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February 21, 2014 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Thrown. But be dazzled.

The absolute worst time to find a place to live in NOLA?

The day after Mardi Gras.


The airport terminal, an obstacle course avoiding the departing mumblers and stumblers.

“That’s their flight crew? The ones having difficulty with the rollie cases?”

(Don’t look too closely at the carpet. Step gingerly around those dark wet spots…)

Even the rental car looks a bit exhausted.

(Where are those clear plastic seat covers when you need them?)

“Oh, score! Abandoned beads…except they are floating in that, uh, sticky looking… Nevermind.”

The hotel?

Perhaps check in later. (Keep the luggage in the car.)

Allow them a bit more time for reconstruction to some sort of normal.

Cafe Du Monde and Beignets?

(The realtor frantically – mostly coherently – called and is running late.)


Not the best timing, true.

Job transfer schedules wait for no celebration.

NOLA is a whole universe to itself.

A grand adventure.

A rich brew.

Note to self:

No point in arriving early for any appointment on the day after Mardi Gras.


While New Orleans is the best known Mardi Gras, Galveston began celebrating Mardi Gras in 1867.

The Island’s celebration is the third largest Mardi Gras in the US.

And the 2014 Mardi Gras Galveston  starts this weekend. 

Something for everyone: Funky Uptown Umbrella Brigade (largest umbrella dance in the world), Mystic Krewe of Aquarius, Zaniest Gold Cart and Art Car Parade, Krewe of Gambrinus, Family Gras! and that’s just the beginning.

There’s still time to get here: 16th Annual Krewe of Barkus and Meoux on March 2. Benefits the “Fix a Pit” and other spay/neuter programs. ( Over 300 pets brought their owners last year.

2014 Galveston Mardi Gras schedule here


Prefer a party that’s a little tipsy? Got boat? (We’ll take yours.)

How about 15th Yachty Gras Boat parade on March 1st?

Parade info here.

(And yes, there will be beads. Go early if you plan to stand along The Kemah Boardwalk )

The best part of 2014 Mardi Gras?

This one’s just down the road.

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge.


Never enough beads. (And no fair buying them at Hobby Lobby or the gift stores!)

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  1. PiedType / Feb 21 2014 2:33 am

    I must confess I thought the only city that had a Mardi Gras celebration was New Orleans. For everyone else, I thought it was just an excuse to bring a king cake to the office.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Feb 21 2014 4:57 pm

      King cakes are everywhere – even in the grocery stores. Lots of places have Mardi Gras: Lafayette(LA), St Louis, Mobile, Orlando’s Universal, Rio, Venice, Binche (Belgium), Trinidad, Sydney, Notting Hill/London, even Little Port Arthur. Just about anywhere with French or Catholic influence.
      The problem working in offices – too much food brought in to celebrate all sorts of stuff. Thanks for partying along


  2. Jagoda Perich-Anderson, M.A. / Feb 21 2014 3:03 am

    You’re not really moving to New Orleans, are you? I’ve never been to Mardi Gras–not a fan of huge, drunk crowds.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Feb 21 2014 5:04 pm

      We did live there for a while.The summer after we left, We saw the house we almost bought – with flood waters up to the roof. Whew! NOLA is like anywhere else. What an adventure. Mardi Gras is insane…you might want to try a smaller celebration as a starter. Thanks for tossing over a comment


  3. Carrie Rubin / Feb 21 2014 3:07 am

    I’d love to go to New Orleans some day. But I could do without those wet spots on the airport carpet…


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Feb 21 2014 5:12 pm

      Thick soles are good.It’s very humid and sticky just about any time. Some of the stuff you have to overlook as it’s a big tourist and convention town – but the city has lots to offer. A must go location – and don’t rush the visit. Great stuff for authors. Thanks for tossing some beaded thoughts


  4. sandylikeabeach / Feb 21 2014 3:36 am

    I went to college in New Orleans so I have fond memories of Mardi Gras in the late 70s. Do you have King Cake in Galveston?


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Feb 21 2014 5:14 pm

      Oh, you know! Most of the old family bakeries have King Cake – even the grocery stores all across the area. Can’t get away from that French influence here. Thanks for joining the krewe


  5. sportsattitudes / Feb 21 2014 3:42 am

    Let the good times roll Galveston! Masked or unmasked!


  6. Spinster / Feb 21 2014 5:58 am

    Ate at Cafe du Monde a few years ago, but not during Mardi Gras. Thanks for the beignet nostalgia, and as usual, good post.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Feb 21 2014 5:24 pm

      That’s such a nice spot to enjoy the parade of people on normal days. The city has so much to offer. No place can match the beignets – and few in the US, the history. Thanks for joining the parade


  7. gingerfightback / Feb 21 2014 7:10 am

    I have been to Galveston and New Orleans! Hooray! We sure ‘ppreciate y’all.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Feb 21 2014 5:26 pm

      You’ve hit the high points. Tossing some beads your way – darn the seagull got them. Party on. Thanks for joining the krewe


  8. roughseasinthemed / Feb 21 2014 9:59 am

    Even our tiny pueblo has a little parade (any excuse in Spain though for a fiesta). But back in the UK, it’s shrove Tuesday and pancake day. I doubt I’ll remember to make any. However it is World Book Day or something a few days later which does attract my interest.

