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June 20, 2012 / philosophermouseofthehedge

On this day in mystery.

It’s all point of view.

Sun worshipers, gardeners, and workaholics rejoicing. Basking in the long daylight hours.

(Moms, too. But for a different reason: it’s all downside now.)

June 20th is the longest day of the year.

The summer solstice.

Perpetual, but migratory.

Not the same day each year.

Easy to see how that one has to jump around the calendar.

With the earth hurling through space in an elliptical orbit. Wobbling all the way.

(Doesn’t that sound like a holiday song?)

Is it possible that orbit could be rocked?

Maybe rockets leaping off could shove the rotation up or down a notch?

Or what if everyone at a certain time turned the jump rope in a certain direction?

Could people rolling their eyes back into their heads over dueling antics by Madonna and Gaga have an effect?

Suppose people were running in place as opposed to running in space?

Could anything alter the earth’s rotation or path?

And change the solstice date?

Isn’t that just human, trying to mess with Mother Nature?

So typical. Always want to rearrange to suit their whims.

Take holidays.

If designated day is in the holiday’s name, like Cinco de Mayo, Fourth of July, or Juneteenth, it’s so easy.

Couldn’t have those on any other day.

Each name says it all.

It’s specified. So those are nailed down.

Print that calendar without a worry.

But those other ones?

Sometimes it’s like “where’s Waldo’s holiday”

(Don’t even try to estimate Easter’s due date)

Start with something plain and simple.

Like George Washington. He was born on a certain day, his “birth day”.

Here we, as a nation, celebrate President Washington’s birthday or “special day” to honor him.

But wait.

President Lincoln also has a birthday right near George’s?

So why not a combo Presidents’ Day?

Families do combination birthday celebrations all the time.

So efficient.

The country is like a family, right?

Even better, move the combo celebration to create a long weekend.

Everyone loves those. Road Trip! See the USA!

Stores love long weekends for sales. And one with a built in patriotic theme? Win-win!

The presidents would be pleased.

We remembered them.

Convenience over fact.

(We’ll ignore a bit of confusion created with all this).

With thinking confusion, Miss Kay, what’s with holiday news about Juneteenth?

June 19th is the day Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation was read in Galveston, Texas, announcing that all slaves were free. In Texas, there’s lots of parades, and celebrations.

(It’s Texas – any excuse for all to party.)

Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson must want to spread the party spirit around.

She’s proposing a nationally celebrated holiday: Juneteenth Independence Day.

Now her heart may be in the right place, but insisting all the states recognize a Texas holiday?

Seems a little pushy.

People are always sayin’ Texas is bragging and throwing its’ weight around.

(Weight, not fat. Just clarifying.)

Just because the state has had some presidents from here.

(Doesn’t mean Texas should decide what the whole country needs – ask anyone.)

Texas expats have never been shy about celebrating on their own.

(Not exactly nervously hiding scared in the shadows, those Texans out-of-pocket.)

Listen, Cinco de Mayo has become an unofficial big party hit across the nation

and it’s actually a Mexican holiday.

So what’s the harm?

As long as Juneteenth doesn’t end up as just another GIANT SALE event.

Maybe the proposal won’t take up much of Congress’ time.

A bunch of other legislature pending:

  • Initiatives must be funded
  • Addressing the national debt
  • Immigration reform
  • Education data and expectations
  • Internet terrorism, even regular terrorism (when did that get to seem so ordinary?)
  • Investigation of athletes and steroids (baseball to bikes: it’s never-ending.)
  • And lots and lots more.

Busy being busy

All before Congress leaves for vacation for July 4th.

July 4th. Independence Day

There’s one holiday that stands firmly anchored on a definite day.

The glorious summer celebration: Happy Birthday, USA.

Other countries not so interested. Duh.

They have their own holidays.

It would be insanely pushy to insist they adopt ours.

In any case, many in this hemisphere will welcome the summer solstice.

Mother nature has a way of keeping things grounded.

Maybe she has the solstice dates dance around to make humans pay more attention?

 Asking them to stop and smell the flowers?

Today, there’s more daylight provided to ponder.

Good day. Sunshine,

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge

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  1. Jeannie / Jun 20 2012 1:31 pm

    I’ll take the longest day and smile all the way 🙂


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 20 2012 2:00 pm

      It’s a lovely gift. Too nice to ignore. Have a great day! Thanks for spreading the sunshine.


