need to do some market research there!


  14. LifeOfBun / Jun 12 2014 6:09 pm

    Hahaha Rednek glassware. That’s awesome. I actally love drinking from those jars though, TONS of crushed ice in it and juice or iced tea on top.. yummmm.. and yes add some baked potatoes! Definitely better than a tie i’d imagine.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 13 2014 7:12 pm

      Yes, iced down jars…but maybe the stemware is a little too unstable for here! Something to note: A nice dinner never ends up in a garage sale or used clothing store. (Go baked potatoes!) Thanks for feasting on the nutty fare here


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