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November 8, 2012 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Stop stupid. Vincenzo screams

Yes, former Gov. Pataki, Anger will help. Get real.

Not a clever post.

Not funny? HA HA?

Funny only like a sad clown who’s mortally wounded but the audience chuckles on thinking it’s part of the act.

Chuchin the Clown. (Public domain.

People not used to hurricanes got slammed.

Other regions shook their heads.

And said “Oh, should have bought that flood insurance”

“Should have know if you live near water, it’s not if  but when disaster will strike”.

Everyone felt sad – for a minute. (Hey, the pizza arrive!)

Besides someone will help them: the feds, the state, the Red Cross who gathers all that money.

Michael Gruber "Singing in the Rain" (Public domain.

A cheery rainy day weather man – so comforting!

Oh, lookie a big winter storm hitting the damaged East Coast.

Bad things happen in three’s.

Oh, what football game is on?

It’s bad people. Bad.

Not bad like the dog went on the rug.

Or the kid’s getting bullied.

Not bad it’s raining and the bleachers will be bleak while watching the kids practice.

Brutally bad – like kicking a guy already bleeding on the ground.

Vincenzo Gennaro of Staten Island speaks for many: the anguish, the desperate need.

Please listen / watch this. 

CLICK HERE  Neighborhoods are frustrated by lack of  help. The community is organizing do things themselves. Here’s how to help and get help.

Now officials are threatening to call Children’s Protective Services, toss people out of their homes, or put people in jail for going back into their own homes at all.  (Signs seen in video above)

Fred Astaire. (1955.publicity shot.Public domain in US.)

People are not jumping with joy with the promised response

Staten Island keep SCREAMING to the media and anyone who has a camera or phone.

You are your only hope.

You must organize yourself and resign to getting your hands dirty.

Realize the insurance companies are not your friend. They will stall for years. Take pictures. Then start work.

Do not wait for help from anyone.

Check on the elderly who are in shock – and may not have family near.

People living in communities nearby. Please. Someday it may be you.

Can you take in a few people? It might keep children with families if you only offer a sleeping bag in a warm heated room at night.

Could you wash and dry a load of clothes for storm victims?

Can you drive in and yell: “this is what we have – can anyone use these?” 

If the officials say you can’t drive in?

  • Ask them/media to take the items in to distribute.
  • Or just leave items at the “border” and tell media about the “free department store” for victims
  • Get the word out by work crews going inside. Put up signs on their trucks. (APPLAUSE for bulldozer crews!)
life preserver. (Image. user"The Jamoker"/

Save yourself. ( user”The Jamoker”/

Enough babbling. Seen responses that didn’t come.

Hey, last month the feds just released Hurricane Ike relief funds – only 4 years late. Good job!

You cannot count on the cavalry showing up…it’s slow saddling up all those horses..and locating water…getting all the red tape and paperwork ready. (Why don’t those whiners get on the internet and fill out forms?…DUH, no electricity!)

America has always been there to help those in need.

Right now, it’s our own people who desperately need help.

Ordinary people are rushing in to help.  

They aren’t stunned stupid like bureaucracies always are.

Keep yelling people, keep yelling.

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge.

Read more:

 “Winter Storm deals another nasty blow”  (VIDEO. See what it’s like)

“Forgotten by FEMA: Volunteers step up in storm-ravaged NYC borough” (FEMA packed up and left? VIDEO and article.)

“FEMA Office Close Due to Bad Weather”

“Is the Gov. doing enough to help Sandy victims?” (Former NY Governor George Pataki responds)

“Giuliani Slams FEMA Failures in NY”. (Video)

“Possible Tax Hit for Sandy’s Victims” (Wall Street Journal. As if things aren’t bad enough)

“Warnings for Looters” (CBS news. Why people can’t leave their homes alone from Staten Island to Jersey Shore)

If only the sun would come out, it might be possible to think; “Tomorrow, tomorrow….”