  2. Roxie / Jun 20 2012 1:41 pm

    convenience and sales, money does motivate…
    yes, I’ll be grounded by MN over commercialism any time, love the longest best day of the year!


  3. Homestead Ramblings / Jun 20 2012 2:19 pm

    German is looking pretty bright up there, great post, much worthy of consideration. I agree how it all ends up confused from something that should have been pretty straight-forward and simple.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 20 2012 2:28 pm

      The German was trying a camouflage technique to confuse the possum and squirrels. She’s a bit puzzled how the critters spotted her.
      You’re right. Less confusing to keep things simple. Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy the day.


  4. RAB / Jun 20 2012 2:45 pm

    I’d love to see Juneteenth a national holiday. Something to celebrate surely. Here in Connecticut there are some celebratory or commemorative events, but no holiday. And it’s the kind of thing this Congress would love to spend time on, rather than addressing those thorny issues that affect our individual and collective lives, so maybe there’s a chance!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 20 2012 3:06 pm

      Whoa. The celebrations started last Friday here. We grew up with Juneteenth. Thought other states had some sort of recognition on the date the “news” arrived there.
      Congress probably won’t act on it as they don’t like anything that has roots in Texas.
      Really appreciate you adding to the dialogue.


  5. Tyler / Jun 20 2012 3:02 pm

    lets just gather up all the holidays and pass them out to use whenever one is needed. Ya know, personalized, sorta like birthdays, or combine ’em … could be me and Lincoln goin to the movies instead of work.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 20 2012 3:08 pm

      Hey – great idea – a multiple choice grab bag of holidays! Just the thing. Thanks for suggesting that.


  6. PiedType / Jun 20 2012 3:55 pm

    The day dawned cloudy here. A welcome sight, even if it doesn’t rain, which it probably won’t. But it should hold the temp down a bit. Reason enough for a celebration. Happy Solstice, y’all!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 20 2012 4:58 pm

      Hope it’s clouds and not smoke. (Pikes fire, too now.) I’d wish you cool breezes – but those probably wouldn’t help.
      Maybe the solstice will cause something to shift – let’s dance in that hope! Thanks for swirling by


  7. Sunshine / Jun 20 2012 5:04 pm

    Love the German and I enjoyed reading on the longest day of the year…yawn, getting mighty tired now. 🙂


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 20 2012 7:38 pm

      The German is appreciating the day by being a flower girl…which is making her sleepy sleepy…
      Thanks for gazing this way


  8. Ally Bean / Jun 20 2012 5:58 pm

    I like Tyler’s idea. I could get behind a do-it-yourself approach to holiday celebrations. A headache for HR, of course– but think how happy all the employees would be!


  9. Robin / Jun 20 2012 8:43 pm

    Happy Solstice! 🙂


  10. sandylikeabeach / Jun 20 2012 8:44 pm

    It’s funny you mention the July 4th holiday. When I was younger, the celebration and fireworks were always on July 4th. The last few years I’ve noticed a trend to celebrate with fireworks on the closet Saturday to the 4th if the 4th doesn’t happen to conveniently fall on a Saturday. I cannot figure out why this is becoming the new way to celebrate the Fourth of July.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 20 2012 10:28 pm

      I know what you mean. Maybe they thought more people were off work – or would have the next day off if it was a late night?
      And around here, it used to be fireworks were only for sale just before the 4th – now you can buy them on multiple occasions through out the year.
      Easy for the meaning of a holiday to get lost.
      Glad you popped over to chat


  11. The Hook / Jun 20 2012 8:58 pm

    Thank you for expanding my horizons, my friend…. Again!


  12. writingfeemail / Jun 20 2012 9:51 pm

    Your post is working perfectly with mine today. I added a link to yours there.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 20 2012 10:07 pm

      My internet went out and is finally back up- Heading over to visit…thanks for the heads-up and link


  13. CATachresis / Jun 20 2012 10:06 pm

    Well whatever it is and whenever it is, someone, somewhere will be making money!


  14. shoreacres / Jun 20 2012 11:31 pm

    Gorgeous lighthouse photo! Every day’s a holiday when there’s pretty water and a great sunset. And don’t forget – fireworks every Friday night on the Boardwalk through July!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 21 2012 2:05 pm

      Ah, yes, big sunsets, water, and weekly fireworks. (Although the German prefers her Fridays a little quieter.) Thanks for joining the party!


