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October 9, 2013 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Run those dogs out. Now.

Their teeth are brushed. Breath minty fresh.

Their nails neatly clipped and smooth.

Hair shampooed and brushed to perfection.

Great Dane, Gulliver, and Diana from 1973 TV series

Bring the car around now, dahling.
(Gulliver and Diana, 1973 TV/US PD:pub date/no cr/

They do not understand why the leash still hangs on the hook.

It’s time. Children are waiting.

They know.

What they do not know is that the Clinical Center at the National Institutes for Health have halted dog therapy program at hospitals such as UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles.

The dogs are owned and brought in by volunteers like those in our area’s program.

John Burklow, spokesman, acknowledges the volunteers operate the program, but insists veterinarians must see the dogs and a “team” on the staff decided to suspend the program since the vets are on NIH payroll.

So project kenneled.

Hero dog award finalists, Elle, Therapy dog category

Elle. Finalist in the Therapy Dog Category of the American Hero Dog Awards. (

From experience with the program locally, I can tell you these visits are important to the children and adults who look forward to them. Research proves the visits aid in emotional and physical healing.

One mom, Abbey Whetzel, recently talked with NPR about her son who is dying from leukemia and how the visiting dogs bring him joy.

Dogs, bunnies, cats, and guinea pigs in these programs are NOT checked by vets every single visit.

Each animal’s health is closely monitored and they have scheduled vet visits at their owners’ expense.

Owners carefully groom pets according to requirements before each visit – at their own expense.

Locally, vets volunteer their time to check/clear hospital therapy animals if needed. I’m sure that is true in almost any community.

Who could say no to something for kids?

Children – especially sick children – are not marketing tools or pawns for political games.

Except for some, apparently.

Illustration of dogs dressed as dandies

Dawg! Woofs in the hen house?
(Jean de La Fontaine.US

Personally, I Never want to hear ANYONE in D.C. cry “It’s for the children!” EVER AGAIN.

Enough. Disingenuous.

Especially if the following considered:

  • National Amber Alert site closed. (Oct 6-7 I have screen shots showing it closed due to “lapse in federal funding” the Office of Justice Programs.) I didn’t post those as the site went back on-line Oct 8 after some noticed and bloggers started posting. Even NBC Los Angeles pointed out how vital the site was…if you cared about kids…
  • Harry Reid “Why would we want to help one kid with cancer?” blunder. (You’ve seen this, right…if that was the only thing, maybe let it pass – but with everything else?….Shame.)
K9 Lakota. Finalist for Law Enforcement/Arson Dog category American Hero Dog Awards.(

K9 Lakota. Finalist for Law Enforcement/Arson Dog Category American Hero Dog Awards.(

More important than children? (Could anyone would put these ahead of kids in the family budget?)

  • $47,174.00 Mechanical Bull bought (by Army/Utah National Guard Oct 7) to be used for recruitment at fairs and events)
  • $5 million for custom handcrafted crystal stemware and barware for Embassies by the State Dept.
  • $98,670.00 for a single person outhouse for a trailhead in Alaska purchased by Federal Bureau of Land Management
  • there’s plenty more…..(Won’t mention the cavalierly giving money to any one in any other country who has their hands out. What kind of provider would do that with their own struggling and in need?)
Search and Rescue dog. John D(

John D. Finalist Search and Rescue Dog Category American Hero Dog Awards (

Oh, wait. Priorities guided by the Executive Branch:

  • A man trying to follow Michelle Obama’s instructions to “Let’s Move”(Her website NEVER closed down – not like the National Amber Alert website) was fined $100 for jogging at Valley Forge.
  • States want to pay for National Parks to open (Feds say “NO!” Odd. Usually if someone offers assistance or free money, it’s accepted quickly. Commonsense.)
  • Park Service Rangers report they have been told  “to make life as difficult for people as we can.” “Gestapo” (Local news. Newport) Nice way to treat foreign guests and the elderly.
  • National park rangers have been ordered to keep visitors out of some privately run businesses – yet certain high-profile ones /certain national park locations/districts are kept open?. (Washington Times)
  • People are being forced out of their homes? (Some have state laws that access must be granted at all times across lands, maybe Nevada should consider one?)
  • The Claud Moore Colonial Farm that never uses any NPS funds or employees and is operated by volunteers has been ordered shut. NPS sent law enforcement to make sure everyone left and it’s locked up.
  • National Parks Service approves big rally on closed National Mall. (What? mixed messages here. “Closed” means closed just for some? Wondering if on Nov 5 the same courtesy will be given for the Million Mask March.)
Service Dog category. SD Bronx (

SD Bronx. Finalist Service Dog Category American Hero Dog Awards (

How’s this for total ego and bullying? (And some wonder where children learn such behavior?)

