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August 17, 2012 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Soft roll-out: Fall Reality Show Challenges?

First out of the shoot is NBC’s reality show “Stars Earn Stripes“. (War and combat has never looked so excitingly beautiful!)

What’s on next?

(Image: Jorge

Pull up a chair and turn on the TV.

Stay tuned for these reality show hits with smash potential.

Being test marketed now!

Bonus points for wardrobe!
(Image: Mykhailo Petelyskyy /

“You’re It. I quit!”

Play tag on a grand scale!

Will the contestant be able to scale a fence, walk across the airport runway at JFK, and get through the 100 million dollar state of the art security systems!

This 31-year-old guy did it! Anyone else up to the challenge?

Bonus points for any participant able to get to the Delta counter inside the terminal wearing a brightly colored life jacket.  Click for details if adventurous.

It’s obviously a whale. Ignore that periscope thingy.
(Image:Public domain.Navy Newstand Photo ID.040706.N.6811L.023/

Next up: “Super-sized Hide and Seek!”

It’s not the Love Boat!

But get ready to use those techie skills underwater.

James Bond wannabes encouraged to apply. Swimming skills encouraged. The claustrophobic need not apply.

Skipper an 8-12 ton submarine along US coastal waters totally evading detection! (Torpedoes optional.)

Bonus points added for a souvenir picked up in Galveston or New Orleans.  Click for details.

Rumor circulated this sighting was actually a rehearsal for a holiday special of magic acts for an undisclosed network. (One explanation for something so big being so invisible. Something like that would need practice.)

Don’t worry about the National Guard planes scrambling to intercept. It was decided those were totally unnecessary to protect the port, ship channel, and the one of the largest petrochemical complexes in the U.S. No worries!

Seize the friendly skies!
(Image: Public domain, 2006.

Want a challenge that keeps your feet on the ground? “Ditch the Drones”.

Everyone loves those wacky remote-controlled aircraft. Here’s a chance for young and old to use those fine motor skills and tinkering abilities.

Just spot one of the drones flying and hack away. Show your style as you make them do your bidding! Extra points for loop-the-loops or buzzing the house of those with opposing political views!

Tutoring available from respectable university groups.

Not the preppie type but need tutoring? Perhaps ask the drug cartels. They are pretty aggressive about using technology to avoid detection. Probably won’t ask much in return…maybe just carry one little package. Learner beware!

Interested participants: click here for details.

Form follows function. (Image: Lafayette at Wikipedia/

A driven personality? “Grab. Load. Run!” (No, not guns. Those aren’t a game)

Simply an update of the hippie era fad of cramming people into a VW bug. This new version starts with the thrill of carjacking a white 150 pickup truck. (Must be that specific color and vehicle to blend in.)

After meeting an assigned coyote at a previously agreed upon spot, the object is to stack as many people as possible in the truck bed, cover with a tarp, then put the pedal to the metal and get the human cargo to a Houston safe house in record time.

I got them safely this far. So don’t blow it. Drive carefully! (Image: marya (emdot) from San Luis Obispo, USA/

Points will be deducted if involved in wreck. But bonus points will be given if the record of 23 people in one truck is surpassed.

Drivers who abandon their truck and load will not be allowed to start over.

Instructive article and video of what not to do during this challenge: click here

Vintage Wack-a-mole.
(Image: s-ku-ra:sakura/

The super-charged “Wack-a-mole” has been cancelled.

Unfortunately, one 13-year-old participant misunderstood and thought it was “Wack-a-Mom”.

(So easy to confuse the two.)

Took a hammer to his mother.

Don’t worry. He’s Ok. They found him hiding under the bed.

But it’s back to the network drawing board for “Wacked” until appropriate viewer guidance warnings are created.

Advertisers are concerned PETA would object to wacking these moles
(Image: PRA, 2007/

Just when you thought reality shows had done it all, these imaginative Adventure Challenges really deliver!

Pull up a chair and get ready for the fall reality show premiers.

Now where’s that remote?

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge

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  1. robstroud / Aug 17 2012 1:57 am

    All I want to know is how you got the photo of my living room?!?


  2. RAB / Aug 17 2012 3:21 am

    “Reality” shows have become so bizarre that satire is difficult….but you’ve done a great job anyway!


