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January 16, 2014 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Buddy the dog makes points.

(Cute San Antonio Spurs Pet Vest Harness available at

Goldens support the San Antonio Spurs, so the reverse should be true also? (Cute San Antonio Spurs Pet Vest Harness available at

Hey. Toss him a basketball. Put a jersey on him, Dawg. Get that money shot.

San Antonio is a basketball town. No place does it better. Total immersion of wild fan craziness.

Buddy the dog on death row in San Antonio has discovered a few buddies lining up for his own dream team.

Hoping for a decisive rim shot.

Hoping to go home before the NBA playoffs – even better, before Super Bowl! Yes!.

(He already has a reserved seat – at home with his owners. But, even though stout of heart, he doesn’t want to get his hopes up too quickly.)

Buddy the dog asleep. Photo by Courtesy:mysanantonio news

Buddy’s dreaming of winning the game. (Buddy the dog.Photo by Courtesy/mysanantonio express news)

San Antonio enjoys a stellar reputation.

A high demand destination of many a convention and vacationing tourist.

Yep, that San Antonio’s got it goin’ on.

Nothing can faze it? Dim its’ star?

San Antonio River Walk. (Mr.Z-man/

San Antonio River Walk. Entertainment central. The river is cool – even on hot summer days.(Mr.Z-man/

Buddy’s in the final quarter. Down to the final plays. No time outs left.

Neighbors in his apartment are shouting, “Foul! De-fense!”

They protest the dog has never been a problem. Always leashed.

San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro. Did you notice the doors behind him say "no Exit"? Buddy hopes otherwise..(KSAT12 news screenshot/ABC local)

San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro. Did you notice the doors behind him says “No Exit”? Buddy hopes otherwise. Wouldn’t wish that on a dog. (KSAT12 news screenshot/ABC local)

Mayor Castro chimes in on the fate of Buddy the dog. (KSAT news and video.)

“It is important of course that there are consequences for the fact that a little girl got harmed. However, I’m confident that something can be worked out short of euthanizing the dog” said Mayor Castro. “I’m confident that another agreement can be reached so that the dog can live, and we’ll go ahead and take a look at the way these cases are handled in the future.”

Mayor coming to his senses? Or worried about public opinion and bad publicity for the city?

Casa Rio. San Antonio River Walk. (Daniel J Simane/

Always fun to eat along the River Walk: Casa Rio. San Antonio River Walk. (Daniel J Simanek/

“Activists rally behind Buddy the dog”. (San Antonio Express News.)

A protest is planned for noon Saturday is being led by Vicki Lynn Jurney-Taylor:

“Trust me, we WILL make the National news once I am arrested in my wheelchair over this travesty of Justice”

San Antonio residents and ABC stars Eva Longoria and Ricardo Chavira. Photo from

Can you believe it? Buddy’s owner is 83 years old! Hope San Antonio looks out for us when we are that old. (San Antonio residents and ABC stars Eva Longoria and Ricardo Chavira. Photo from

Hey, Ricardo Chavira of “Desperate Housewives.” fame: a photo op with Buddy?

Buddy’s a known TV loving’ hound.

Maybe you could come out publicly to remind people how important pets are – especially to old people?

Those 3 dogs of yours got loose and attacked a neighbor, right?

Maybe you could clue Buddy’s owners and legal team how your dogs a got a pass?

Maybe get some publicity out of it? Any publicity is good publicity…or that’s the rumor.

(San Antonio Spurs vs Lakers, 2012.Katie Haugland/

Basketball game day in San Antonio. Have to experience it to believe it.(Spurs vs Lakers, 2012.Katie Haugland/

Hey, San Antonio Spurs. Can you get the ball rolling?

A simple paw print painted on cheek or shoulder during a game in support?

(It’s hard to wear your heart on your sleeve.)

Buddy’s may need a little exercise, but he’s got the heart of a champion, too.

Buddy's owner (KSAT news/ABC local)

Buddy’s owner wold rather be home watching TV on the bed with his dog. (KSAT news/ABC local)

All 83 year old Homer Mejica hopes is that his constant companion and his own furry home health care provider comes home soon.

All hope San Antonio authorities decide it’s a good idea to treat locals with the same courtesy, compassion, and understanding they offer to visitors.

The San Anotnio River Walk. (Matt

Looks like a welcoming place. Gotta love it. The San Antonio River Walk. (Matt Harringer/

Ball’s in San Antonio’s court.

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge.

Leaving comments today is really unnecessary.

What’s left to say?

I have ancient relatives and this story bothers me. It’s not just about a dog. It’s about knee jerk reactions, trying to bury the body quick before someone finds out, unfair treatment under the law (if you have fame or money, it’s different?), lack of compassion for the elderly, and a total lack of common sense. 

