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July 30, 2012 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Pick the happy buffy. Hang on to that one.

It’s like those bratty cousins at family reunions. The ones you hated.

The ones that made aunts and moms sternly cry,

“You can pick your friends, but you can’t pick your family.

Now get along – and don’t even think that comment about picking and noses.”

Oh, the joys of family reunions! (Poster Image:

Warnings didn’t help.

The little monsters just waited until the coast was clear – then, pinched again. And in the face (or fist) of quick retaliation, they wailed – flowing with fake tears – an unprovoked attack, claimed.

That annoying mocking face from behind adult enforcers.

Now be good girls. Behave. (Image:

Yeah, sort of like that.

But an ouchie on a larger uglier scale.

Bound to leave a scar.

Lightning Medicine Cloud, a white buffalo calf born near Greenville, Texas, was slaughtered just before his first birthday. The hateful crime is still under investigation.

The murder was done in a ceremonial fashion, sacrificial fashion.

His mother was found the same way a day later.

That’s the kick in the gut.

Sam Lone Wolf and Arby Little Soldier. (Image: Scott Harvey/KETR)

Last week Arby Little Soldier, Sam Lone Wolf, and Lakota tribal members held a press conference concerning the slow pace of justice.

They claim the slaughter was done by at least seven Native Americans members from tribes other than Lakota.

Little Soldier told reporters, “They’re not of our nation. They have a different way than the Lakota nation.”

They say it was done out of jealousy and hate.

Arby Little Soldier and three designated war chiefs are convinced they know who did it.

They have names.

Hunt County Sheriff’s Office is handling the investigation.

A grand jury may be handed the case at end of July if there is enough evidence. Or possibly an August 24th grand jury would be scheduled.

Press conference demanding action. (Image: Scott Harvey/ KETR)

But the Lakota tribe is getting tired of waiting.

“We will bring those people and give them to them, right on the courthouse steps if we have to,” said Sam Lone Wolf, a Lakota war chief.

The brutal slaughter of a sacred animal shocked even those not Native American

Out of compassion, Cynthia Hart-Button, president of the Sacred World Peace Alliance sanctuary in central Oregon, is sending Chief Hiawatha: a seven year old white bull to Little Soldier’s Texas ranch.

The exact arrival time is guarded because of security concerns.

Trying to bring back hope.

While this new bull and the 14 other white buffaloes of the peace organization do not hold the same spiritual significance to Native Americans because they were carefully bred to be white (not randomly being born in a herd), Little Soldier is grateful.

Hart-Button chose to send this particular white bull for another reason, too.

He’s quite aggressive and territorial.

She notes he’s something like a guard dog and tends to growl at people who are “not good in spirit.”

She’s sending a protector for herd and family.

Maybe his protective spirit will steady and soothe the ranch and the herd.

Lightning Medicine Cloud’s life was significant and had impact.

Little Soldier was amazed that people from around the world contacted him.

So the little calf raised awareness and sent out a plea for harmony and peace even with his terrible death.

And now that momentous responsibility has been passed to another:

Yellow Medicine Dancing Boy

Yellow Medicine Dancing Boy. (Image:

The White Buffalo Calf born in Connecticut was honored during a Naming Ceremony yesterday on the ranch beneath Mohawk Mountain belong to Peter Fay.

Lakota tribal members from South Dakota gathered with tribal elders from the Mohawk, Nanticoke, Seneca and Cayuga tribes.

Friday elders held a sweat lodge ceremony for two hours – and included Fay, the calf’s guardian.

The ceremony is seen as a way to repair damage to their spirits, minds, and bodies.

Then, after prayers, the calf’s name was given to them through the spirits.

Just before the ceremony Saturday , a huge thunder-clap was heard. Some elders smiled and said the deafening crash was a good sign: it was a cleansing.

The sky was ominous – like the times this calf has been born into.

Guess that’s perfect, then.

The Lakota legend says that white calves are sent from a prophet, the White Buffalo Calf Woman (Whope), who helped the people “endure times of strife and famine.”

Current times:

Strife? (Big check mark there.)

Famine ? (Heard about the devastated corn crop, drought, and hunger world-wide?)

Many came to observe the ceremony and to bring gifts.

Many are watching from a distance.

All for one little white buffalo calf.

White Buffalo Calf and friends in Connecticut. (Image: KETR /

Maybe Lightning Medicine Cloud was sent to get everyone’s attention,

So Yellow Medicine Dancing Boy can deliver the rest of the message? 

Modern life is awfully loud sometimes.

Maybe it takes two for the family of man to stop pinching and poking, to listen, and to finally get along.

It’s Wonderful Life. (

Oh, sorry,

Can’t seem to stop humming

Buffalo Girl won’t you come out tonight ? Come out tonight. Come out tonight.

Buffalo girl won’t you come out tonight?

And dance by the light of the moon.

Must be sung as in that It’s a Wonderful Life movie with Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed.

A simple tune. A simple harmony.

Wishing that for you, Yellow Medicine Dancing Boy:

A wonderful life.

