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August 10, 2012 / philosophermouseofthehedge

I’ves of Texas: Buffalo, Wags, and Confederate War.

Faster than The Bolt is this one.

Zapping a couple of quick updates.

That eyes of Texas thing.

Greenville White Buffalo Calf: Lightning Medicine Cloud.

The jury is out, seriously. It is.

The Hunt County, Texas grand jury scheduled to meet didn’t.

But Arby Little Soldier and his wife, Pat, were summoned by authorities to discuss details deaths of the calf and his mother.

Pat and Arby Little Soldier (Image.

  • There was a concern about an insurance policy supposedly from Lloyd’s on the white buffalo calf. Actually there wasn’t one. Little Soldier considered the calf a gift from God – priceless. (Besides they couldn’t afford the cost.)
  • There was discussion about the slaughter – (now listed as a “cold case”), possible suspects, the reward fund (intact), and a check sent for either reward contribution / expenses of the case / for the Scholarship Powwow.
  • Little Soldier and his wife seemed to feel they were suspects in the case.

Lightning Medicine Cloud (Image:

At this point, Little the Soldiers, the Sheriff, and the Texas Rangers feel they need to take this case to the national/federal level to seek justice.

Arby Little Soldier says he will spend time and money to see justice served.

The buffaloes donated to the Little Soldier ranch are still in their home pastures waiting.

Read more: “Slaughter of White Buffalo Calf Case Takes a Strange Turn”

Don’t worry. We’re going to be OK!
(Image: Mayra Beltran/ on Wheels)

Morsels to chew on

(Or who’s taking care of whom?)

Interfaith Ministries who ferries around “Meals on Wheels” is bouncing with joy.

  • The agency became concerned that the economy has many elderly becoming like Old Mother Hubbard who found the shelves bare – and emotionally torn between eating themselves or feeding their friends – and you know how old people are willing to sacrifice…
  • The group has expanded their aniMeals on Wheels. Now once a month, volunteers drop off pet food and treats for existing clients’ pets.
  • How could you look at Tinker Bell, PooPoo kitty, and  a dog named Sincere and not want to help these companions?
  • The community responded to a recent plea by the agency for pet food donations.
  • Since then, individual donors have continued to pull up with trunk loads of pet food bought on sale. As one donor said, “I have a pet. And I understand the value pets have in life.”

Food for body and soul.

Thanks to all who are helping.

And if you are interested in becoming part of this national Meals on Wheel initiative, maybe call Interfaith Ministries in Houston. If Denise Atkerson isn’t organizing volunteers or making deliveries, she’d probably be glad to help you get started.

Read more: “Agency feeds kitty, too”

Texas. Germans. And the battle between brothers. 

Just a page torn from history.

Things most people don’t know about Texas.

  • A large number of  German immigrants settled in Texas.(1830’s)
  • 1 in 4 Texas families may have had slaves or servants
  • Texas entered the Civil War very late
  • Not all Texans wanted the state to enter the war at all
  • There were 5 major Civil War battles in Texas.
  • And it was brother against brother in many cases.

The Battle of Nueces 150 years ago today was one of those bitter events.

A battle, then an execution – a line of civility was crossed.

The German descendants of those soldiers – both blue and grey – are having a private ceremony at the battlefield and public events nearby – German food, authors signing books, and a folk opera: “The Blues and the Grays”.

Take a minute and read more: “Battle of Nueces recalls conflicted Texas”

Clacking this out polka style.

Know you just can’t be distracted from the Olympics for very long!

(Accounts for that glassy-eyed look?)

Hoofin’, trottin’, and respectfully marchin’ outta here,

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge

NOTE: Sorry for the rush. Elderly uncle took a tumble; need to check. They do Ok apparently until over 100 – then they trip up: curbs or loose carpet – on the way to seemingly healthy things such as Doctor’s appointment or going to exercise. (Not sure what to think of that.) Gotta keep an eye on them.