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  1. robincoyle / Nov 8 2012 8:18 pm

    Wow. What a mess. I love that people are coming together, organizing, and helping their neighbors. We in the West are helping with money, but wish we could do more.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Nov 8 2012 11:32 pm

      Just letting them know they aren’t forgotten seems to help. Tragic situation. Easy to get discouraged and feel abandoned. Elected officials and agencies – we won’t forget. Thanks for chiming in and helping


  2. RAB / Nov 8 2012 9:00 pm

    You’ve caught the horrid frustration very well. My town didn’t get quite the devastation that Staten Island and towns on the Jersey shore did, but we did lose most of the houses along the beach, and of course there’s a lot of fallen-tree damage too. It’s really hard on everybody, even those of us who missed most of the trouble. The worst is that most of our networks are online, and power is still not restored 100%, so many people feel kind of random. There are never enough of those great people who have a knack for organizing folks. We try to help the people in contiguous neighborhoods and hope they pass it along….


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Nov 8 2012 11:07 pm

      It’s hard to imagine the devastation from one of these storms without having seen similar. And to have bitter cold on top of it is total misery. One of those times everyone needs to do what they can to help. Stay dry, and safe. (thanks for using battery time here)


  3. Spinster / Nov 8 2012 9:45 pm

    A heartfelt thank you for highlighting my hometown. As usual, we’ll have to do everything on our own. Gonna pass this along to my loved ones so they can see that at least one person gives a damn enough to highlight us.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Nov 8 2012 10:36 pm

      Self reliance is the only thing you can count on….and the kindness of neighbors. Terrible situation. Worried people have gone on to the next “crisis” in the news and if it’s hard to comprehend at a distance if you haven’t seen it. Thanks for trudging over


      • Spinster / Nov 8 2012 11:12 pm

        I won’t see face to face until Xmas, and I’m not looking forward to it. 😦 Again, thank you.


  4. Spinster / Nov 8 2012 9:46 pm

    Reblogged this on Spinster's Compass and commented:
    PLEASE help my hometown (but please do NOT donate to Red Cross). May elaborate later.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Nov 8 2012 10:14 pm

      Thanks for spreading the word. (Do not get me started on the Red Cross…they have great PR, but beauty is as beauty does. And I have actual facts and incidents to support my view of them.)
      Friends had to go brave cold and snow to try and get gas – if available on their specified day. Hope things improve. Many are sending thoughts and prayers


      • Spinster / Nov 8 2012 10:20 pm

        Glad it isn’t just me when it comes to Red Cross. 😐 And bless. Thank you.


  5. jmlindy422 / Nov 8 2012 10:37 pm

    Did you see or read about the runners who planned to be in the NYC marathon? With their highly trained, physically fit bodies, the gathered all the things they could think that people on Staten Island would need and ran them, literally, to people in need. Trash bags, diapers, water…all kinds of things. No Red Cross needed. Just strong legs and willing minds.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Nov 8 2012 11:14 pm

      I did see /hear a report with those marathon helpers. (should pop that one in here somewhere) The runners cannot imagine how much their willingness to help meant to people.
      It was like when all the librarians left their library conference in New Orleans and went into buildings to do what they could after Katrina. The conference refused to cancel when the city offered and said maybe they could help physically as well as financially get the city started up again.
      People generally want to help. Good happens
      Thanks for floating that marathon contribution over here


  6. jmmcdowell / Nov 9 2012 12:07 am

    Disasters bring out the best or worst in people. And organizing help on a massive scale and getting it where it’s needed takes time, even when slow government bureaucracy doesn’t get in the way. I’m encouraged that most of what I’m hearing from bloggers’ personal experiences is the goodness they’re seeing in each other and their neighbors—not the bad.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Nov 9 2012 3:03 am

      In my experience, most people step up, try to help, and the community often becomes stronger. Bless those in NYC hauling food and water up all those stairs to seniors (and walking their dogs!).
      (Ignore the looters and those who show up with construction scams – not the human norm).
      They need to be cautious about threatening to take kids away from families because of living conditions – it’s the last thing anyone needs at this point. Better to help find housing for the entire family – or that’s what happens here.
      Very bitter weather conditions a little further north from you. Sun coming in a few days? Stay warm!