  • The ocean is closed in Florida  Water, water everywhere, but not a spot to fish…(and boats and employees are burning fuel and salaries patrolling that)
  • You are not allowed to look – even from a public highway. Scenic overlooks are closed. Forget getting a picture at Mount Rushmore. (Everyone knows about the War Memorials built mostly by donations that are usually open 24/7 and not staffed by NPS – and the parking lot at Mount Vernon)
  • The House passed a bill to reopen the parks and fund the VA, but Harry and the Senate said “No. Can’t look.”
  • The House voted over 26 times since the last Senate vote. Bills have been passed to fund and re-open many agencies including National Parks Service, disaster relief, food for the poor, National Institute of Health, and more. The Senate/ Harry Reid will not even look at them: it’s all or nothing. SO not the way real budgets are done by responsible families who have to look at every little expense and item. Commonsense.
  • The only thing both houses agreed on is to give back pay to furloughed employees (So they are now on paid holiday – unlike an average person in an ordinary workplace. So why can’t employees show up and work if they are going to get the money? And be sure they cancel their unemployment benefits: 26,000 in DC and Maryland. Taking both would be like being paid twice. They do take care of their own.)
Hearing dog category Lola (

Lola. Finalist Hearing Dog Category American Hero Dog Awards. (

But the President has time to pose for his portrait by Tony Powell despite all that needs to be done.

I’m getting the picture. (and paying for it)

Don’t even think about praying for guidance

There’s a sign on chapel doors at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay, Georgia:

Shutdown: No Catholic service til further notice”.

What sort would prey on grieving military families (many with small children) who just lost a soldier family member?

What about taking care of Our Own?

Somehow the “Suffer the little children” message got confused in translation.

Military Dog category. CWD Carlos EDD (

CWD Carlos EDD. Finalist Military Dog Category American Hero Dog Awards (

No “a little child shall lead you” here.

Cover their ears.

Redirect their attention.

They don’t need to see adults having tantrums with all the name calling and demonizing of opponents.

A man’s character can be learned by the adjectives he habitually uses in conversation. (Twain)

A man never discloses his own character so clearly as when he describes others (Jean Paul)

Guide Dog category. Jingles (

Jingle. Finalist Guide Dog Category American Hero Dog Awards. (

Better to witness true compromise: where both sides give up a little to find common ground.

Think of it like “Lose. Lose. WIN. (for us, the little people.)

“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” (Churchill)

Finalist. Emerging Hero Dog Category. Cassidy.  Works with disable

Cassidy. Thrown away in the trash, Lost a leg. Now works with disabled children. Finalist Emerging Hero Dog Category American Hero Dog Awards (

It’s time.

Run the dogs out.

Maybe they can teach humans what’s important.

Doggone tired of all the growling and baring of teeth.

(and the smell isn’t so minty or fresh)

Sit. Stay. Speak.

Learn to play nice or go home.

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge

Read all the dog finalists’ stories.

Watch the 2013 Hero Dog Award show Oct 30 on the Hallmark Channel.

More positive messages than what is coming out of Washington DC right now.

Boy and his dog (NBC TV show 1976/

Listen kid. It’s easy. Remember your manners and be polite with friends and strangers. Play hard. Take naps when tired. Alway be steadfast, loyal and true to those who feed you.
(1976 NBC TV/US cr notice/author’s life/Commons/

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  1. Sun / Oct 9 2013 1:48 pm

    shaking head in disbelief as usual – what is going on with us humans?!? halt a dog therapy program when it does good for children and families. maybe as word gets out something positive will happen – thanks for sharing.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 9 2013 3:48 pm

      Especially considering the visiting dogs program is handled by volunteers.Senseless. At least pressure got the Amber Alert website back up.
      Just look at those wonder dogs and compare their actions. Go pups! Thanks for running along


  2. easyweimaraner / Oct 9 2013 3:29 pm

    I think dogs are the better humans .


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 9 2013 3:50 pm

      Probably the reason dogs don’t talk is that they are constantly stunned beyond words at human behavior. Better kids run with the hounds. Paws up for all the pups! Thanks for stopping by to bark


  3. jmlindy422 / Oct 9 2013 3:59 pm

    Wishing it were 2014 and time to cast some votes. Thanks for the heartwarming tales of canine heros.