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  1. PiedType / Aug 10 2012 5:59 pm

    AniMeals on Wheels has to be one of the greatest programs for pets and their people that I’ve heard about. I don’t know of an aniMeals in this part of the country; hopefully it’s something that will catch on nationwide.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 10 2012 6:03 pm

      The meals on wheels national group is trying to get it started nationwide. It really should be supported. Thanks for driving over!


  2. heretherebespiders / Aug 10 2012 6:22 pm

    Not much interest in Texas myself, but hope Uncle is okay. In my job I see so many born in the 40’s needing hard-core medical assistance, it’s good to hear of a centerian who can still walk well enough to trip.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 10 2012 8:47 pm

      Hip replaced; now the recovery. We ask them to stop driving around 97. Hope I’m in as good of shape at that age.
      Thanks for stopping to chat.


  3. Madame Weebles / Aug 10 2012 10:23 pm

    I never heard of aniMeals on Wheels either but it’s a fantastic idea. I’ll have to look to see if there are any programs in my area.

    I learned about the Germans in Texas when I read a biography of Admiral Chester Nimitz. He was from Fredericksburg, TX, and his family was part of the German migration. But I would have had no idea otherwise.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 10 2012 10:54 pm

      Nimitz is one of the better known guys from there. Can’t wait until fall: it will be cooler – and Octoberfest in central Texas.
      Thanks for wandering over


  4. Sunshine / Aug 10 2012 11:35 pm

    How wonderful the animals now have mobile help on the way, yay! I will have to suggest that to our church. We sponsor every so often meals on wheels kind of thing and lots of the seniors have animals.
    Hope your uncle is doing better…:)


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 11 2012 1:57 pm

      AniMeals is a great idea. Supporting the program does so much good.(hip replacement went well, now for the recovery – thanks for asking. These old guys are a treasure)


  5. jannatwrites / Aug 11 2012 4:10 am

    The AniMeals on Wheels sounds like a great idea. I couldn’t imagine not having pet- and not being able to get out and buy food and supplies.

    It’s sad to me that the white buffalo case might go unsolved. It doesn’t seem right that whoever did this gets away with murder.


  6. EllaDee / Aug 11 2012 8:41 am

    Interesting times. I’d like to know not only who but why the white buffalo calf was slaughtered. Ani-meals – a great idea to support companion animals who give so much life and love to their people 🙂 Hope your uncle is ok.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 11 2012 2:22 pm

      This case can get messy because some of the possible suspects are from a different tribe. Authorities may be trying to kick the case to the feds due to treaties about law enforcement with Native Americans. Or who know, but somebody knows something – and it needs to be resolved.
      AniMeals is one of the best ideas I’ve heard about. Pets help with depression and feelings of isolation – which the elderly often experience. (and pets don’t need internet connections!)
      (Uncle already in rehab and therapy, but not real happy about it. Always been pretty independent. But so far so good. thanks for asking)
      Glad you rode over to chat


  7. Emma / Aug 11 2012 12:16 pm

    Hope your Uncle will be all right. Thanks for the facts about Texas. I definitely didn’t associate Germans with Texas.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 11 2012 2:28 pm

      At one time Texas had one of the largest German populations in the US…out numbered the Scots and Irish who also immigrated here in large numbers. The German spoken by Texans is a little different than the German of the “old country” – just like the Tex-Mex Spanish is different from the Spanish spoken in Mexico (Florida’s Spanish has a lot of influence by immigrants from Cuba or Puerto Rico.) It’s interesting how the puzzle pieces go together in the country.
      Thanks for circling over to chat.


  8. rumpydog / Aug 11 2012 12:28 pm

    I hope uncle is OK. I love that Meals on Wheels is helping animals also. Delivering for them is on my list of things to do when I retire.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 11 2012 2:35 pm

      We used to help deliver meals during the summer where we used to live. It was fun. (Hip replacement went fine. Trying to get uncle more interested in his therapy after hip replacement – with new healthcare mandates, he will lose a BUNCH of mostly paid-or benefits if he doesn’t start participating immediately. At 101 he rightly feel he ought to be able to rest a bit. Staying down is not good for horse or man, though. Thanks for asking)
      Glad you ran over to chat, Rumpy.