  3. / Aug 17 2012 3:31 am

    This genre of blog is very creative… reality tv is declining, we are now seeing the emergence of scripted reality tv, could it get any worse!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 17 2012 2:34 pm

      Viewers must be easily amused – why is that do you suppose? Odd. Thanks for picking this channel


  4. jmlindy422 / Aug 17 2012 3:43 am

    Hope my kids never want to play “Whack a Mom.” Funny post.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 17 2012 2:35 pm

      No kidding. Who wants to wear all that protective gear and helmet just to get them up and off to school? Glad you tuned in for a giggle


  5. Brother Jon / Aug 17 2012 3:48 am

    My brother has been in the National Guard for about ten years now. I was visiting with him the other day when “Stars Earn Stripes” came on. He was excited. Immediately I told him it was the dumbest show I’ve ever seen. He refused to agree…until Dean Cain said something about an obstacle being a “matter of life and death.” After that he turned it off and put in “The Expendables” for some real life action. Did I mention that he’s my younger brother? I learn him one of these days.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 17 2012 2:51 pm

      I’ve been wondering what real military would think. OK – it shows the difficulties, but presenting combat preparation for war as entertainment? Serious stuff not to be laughed at.
      Anyway, thanks to your brother and the National Guard for their commitment. Glad you clicked on this channel today


  6. jannatwrites / Aug 17 2012 6:39 am

    Your sense of humor has a way of making me laugh, and making me think differently about the subject. Maybe it’s because I’m in Arizona, and I know all about coyotes, but that bit just cracked me up. Surely there’s a challenge that could involve drop houses, too…no?

    I’ll just make sure my kids don’t hear about the ‘Wack-a-Mom’ challenge. Yikes!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 17 2012 3:04 pm

      Wow – “Pick the Drop”? Which drop house will get you a pass: A, B, or C? Use your observation skills, gut instincts, and ability to keep friends/ co-workers from ratting you out?….Hmmmm. Might be some real drama and potential there! Good idea!
      Be careful the next few weeks – kids get a little cranky from sleep deprivation while getting into the school routine. (Bike helmet?)
      Thanks for tuning in


  7. betterphotos4you / Aug 17 2012 10:44 am

    Reality and the Majority of fools, very sad state of affairs, that is why no tele in this house 🙂
    Great post, Well done


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 17 2012 3:16 pm

      Local TV is important here – must know which streets are blocked off by SWAT teams. As soon as it’s under 95 degrees – and they get the mosquito under control (plagues of West Nile disease and St. Louis Encephalitis currently), I promise to go outside….
      Thanks for watching this show


  8. Ally Bean / Aug 17 2012 11:34 am

    I think that you’re on to something here. Why not make reality TV even worse than it already is? I bet you can make a fortune with these delightful ideas.


  9. Beth / Aug 17 2012 12:15 pm

    Mark Burnett step aside – I see a promising reality show future for a certain Mouse!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 17 2012 3:20 pm

      Oh, you might be right – seems like people will watch anything. Thanks for clicking this channel


  10. katecrimmins / Aug 17 2012 1:10 pm

    Who watches this stuff? Not me! Very weird!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 17 2012 3:22 pm

      Unfortunately, probably the very young as TV is a cheap babysitter. Maybe that broken electrical grid is, oddly, civilization’s only hope? Thanks for watching this spot


  11. gingerfightback / Aug 17 2012 1:12 pm

    Wack a mole – that would have me watching


  12. Honie Briggs / Aug 17 2012 6:23 pm



  13. Sunshine / Aug 18 2012 5:29 am

    fun times on the telly, eh?


  14. EllaDee / Aug 18 2012 8:05 am

    The term “reality TV” is an oxymoran if ever I heard one, and “moron” resonates as well 🙂


  15. leah / Aug 18 2012 4:12 pm

    I’m glad my tv is broken. Seriously.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 18 2012 4:20 pm

      That certainly helps remove the temptation to simply stare and veg….unaware of what is seeping into the brain. Thanks for tuning in here


  16. CATachresis / Aug 18 2012 4:59 pm

    What the heck would I want with reality tv? My reality life gives me all the thrills I need without the intrusive cameras ……. oh wait!!!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 18 2012 6:08 pm

      Seriously. Entertainment is welcomed – but annoying people or laughing at other’s pain and stupidity…just regular life. Thanks for viewing this channel


  17. shoreacres / Aug 19 2012 12:50 am

    Reality tv, my foot. Those shows are as heavily scripted and edited as VP Biden’s press releases. Now, I’ll confess a certain fondness for “The Cat From Hell” and “Hoarders”, but only because I believe so strongly in the power of negative example!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 19 2012 4:02 pm

      Even the commercials for “Hoarders” gives me the creeps. (Trying the “scared straight” technique with your cat?)
      Reality shows are the cheap to produce – any day now they will skip the production costs of reality shows and just start showing the news reels from Houston, Dallas or San Antonio. Real drama – every day! Thanks for penning a memo over here


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