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December 8, 2011 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Riveting: a Trendy Fit

Rather poke myself in the eye.

Buying new jeans and changing cell phones.

Both have to just fit.

Both come in endless variations.

And yes, they have discontinued the model that was absolutely perfect: phone and jeans.

Oh, Lost Horizons!

Always willing (ever a fool). Believing the promises.


Gutting it up for the unfamiliar leap.

It’s Shangri-La. (Is this really the ahead of the fashion curve so I look superb?)

Ah, Paradise found. (But will it still work once dropped on the ground?)

Oh, Bali Hai. (Trendy in denim and 4G?)

For once, I have it all.

In timely fashion. Not phoning it in.

Strutting smugly down the mall.

Power walking. Power strong.

Quips tripping off the tongue.

(Tripping. Funny how that works.)

Seriously, the Fall of the Winter

So not a winner.

Face-to-face animatedly talking

Stylishly demonstrating scenic views while walking.

Ignoring a hem too long.

Back down to earth, or at least, to ground.

But held onto that phone.

Great. Aimed right at my face.

Isn’t technology wonderful?

Not only can I amuse all shoppers in sight,

The distant phone viewer can augment their laughter with great delight.

Wrapped and wireless,

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge

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  1. literarychicks78 / Dec 8 2011 1:21 am

    I got an ad from Verizon a little while back telling me that I qualified for a new cell phone. They have to be joking. I just learned how to use the one I have.


  2. Bongo / Dec 8 2011 4:56 am

    Verizon didn’t send my an ad this time when my contract was up and I’m trying to stick with what I’ve got – and ignoring my son’s pleas for a Droid and a data plan. You’re so right on with this post. We’re always trying to find the right phone and the right jeans – and then hoping we don’t break the phone and have to get another.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Dec 8 2011 2:14 pm

      Actually the Blackberry was another’s reject – it was quirky and too annoying and had been dumped in drawer. Guess quirky has alway intrigued. They keep changing those data plans – if you find a good one nail it down. Happy hunting, Bongo. Thanks for visiting


  3. heretherebespiders / Dec 8 2011 12:36 pm

    Rather poke yourself in the eye…with the old phone instead of the new one? Seems a change was unavoidable there too. Hope only the pride was bruised!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Dec 8 2011 2:00 pm

      You’re right the only constant thing is life is change. Actually loved the Blackberry, but hated that trac ball which continually stuck and refused to budge. (Can deal with screen size, but if you can’t move from item to item….) So finally moving on. Thanks for slowing down to visit.


  4. sportsattitudes / Dec 10 2011 6:49 pm

    If I ever find pants I like I buy as many as I can…for as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow that style and/or that size and/or that color will disappear from Planet Earth. Get ’em when you can, while you can. This only works under the premise I don’t grow out of them, of course. So far…so good. Can’t wait for new phone shopping…that should be “fun”…


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Dec 10 2011 7:55 pm

      Got it. Always buy multiples and stockpile. Good plan. (So far I haven’t missed a call with the new phone because I was “locked out” or kept tapping the wrong spot – so far so good.) Thanks


  5. robpixaday / Dec 13 2011 10:23 pm


    My phone’s from 1997. I can’t afford a new one when it croaks, which means I won’t have to go through this…



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