  9. shoreacres / Aug 11 2012 5:14 pm

    Ah, those new health care mandates. Gotta love ’em. When I turned 65 I “lost” my GP because he doesn’t take Medicare patients. I found a second, who tells me he’ll be retiring after 2014 full implementation and I’ll have to look elsewhere. A friend of a friend in Austin now drives an hour to a small town outside Austin for an ob-gyn. Insurance for everyone? You betcha! Treatment for everyone? Iffy, at best. People just don’t understand what’s coming down the pike.

    Glad your uncle’s doing well, apart from his impatience with the whole thing. When Mom broke her ankle in two places and had five months of rehab it took a lot of encouragement.

    Love the animal meals on wheels. It makes so much sense – and it is an expense. Likewise feeding birds. Someone told me once, “If you’re going to give a bird feeder to a housebound elder, be sure to be ready to commit to the birdseed, too.” It’s a long-term commitment, but of so much value.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 11 2012 7:30 pm

      Bird feeders definitely need to be included. We were always taking bags to my parents as they got older – they enjoyed the show -and there were a couple of winters when the birds depended on the feeder for survival.
      This healthcare law will surprise many. My sister-in-law, a vet, already got laid off with some other co-workers so that the owner of a couple of vet clinics can stay under the mandated employee limit – he decided to downsize rather than expand and add more small town clinics due to health care mandate’s costs. Texas is in better shape since there it tort reform and many docs are relocating here (many from Canada). But still, a huge number of docs are reaching retirement age and not enough coming up. (takes 5 yrs to train a general surgeon after 4 yrs medical school) Did you know that Houston is classified as an “underserved medical community”? To few docs to treat the huge population.
      Hey, been thinking about your poetry / pelican post – checked around and most people who had to memorize poems before grade 6 still remember atleast part of the poem – but not poems memorized in upper grades. Interesting? There’s a learning theory about it is easier to learn something if it is taught at the moment when the brain/neurons are ready to acquire that knowledge…..maybe the schools are missing something? It’s obvious young kids learn chants, things with a rhyme and rhythm well…maybe they should encourage a love of poetry then?


      • shoreacres / Aug 13 2012 11:02 am

        I heard someone on radio talking not long ago about the importance of learning language while young – same thing, that those neurons are more receptive. Makes sense. BTW – you should check out the conversation between Georgette Sullins and me over at the pelican post. Did you know you can get from the Pelican Path to Deep Ellum via Oliver Wendell Holmes and Faulkner? I always love blogging, but sometimes I love it!


        • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 13 2012 1:50 pm

          It’s pretty well established than language acquisition is most effective from ages 0 to 5/6 – so that’s the best time to pick up a 2nd language if you want to be fluent (it doesn’t “confuse” kids – it has todo with the “ear” and brain accepting which sounds are normal and expected for language and communication.)
          Oh, will have to click over: can so see Faulkner. (And everyone LOVES your pixs of the pelicans!)
          Thanks for shifting gears to drop by


  10. The Hook / Aug 11 2012 8:34 pm

    Your style – and subject matter – never disappoint!


  11. Kourtney Heintz / Aug 12 2012 3:24 pm

    I can imagine elderly giving their food to their pets because those pets are not just pets they are family. Who wouldn’t go hungry for family? Thank goodness the organization is extending assistance to pets. So sad about the white buffalo. 😦


  12. Jeannie / Aug 12 2012 4:32 pm

    Who can eat in front of their friends without sharing? This is a great idea!

    *Hope Uncle is OK!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 12 2012 6:22 pm

      Wow, you are right – eating in front of others is rude. Thanks for bringing that to the table. (And uncle moving around better today, thanks)


  13. robstroud / Aug 13 2012 5:06 pm

    Great post–as always. Thanks for pointing me to the article about the Civil War tragedy, in particular.



  1. Polka on through. | Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge

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