    Peace and quiet here. Eventually. Four walks for little Snows by 10 am. We’re all tired. Sleepy paw waves from here.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Feb 21 2014 5:32 pm

      Sun. Sun. Oh, sorry – it’s still a novelty. Hope the grass in the yard isn’t as dead as it looks – will know shortly. Several bird flocks winging north over head during the early morning walk. Weather is much more normal right now. Molly wants to trade staff- 4 walks by 10. She’s complaining now, Snowy.
      Spain never misses a party opportunity. Missed out on these celebration not growing up Catholic.
      (Hey the new a couple of days ago showed some Spanish ship plowing into Gib’s territorial waters…they just won’t let it go…)
      Little leaps and jumps by Molly sent to entertain Snowy…who’s probably taking short naps. Thanks for tossing a comment over


  9. Ally Bean / Feb 21 2014 12:40 pm

    I went to Mardi Gras in NOLA once. Quite an experience. I was younger then! Should try to get to Galveston for it once, too. Somehow the TX version sounds a bit more sedate… like I now am.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Feb 21 2014 5:37 pm

      We used to toss the kid in a backpack and go to Mardi Gras. It’s really much larger now – and the parades have a new route: along the seawall (free viewing) before going into the historic Strand area (where you pay and there’s bleachers and balconies). Not as crazy as NOLA, but can be pretty wild (this year’s mild weather – and cabin fever probably means big crowds). The I45 freeway is probably more dangerous than the parade area. A hotel balcony room/building roof deck on the Strand sounds just about right. Thanks for dancing along


  10. pegoleg / Feb 21 2014 2:48 pm

    I went to New Orleans once for a seminar out by the airport. I took myself downtown in my rental car, drove around the French Quarter getting lost and feeling unsafe, then drove back out to the safety of strip-mall/chain land without ever getting out of my car. If I hadn’t taken a self-guided tour of some cemeteries the next day I wouldn’t even be able to look myself in the eye for being such a coward.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Feb 21 2014 5:44 pm

      Actually your instincts were probably wise. Best go in a group. The realtor handed us brochures: the local Sheriffs held free gun trainings and shooting practices for housewives and moms. Seems like most people took them up on it. Everyone in the office had been mugged/assaulted at one time or another…and there’s the Mafia – not just in movies. But a guided tour always shows you stuff you’d miss – so that was a really good idea.
      There’s plenty to see and stuff to do without Mardi Gras – it’s a real adventure. Thanks for parading along


  11. jannatwrites / Feb 21 2014 5:33 pm

    I didn’t know Galveston was in on the Mardis Gras celebrations! I went to NOLA a couple years ago – beautiful place to visit, but I have a feeling I wouldn’t like living there (I’m used to the ‘dry heat’ 🙂 ) As for Mardis Gras, I can skip that anywhere. I’m more of a stay away from crowds type!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Feb 21 2014 5:54 pm

      NOLA to me is more fun when not crowded. It’s an interesting place with lots of history and architecture.
      Mardi Gras is celebrated world-wide, just about any place with strong French/Catholic influence. Everyone is so sick of cold rainy winter, bet the crowds will be rowdy this year. Thanks for tossing in a comment


  12. The Hook / Feb 22 2014 11:15 pm

    “Perhaps check in later. (Keep the luggage in the car.)”
    Get a bellman and store that stuff!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Feb 23 2014 12:02 am

      The whole town was bleary and asleep on their feet. It was hard enough to find the desk clerk. Everyone was much more refreshed and energetic later. (Not everyone has the stamina and professionalism you have, Hook…the poor kid was crashed out on the couch.) Perhaps you should create instructional video for bellmen…sounds like a stand-up comedy at in the making/TV script. You’ve certainly got the material. Thanks for carrying over a comment


  13. jmmcdowell / Feb 24 2014 6:08 pm

    I’ve been to New Orleans a few times for conferences but never Mardi Gras. As you might guess, this introvert isn’t big on big parties. 😉 But the history is amazing. If someone wants the feel of a European city without leaving the US, the French Quarter is the place to go.

    (PS—got an email from Laura Stanfill of Forest Avenue Press this weekend. Please don’t forget to contact her for your free copy of “A Simplified Map!” You can use the email from my post or this contact link:


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Feb 24 2014 9:50 pm

      Visitors can’t help stumbling over interesting stuff in New Orleans. It is a good practice run for Europe (I hear spots in Canada are, too) We did find that there are smaller Mardi Gras celebrations/events for those not fond of Quarter’s crowds.(Those were a bit much for us)
      Thanks for the quick link – Contacting Forest Avenue was on my list today – Recently nice weather was tough competition for anything inside. (Today we’re back to dense fog, and temps dropping with chills for another bit – the warm interludes make it that more grim). I am looking forward to reading!Thanks for jumping over – and for sponsoring the book give away!


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