  4. PiedType / Oct 9 2013 7:29 pm

    Sad when you find yourself wishing your government would go to the dogs. Right now that would be a big improvement.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 9 2013 8:14 pm

      Maybe the way they elect popes isn’t so nutty…throw them all,both Congress and the President, in a room with bottle water, granola bars and lock the doors. Any snow storms available yet? Cooler heads much needed.
      Better kids play with the dogs right now. No better spot than the Denver area! Thanks for hiking in (headed your way shortly)


  5. robstroud / Oct 9 2013 10:50 pm

    I always find dogs heroic. And when I meet a “troubled” one, I wonder what people did to make him that way. Thankfully, even most of those pups can be rehabilitated!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 10 2013 12:29 am

      And once those dogs realize they are safe and in a forever home, you’ll never find one more devoted. Thanks for tossing a treat this way


  6. EllaDee / Oct 9 2013 11:34 pm

    It’s times like these I look to Mark Twain. It’s like he knew we would need his wisdom to make sense of the senseless… “The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog.”


  7. shoreacres / Oct 10 2013 3:08 am

    Love all these wonderful dogs! Honestly – I just read about the dogs and skipped some of the other. That’s the nice thing about your posts. You weave several different kinds of reality together, so we can pick and choose!

    Now, if only we could…. Oh, never mind. 😉


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 10 2013 1:26 pm

      It’s like life, pick what you want and what works for you. Today’s cartoon “F Minus” about dogs, humans, and cows is more than appropriate (10/10/13). I’d put it in, but respect the artist’s rights.(Oh, spoiler alert: the pit bull won top honors.) Thanks for barking along!


  8. jannatwrites / Oct 10 2013 5:01 am

    Pet therapy is a win-win for everyone. I think it’s a wonderful idea.

    I really don’t want to get on a rant about the state of our government, but geez, I don’t understand why they can’t reach some sort of agreement. The parks closing are huge deal here in Arizona. The Grand Canyon is the major tourist attraction and a lot of people are not getting paychecks. There are also a bunch of smaller campgrounds and lakes that are closed. Our son’s scoutmaster works for the forest service. He’s on work furlough for an undetermined amount of time. Talk about stressful!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 10 2013 1:35 pm

      So much talk about helping children, communities, jobs, and disaster areas – unless somebody wants something, then chop.
      So what is wrong with volunteers and states voluntarily picking up the slack until things get sorted out? Why does the NPS/feds to deny volunteers to help? Why close public roads (like Trail Ridge that goes into flood damaged Estes, Co – one of the few roads that is able to be traveled there)? Why close scenic overlooks and public parking lots? Why decide to close the ocean and pay people to patrol it?
      Why stop volunteering? Sounds mean and vindictive.
      Lock them all in a room with the president and don’t let them out until a budget is done – a few bottles of water, granola bars, and no deoderant. Maybe the way they elect popes isn’t so bad.
      We all need pet therapy right now! Thanks for the “sit, stay, speak”


  9. gingerfightback / Oct 10 2013 7:04 am

    Oh dear – amazing what priorities are unearthed in times of “crisis”


  10. Snoring Dog Studio / Oct 10 2013 12:33 pm

    Well – it should be all or nothing. You and I disagree here. Fully fund every program and THEN decide what is and isn’t important anymore. Decide in an atmosphere of true collaboration rather than blackmail and bullying. This is gun-to-the head negotiating and it’s rotten. How do you decide which programs are more important than others? There are lives behind these organizations and programs and agencies. Lives. People trying to raise families, support families, elderly people needing support, and so on. It’s not just about people not being able to visit a damn park. Our local WIC program is going to be shuttered soon. Our politicians had ample opportunity to discuss the budget before it became a game of “chicken.” Stand firm, President Obama.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 10 2013 1:59 pm

      Actually what you say is right. This is not at all about “visit a damn park”
      It’s about commonsense and consideration.
      Priorities are to hurt people in their everyday non-recreational lives? That’s what’s happening.
      Vital public roads in disaster areas have been closed by the park service. Some the only way in and out. CO has petitioned to maintain and patrol as they need access to Estes for big trucks.
      What’s the point of closing scenic over looks on public roads? (multiple states – Mt Rushmore is just one)
      Close the ocean? And pay people and buy fuel to enforce? Silly bullying
      Why are the feds so focused on not letting private citizens volunteer to pick up the slack and trash and mow the lawns around
      Cheaper to just put up signs and say “enter at your own risk” like they do in swimming pools, beaches, playgrounds? Certainly cheaper than paying for enforcement and irritating people.
      monuments? What’s the point of not letting state voluntarily staff and maintain programs ( like therapy dogs and state like TN AZ, WY, CO have offered to pay and staff of parks – which would allow many small businesses to keep operating -it’s a jobs program that works – would feed families and children….)
      What are they afraid of?
      Our state is picking up slack for needy and hungry.Churches, private citizens stepping up to fill needs. People helping people
      while paid elected officials squabble.
      Enough speeches. Enough leaving House and Senate chambers to posture and complain. (Don’t any of you dare take another 5 week vacation until your work is done.) Go to your room without dinner!
      Temper tantrums from both sides is not attractive or functional. Lock them all in a room with the president with bottled water and granola bars – no TV, or internet – Maybe the way they elect popes isn’t so bad.
      We have more in common than you think