More about Buddy. Links to petitions: “Couple of dangerous old guys” and “Update on Buddy the dog

Return to regular blogging topics on Friday.

River Walk in San Antonio. (Kkmd/

A simple peaceful walk. All anyone wants.( Quiet spot along the River Walk in San Antonio.Kkmd/

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  1. PiedType / Jan 16 2014 7:27 pm

    The mayor could and should step in on behalf of Buddy and his owner. It’s the compassionate thing to do. Admittedly, I’m biased. I’ve owned goldens. My Annie is half golden. I find it almost impossible to believe a golden would intentionally harm anyone. Let Buddy go home!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jan 16 2014 8:53 pm

      The mayor seems to be shifting from his original position. Goldens are notorious – for tailwags and kisses! They are such happy dogs. The city also needs to waive the boarding fees for Buddy’s stay. It’s all abusive and unnecessary given the witness and the fact that the kid has no visible scars according to the judge last week – and her own father. Thanks for growling along


  2. robstroud / Jan 16 2014 7:51 pm

    Another great post. Do have to make one comment about San Antonio, though. Texans have such a way of bragging about their grand state… and I knew many of them while in the military… even did a tour in the Republic. Loved visiting San Antonio, including the so-called river walk. One thing I did with my Texan colleagues, however, was insist that it be properly called a “canal walk.” After all, as a child of the Pacific Northwest, there is absolutely no way I could ever come to refer to that lovely, but diminutive waterway as a “river.” 🙂


    • robstroud / Jan 16 2014 7:58 pm

      You’re right, of course, that Buddy should return home. I would be very curious to learn the details of the “injury.” Buddy doesn’t appear aggressive, and he would be true to his lab nature just being a big, cuddly lover.


      • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jan 16 2014 9:17 pm

        The “attack” is disputed. THe girl’s mother says the dog was off leash and bit the kid. The owner says Buddy is never off leash and the girl ran up screamed in the dog’s face and the dog whacked her with his paw. A witness (not related to anyone) says the owners are right.
        I saw pictures of the “wounds” which aren’t very bad – and consistent to a paw swipe down the face: scrape near eye, one on cheek, cut lip. Looks exactly like what I got a few months ago when Molly whacked me in the face. (Yes mom, I know. Don’t put your face near a dog..I was bitten when about the age of that girl by our dog while trying to drag him out from under a bush to give him a cleaned up, ointment and a bandaid – and a lecture to not ever put your face down by a dog whether you know it or not.) I doubt the girl even knows what happened – it happens so fast and your face gets numb immediately.
        Although the DA says the girl required tons of stitches, no documentation from the hospital was shown to the judge last week other than the picture. The father said the kid was fine. The judge said she saw no visible scars and that the girl seemed happy.
        One reason this is getting so much attention is that almost the exact thing happened with Marley, another dog – even though the child, witnesses repeatedly said Marley drove off another dog that did attack the child and saved her life. It was a long costly court battle, but Marley’s family finally won and he was vindicated. This couple does not have that kind of resources.
        All I can say is maybe the city officials ought to limit those long happy lunches on the River Walk, use some common sense, and stop the knee jerk reactions. Fair is fair.
        Obviously this dog can hardly waddle and stay awake. Thanks for barking along


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jan 16 2014 9:03 pm

      Actually it’s a rescued remnant of a river that was build along side of, and actually paved over. A stinky mess until some bright person realized water features draw people to them. So gradually it changed from drainage ditch that flowed under the city to a Disneyland type “river” surrounded by hotels, restaurants, and stores. (Actually it’s a shallow concrete ditch – and they drain it once a year to remove sludge and litter). As hot as it gets there, the shady trees and water is refreshing in summer.
      But you are right, it’s not a real river any more.It’s for tourists.They go there and can say they’ve seen Texas. – Now the nearby Guadalupe is great for tubing (unless there’s a drought – seen rapids as good as those in CO there at times) but too many know about it, so please hide that one from the tourist and keep them drinking beer in Disneyland on the River Walk, OK? Thanks for floating over a watery comment. 🙂


  3. robincoyle / Jan 16 2014 9:57 pm

    The picture of Buddy’s owner makes me sad. Poor guy.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jan 16 2014 11:04 pm

      Guess that’s why this story cuts so deep for me. Hope the publicity wears the city down. Thanks for bemoaning along


      • robincoyle / Jan 16 2014 11:12 pm

        Sounds like there is a tidal wave of support.


        • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jan 16 2014 11:22 pm

          Dog’s just been released to owners’ vet until fate is decided. Protest in front of Alamo still being held


  4. jannatwrites / Jan 18 2014 11:46 pm

    I hope this all does work out in favor of Buddy going home to his owners.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jan 19 2014 1:03 am

      This is just heartbreaking. Apparently the city is now trying to find a face saving solution. Fingers crossed.Thanks for walking with Buddy


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