  15. jannatwrites / Jun 21 2012 2:23 am

    I like the longest day (although the length my day feels really depends on the kids’ behavior :))

    I love the picture of German – so beautiful framed in the greenery.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 21 2012 2:07 pm

      Your first comment is so universally true! (The German is a flower girl these days – comes in with crepe myrtle blooms sprinkled across her head.) Glad you had time to visit


  16. Jackie Paulson / Jun 21 2012 4:19 am

    What a great topic, the longest day – I love how in ILLINOIS it is lighter longer. Great Lighthouse too.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 21 2012 2:08 pm

      A little more day light seems to really cheer people up. Thanks for visiting and your kind words


  17. roughseasinthemed / Jun 21 2012 2:18 pm

    We’ve had this convo before!! I love the real days. So much more meaningful. I am getting bogged down with holidays this month though. Queen’s diamond jubilee, Queen’s birthday, and – our birthdays!! even more important. Can’t focus on more than a few things in one month.

    Pippa is focused on that gorgeous German though. He is a flower boy and loves to get covered in pretty blue plumbago (Cape Leadwort) flowers.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 21 2012 3:56 pm

      You’ve certainly been in holiday overload recently (Guess this means no party for the young prince’s bday?)
      See, if Tyler’s comment proposal was accepted, you could just hold your allotment of holidays and pull one out whenever you wanted it. (Wonder if that would lead to a black market for holiday credits?)
      We have plumbago here, too – had to trim that bush up high to limit the drive-by flower stick-ons. I’m glad to see plumbago coming back into landscaping style… it was really popular long ago, but then got lost from the modern yardscapes. Plumbago just always seems like summer – had one shade my window when little.
      (Big news for the German shortly…she needs to get better at face to face and email)
      Thanks for sitting in the shade here for a while to chat


      • roughseasinthemed / Jun 21 2012 4:42 pm

        What baby? 😀 (seriously no idea!!)

        There would always be a black market for everything – even plumbago?

        I think you have written my plumbago Spanish post for me, but regardless I will write it anyway. Had to be in the conservatory when I was little, but oh so lovely.

        The German gets a blog?????? yay! Not that poor old sad Pippita gets to blog much but anyway, that would be good.

        Shade was lovely, rather warm here but not as warm as your place I guess.


        • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 21 2012 7:29 pm

          Oh, sorry to disappoint – Prince William has turned 30yrs. (The media here is making a big deal out of his inheritance portion from his mother).
          Do write a plumbago post – it is such a lovely plant. So glad it’s been rediscovered. (along with old roses that actually have fragrance)
          Alas, the German will remain blogless (but she does have a new jolly ball on a rope – it’s the only toy she doesn’t maul out of recognition in under an hour). The German is taking Pippa’s advice and sprawling out on the tile for a nap.


  18. EllaDee / Jun 21 2012 8:14 pm

    Great post – it was nice meandering through the summer solstice with you. Yesterday was winter solstice in the southern hemisphere, and in Sydney at least, it dressed itself up in a beautiful dawn and dusk – didn’t need any assistance from us earthly bodies. I disagree with the hoarding of days, like every other hoarded thing they’d be put in a cupboard & forgotten. Seize the day, I say (someone else did too?). The German is such a poster girl.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 21 2012 9:20 pm

      So glad you had a nice day yesterday – I thought of Australia and the winter while I was writing.
      You’re probably right about the stock piling of days – some would go to waste.
      Never let a good holiday slip by unacknowledged! Thanks for joining the party here.


  19. beckysaysthings / Jun 25 2012 10:36 am

    This post rivals The Waste Land in scope and style! Maybe you’re a poet and you just didn’t know it…


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 25 2012 1:41 pm

      Poetry is the most complex of writing. The best words in the best order. (So difficult – so disciplined!). Glad you stopped by and thanks for the kind words.


  20. RDoug / Jul 18 2012 11:21 pm

    Where’s the lighthouse pictured above? Love the shot.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jul 19 2012 12:32 am

      Across from South Shore Harbor Conference Center / League City, TX. Thank for sailing over.


      • RDoug / Jul 19 2012 1:03 am

        Going to have to head out that way sometime. I love to photograph lighthouses.


        • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jul 19 2012 1:46 pm

          Clear Lake/Galveston Bay area offers many pretty views – just be aware this lighthouse on Beacon Island is more decorative – although it does mark the entrance to one of the marinas there. We watched the faux space shuttle float by and anchor from the island. Thanks for visiting



  1. The Longest Day | Writingfeemail's Blog

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