      • Snoring Dog Studio / Oct 11 2013 12:08 pm

        The only way their conversation is going to work is by getting rid of people like the Koch brothers and Grover Norquist – the Republican and Tea Party puppet masters – because there’s no room for compromise with those bastards pulling the strings. The Republicans have to come to understand that their unwillingness to negotiate in full faith is hurting people – real people, not the rich, white men who threaten these politicians with the loss of their jobs.


        • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 11 2013 2:40 pm

          THe public is pretty angry. Polls say most want to throw ALL of Congress out.If we shove them in one windowless room -so NEITHER side will be able to receive instructions/phone calls/emails/texts/hand signals from their “partners in crime”, there might be a chance….especially forbid any interaction with any insurance company, ANY union, any big box store group including Walmart, or any media outlet. Those do not have what’s best for the country or average citizen on their minds – only their own profit bottom lines and their own survival. Not the time for average citizens to stop. Bark on!


        • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 11 2013 2:42 pm

          Shortly Congressmen, elected officials, and the President will be the only ones with any money…They ARE the rich men with the power


          • Snoring Dog Studio / Oct 12 2013 2:08 pm

            Not true, philosopher. Corporate big wigs and others like the Kochs are and will always be wealthy AND powerful beyond belief.


          • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 12 2013 7:35 pm

            International corporations, big business, Unions, Insurance companies, Big Pharm, and Big Ag corporations are certainly driving things…but a tad annoying at the elected officials stuffing themselves at the trough and saying they feel our pain. (look at their net worth before elected and after they leave office – outrageous) Some real statesmen desperately needed.
            (Oh, have belonged to unions in the past.They are so not what they once were.)


          • Snoring Dog Studio / Oct 13 2013 1:43 pm

            Yes, that’s true – after all, the politicians did push for making corporations people.


          • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 13 2013 3:16 pm

            Bingo. Every single one should be voted out. Term limits.One item per bill and post them online for public for at least 24 hours before votes. Post the actual budget so we can see where the money goes and how much is going ( I know “national security” – mechanical bulls and race car sponsorships when money is tight? please) – Pass a budget like should have been done years ago and post it online.Oh, wait, some of this stuff we were promised.
            People are mad at the disfunctional power crazed parties and it’s not pretty.


          • Snoring Dog Studio / Oct 14 2013 1:49 pm

            Great ideas, philosopher. Love them.


  11. jubilare / Oct 10 2013 1:22 pm

    “Think of it like “Lose. Lose. WIN. (for us, the little people.)” Horribly (considering that they are supposed to be working for us) not a lot of them seem to give a **** about the little people winning.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 10 2013 2:01 pm

      We see it pretty much the same way. Not nice to bite the hands that feed you.Thanks for the clear headed response


  12. lizabetsy1947 / Oct 10 2013 3:18 pm

    The whole situation in the USA at present seems very odd to me. Politicians really ought to know how to thrash things out sensibly and come to an acceptable compromise. And why a voluntary program such as the one described must be dragged into it is really hard to fathom. Poor kids. They don’t derserve to lose out because adults can’t agree !


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 10 2013 4:03 pm

      Usually the federal government doesn’t do things intentionally to harm the ordinary citizen. Or to forbid volunteers to assist in difficult times. There’s been a disturbing shift. As you say, adult acting like bullies and children. We’ll see how it turns out. Thanks for the sensible observations


  13. LifeOfBun / Oct 10 2013 10:20 pm

    Why in the world would they halt that? There’s nothing as healing as spending time with a loving creature, no therapist or doctor can replace that! :/ How sad.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Oct 11 2013 2:43 pm

      Vindictive. Mean…shall I go on. Let’s just say bullies.
      Why is the US federal government afraid of volunteers? Now that’s an emerging question.
      Thanks for barking loud!


  14. The Hook / Oct 13 2013 5:32 pm

    It seems that when it comes to recognizing the importance and value of our four-legged friends, we have miles to go….


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