  7. jannatwrites / Nov 9 2012 4:07 am

    This is a horrible situation. Incredibly frustrating for the residents, I’m sure. Too busy with elections to get FEMA moving? Who knows. Good for Vincent for rallying and getting airtime. It’s admirable that he’s willing to do whatever to help those in the community. I’m leery of big charities because it seems like most of the money goes to “administration” fees.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Nov 9 2012 1:51 pm

      FEMA is a joke. Despite all the time and money, it wasn’t prepared.Before the storm they all kept saying things sere moved into to place so relief could come quickly. While it does take time for full recovery, relief and help can come fast if the organization is experienced in logistics: like the military who moves large numbers of men and supplies quickly or even Fed Ex or Home Depot. Maybe a change in management to someone with actual long term experience and motivation besides a big steady paycheck?
      There wasn’t even enough bottle water in storage – the breweries in Texas stopped making beer and canned water to send (without being asked) and has been driving tankers up to help.
      The Red Cross showed up with hot chocolate and cookies when people needed blankets. The media reports changed their behavior and got them into the neighborhood with supplies the next day. They have a great PR group.
      Salvation Army, some Rotary clubs and many church groups have emergency relief groups (even my dad’s small town has a self contained kitchen that is capable of serving hot meals long term – they know what it’s like from a terrible tornado hit) Vince’s Gateway Rotary group say’s every dollar goes to victims (in video).
      People don’t realize recovery takes a very long time – what they will need is extra hands to help. And I hope the laundry truck from the TIDE company is there (they will wash and dry loads of clothes for victims – clean clothes are really important to feel better – especially for kids and elderly). This will not be over soon – but they cannot be just ignored.
      But it’s supposed to be sunny today which will help – and neighbors helping neighbors can get a lot done. Staten will rebuild. HAng in there!


  8. EllaDee / Nov 9 2012 5:35 am

    Gtat post, and cgreat commenters 🙂 jmmcdowell’s word’s “Disasters bring out the best or worst” in people, neighbourhoods, communities, corporations, government – from bottom to top. People want to help but don’t know how, and people don’t want to help and don’t care, ie NIMBYism. I have no experience of disaster on the scale of the US East Coast, but obviously the larger the scale the more helpless and hopeless people seem to feel. From Australia’s recent disasters, still not completely recovered from, the affected people seemed to value most human interaction and assistance, that made what seemed to be inevitable bureaucratic nightmares bearable…


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Nov 9 2012 1:55 pm

      And terrific comment. The area is in shock, but people are stirring around and stuff is getting started. Self reliance is the best course – and help your neighbor.
      Australia has and to deal with long droughts and disasters, too.
      Recovery takes a long time. It’s amazing how some step up. And priorities change as people suddenly discover what is really important.
      Thanks again for stopping to chat


  9. sportsattitudes / Nov 9 2012 2:05 pm

    Some of us in the Philly region lost power for a tad during Superstorm Sandy but it doesn’t even deserve mentioning in light of the total, complete devistation to our east and north. We are however close enough to be seeing (via TV stations sent to the area) the daily struggle of people trying to get help, find hope and start the healing and rebuilding process. Terrible stuff and it will take a long time for folks to find their footing once more in life. That being said, there is reason for all of us to expect these weather issues to increase in quantity and intensity…and we need to seriously evaluate what we are doing to prepare for each aftermath. The global climate is changing. Will we?


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Nov 9 2012 3:57 pm

      great comment. It’s really hard for those who haven’t experienced disasters – or live close enough to see the aftermath – to understand the devastation and shock. This story will be out of the news shortly – but the damage will take a very long time to repair.
      This area had managed to avoid a direct hit for a long time. New building codes, rethinking utilities, and preparedness will and must be argued and addressed in the coming year.
      Right now help is needed: water, warm food, shelter – and emotional comfort. Especially for kids and elderly.
      Large groups have large gear-up times. Sometimes it’s the individuals that really pull up the slack and provide immediate help. Self reliance and helping neighbors is typically American but this is an extensive tragedy.
      Just wondering….Occupy movement? People bored looking for a job? If you show up with a shovel, gloves, and trash bags, people would be amazed – and thankful…you never know where volunteer work will lead.
      It’s going to be a long hard effort – and winter is coming
      Thanks for sharing what you’ve seen


  10. writingfeemail / Nov 9 2012 7:15 pm

    Donated to Red Cross, now wonder if that was the best idea. Am also hearing that while the power is still not back on for thousands and no trucks are even in their neighborhoods, that non-union utility workers are being turned away because they aren’t part of the ‘brotherhood’. I know that eveything we hear isn’t true, but it leaves me wondering…