Would lasso the moon,

Phil, Philosopher of the Hedge

Remember: You can make the world a little better. Vote for Rumpy! (see previous post if you are confused)

Read more:

Uncut version of “It’s a Wondeful Life here. (Buffalo song is located about 24.05 in video)

About Lightning Medicine Cloud

About Yellow Medicine Dancing Boy in Connecticut

Buffalo Girls say, “Push the world towards positive. Smile at people or vote for Rumpy…neither costs anything.” (Image Argentina movie poster:

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  1. rumpydog / Jul 30 2012 12:24 am

    Ya know, I was very upset when I learned that the little white buffalo had been killed, but now I believe that perhaps the Universe had a plan even in death.


  2. jmmcdowell / Jul 30 2012 1:03 am

    Hopefully the criminal case can be solved in a timely manner for all. Patience runs thin when emotions run high, though. Maybe the new calf can bring some wisdom to everyone.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jul 30 2012 2:43 pm

      It is an emotional situation – (and during the excessive heat of August – not conducive for cool heads). Hope it’s a better week for everyone.
      Thanks for galloping over to chat


  3. jannatwrites / Jul 30 2012 1:44 am

    This is a happy turn to a sad story. You may be onto something: maybe Lightning Medicine Cloud was sent to get our attention. If that’s the case, I think it worked.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jul 30 2012 2:44 pm

      It’s all odd. But people certainly are more aware than a few months ago. Thanks for herding your thoughts this way.


  4. finallyhomerescue / Jul 30 2012 2:00 am

    I said it before & I say it again: Medicine Cloud came to give us hope & to fulfill the prophecy, he has done both, the people who killed him could not kill that, they may have taken his life but they could not undue his birth… What the killers failed to realize is that by releasing him from his body they released his power & by killing his mother they sent her with him to protect him & to meet with his father on the good Red Road. Sometimes when you do bad things it works out for the whole world’s good


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jul 30 2012 2:46 pm

      Sounds like you are right. Hard to see down the road sometimes. Thanks for wandering over to chat


  5. Madame Weebles / Jul 30 2012 2:09 am

    I was so upset when I heard about that white buffalo calf and its mother. I know nothing about Lakota tradition, or the tradition of other tribes, but I couldn’t wrap my head around it. I hope that this time around there’s peace around it.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jul 30 2012 2:48 pm

      With a family as big as mankind, there are bound to be spats – hope things get smoothed out. Life is hard enough. Thanks for running with the herd here


  6. EllaDee / Jul 30 2012 2:20 am

    I agree with Rumpy. I believe the Universe has a plan, and it does have precedent 😉


  7. RAB / Jul 30 2012 12:26 pm

    Proud to live in Connecticut! I hope we will prove good guardians.


  8. PiedType / Jul 30 2012 6:35 pm

    I was deeply saddened when I first heard the news. Now to hear that another tribe is suspected of doing it … somehow that makes it much worse and even harder to understand. Loved Finally’s comment.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jul 30 2012 6:43 pm

      Guess it’s good that Conn. buffy appeared to focus thoughts a bit? Yep, “Finally” does give some hopeful light.
      Glad you stampeded over


  9. Dia / Jul 30 2012 7:29 pm

    Thanks for the news. Good to know that another has come to carry the torch. (This torch just has a way of not going complete out no matter how much violence it encounters. Gives me hope.)


  10. Ally Bean / Jul 30 2012 9:26 pm

    I’m glad that something hopeful has come out of this strange story. Thanks for the update.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jul 30 2012 9:51 pm

      It’s one of those “when you think it can’t get any stranger” stories. Thanks for herding you thoughts over here


  11. timzauto / Jul 30 2012 9:57 pm

    awesome post ..Thanks for stopping by my blog as well.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jul 30 2012 10:26 pm

      Thanks for wandering over.
      Hey – everyone click over to his blog and look for the weekly photo challenge – you can vote!
      (That link you included had something wrong with it – got you into the spam pile – sorry about the edit – people can click over to you and go from there?)


  12. shoreacres / Jul 31 2012 2:53 am

    Love the photos, and the continuation of the story. So hard to understand how another tribe could be involved, but it seems a lot of people are “going tribal” these days. I hope Yellow Medicine Dancing Boy can bring some wisdom and peace.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jul 31 2012 10:52 am

      It’s difficult to believe, but apparently Little Soldier and the others are very serious – and some details are coming out about the way the buffaloes were killed and left – and some evidence left. Maybe good timing with Yellow Medicine Dancing Boy? Thanks for loping by


  13. The Hook / Jul 31 2012 11:58 am

    You have a style no one can touch, my friend! Keep up the good work…


  14. peachyteachy / Jul 31 2012 7:57 pm

    I like that you point to the possibility that the Universe can find a way in the face of such sad choices. And thanks for liking my blog as well!


  15. Katie Glenn / Aug 2 2012 3:27 pm

    Great line…”They have names.”


  16. Robin / Aug 4 2012 7:17 pm

    It sounds like it’s all working out in interesting ways. Singing along… and wondering… is there another way to sing it? 🙂



  1. Dirt over that White Buffalo Calf « Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge
  2. Do it and no sass! Or else! « Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge

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