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Nov 9 2012 7:43 pm

      This is a tragic situation that isn’t going to be fixed quickly. Not sure about the nonunion workers being turned away – lots points to that, but not officially(the “delay in accepting their help was due to mix up in communications and a lost fax and paperwork..oh, yeah, that explains it…) – if it helps, some that were turned away went a little bit down the road where they were welcomed.
      Maybe regional that here you accept help and sort it all out later.
      The Red Cross is high profile and jumps right out there yelling for funds. Salvation Army and other smaller groups work quickly and quietly – and sort it all out later. But help is help. All anyone can do is try and hope help gets where it needs to.
      Thanks for answering the call


  11. The Hook / Nov 9 2012 9:32 pm

    That last pic gives me chills…


  12. The Hook / Nov 9 2012 9:32 pm

    Fantastic post, by the way…


  13. Kourtney Heintz / Nov 10 2012 10:24 pm

    I can’t believe some of these people are still without electricity. I don’t understand how such an advanced nation can let people down like this. I know it’s all bureaucratic politics and a game of not it, but it’s just wrong. Thank goodness everyday people are doing for each other what the government has failed to do.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Nov 12 2012 3:21 pm

      It’s not uncommon to be without electricity for 4-6 weeks after a big hurricane – restoring the lines is a nightmare and in an old area with lots of trees means the crews get the most populated areas up first. On common problem is they get a line/area up only to have a transformer blow immediately or some unknown problem in the line trip things. It’s very tedious – especially when you see lights on 1/2 block away but yours aren’t (been there weeping). Another real concern is when the backup generators for the water systems run out of fuel – that means not able to pump water to houses ( more weeping).
      Individuals and small groups are able to do the most good right now.
      Wait until they start trying to bring in trailers for shelter….nearby communities don’t want trailer parks in their neighborhood (the trailers need access to sewage and water hook-ups/lines). Many here used insurance/and relief money to buy campers to park in their front yards until they could rebuild.(and communities complained about that.)
      Some might consider relocating now – can’t afford to rebuild – insurance companies take fights take forever. FEMA is emergency relief – not designed to pay for housing loss.
      Families need to get their kids someplace safe and warm and with functioning schools to help stabilize them – especially with the holidays coming: relatives or kind strangers.
      It’s bad and will be bad a long time. People who haven’t seen this do not realize.
      Thanks for bring outraged – loud shouts are the only thing that may help


  14. shoreacres / Nov 11 2012 1:12 pm

    Well. Let us not forget the pre-storm role of certain elected officials, including Mayor Bloomberg, who insisted publicly that “it isn’t going to be that bad”. And let us not forget the post-storm declarations of certain elected officials (oh, look! it’s Mayor Bloomberg!) who refused to allow the National Guard into New York because “we don’t need people with guns in here”.

    When I think of the good just one National Guard helicopter could have done, delivering food, water and blankets within hours of that storm, I come as close to blind rage as I ever do. Change that to a dozen helicopters, including some heavy-lift that could bring in big generators, add in multiple runs, and you’re on the way to putting people in a position to cope.

    Storms are not political, but decisions made in elections do determine what the response to storms is going to look like. I hope people realize that and make some new decisions in the future. It seems someone took “accountability” out of the dictionary while we weren’t looking.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Nov 12 2012 3:33 pm

      Oh, I know you watched all the pre-storm antics, too…all the “We are moving supplies and equipment into position before the storm so help will be ready immediately.” Looks like people there were leading a charmed life and didn’t really watch or prepare…the German did! (She went through the IKE swing inland – just as destructive.)
      It only makes sense to use the Guard and military in big emergencies – they understand logistics and can move people and supplies quickly – look how fast they moved in once asked: meals, showers, warm places to sleep.
      FEMA should only be a fund: put all those big salaries into that fund and release money to Guard/state govs when needed. Much more efficient.
      This response is a crime – especially since FEMA / Red Cross have had multiple “practice emergencies” to get their acts together after Katrina.
      Suggest they get former Houston Mayor White up there – he was quite skilled in getting the help and money promised…and people back into being productive members of society
      AS you say – predictable. No one is accountable any more. Photo ops is all that counts…and besides the rest of the country will forget and move on to the next story. Pretty disgusting



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