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August 25, 2023 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Reason to buy

All you get is pity. Even before the fat lady sings.

Desperate attempts to be part of something are rarely successful.

Too often read by others as “trying too hard” – which is the kiss for death.

Like the high school girl who has to quickly tuck her shoes under the lunch table hoping no one noticed they were Foley’s “Old Maine Trotter” loafers, not the required Weejuns.

Vintage ad for Classic penny loafers (Image: Screenshot GH Bass website)

No, “Old Maine Trotters” were not the equivalent or acceptable. Many shed tears during back to school shopping with budget conscious moms. “NO! They are not exactly the same!” (Vintage ad for Classic penny loafers. Image: Screenshot GH Bass website)



Would have been better off not trying that.

At first, the splashy, new commercial for the Opera Season, was intriguing:

“Provocative!”….(That ought to make everyone want to go. People want to be on the edgy trend curve)

Maybe suggesting the performances are a bit naughty? (Oh,also guaranteed to pull in an audience! Sassy!)

Besides operas always have elegant costumes and sets – even if you don’t know what’s going on.

This season the Houston Grand Opera is “Letting the voice of Truth take the stage”. Oh, WOW!

Soooo, couldn’t wait to see the rest of the commercial – with the obviously elegant, uber elite, classy lady in the expensive evening gown lecturing the lower class peasants speaking….. 


And a “what was that at the end?”

Rewind and repeat.

“Let the Truth be told”??????


“Company defining”? Yeah, it probably is.

Comes across as a weak attempt to be relevant.

Sad. Art itself should, and usually does, speak for itself.

Presented well, the arts cause people to think and discuss with others. 

Waving the social justice banner “Truth” to validate a production’s existence is almost embarrassing.

Please, be true to your art. 

Besides NBC’s news anchor Lester Holt might charge his phrase “Truth be told!” Is copyrighted!

What do you think? Off tune or in sync? 

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge.

Oh, found this article. “Theatre Organizations Facing Financial Catastrophe as Audiences Flee. Donations Plunge” …Are people are searching for entertainment, fantasy, and inspiration instead of constant lectures. Universal stories and characters stand on their own. Give Art a chance! It speaks loudly without nagging and finger wagging.

Woman. Lillian Nordica, the great American Wagnerian soprano who toured Australian in 1913 at the end of her career. Her ship wrecked after leaving Austrailia, but she was rescued and taken to THursday Island. THere she becam ill, but insisted on going on to Java where she died. (1914. From collection of State Lib. of New South Wales/

Fluffy, not stuffy. Lillian Nordica, the great American Wagnerian soprano who toured Australian in 1913 at the end of her career. Her ship wrecked after leaving Australia to continue her world tour, but she was rescued and taken to Thursday Island. There she became ill, yet she insisted on going on to Java where she died. (1914. From collection of State Lib. of New South Wales/



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  1. Kate Crimmins / Aug 25 2023 7:44 am

    Perhaps done by a marketing major not yet savvy?

    Liked by 2 people

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 25 2023 8:10 am

      I think you’re right – recently it appears a lot of the clever seasoned advertising people have handed over the reins to a fresh crop. With sales, it’s usually “give them a reason to buy” – not give them a reason to “bye”. Oh, we all need som laughs these days, right? Thanks for joining the sing-along. Happy weekend! (Costco is crowded, but Gracie still has hope!)

      Liked by 1 person

      • Kate Crimmins / Aug 25 2023 8:11 am

        She doesn’t care how crowded it is. She sends her servants to pick it up.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Ally Bean / Aug 25 2023 8:54 am

    Bass Weejuns! I had those shoes because they came in narrows which my scrawny feet demand. And that’s the truth.

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 25 2023 10:20 am

      And they came in such a classy color! (Cheers for narrow feet despite not being able to wear the “fashionable in” shoes instead of Mary Jane straps when you felt you were far too old…and envied the girls who parents bought them shoes with tiny beginner high heels) As dad would say, “It doesn’t matter what size or shape your foot is. What matter is they hold you up.” Some truth there. Thanks for skipping in with a comment

      Liked by 1 person

  3. disperser / Aug 25 2023 9:13 am

    As I don’t ‘operate’ in those circles, I wouldn’t have paid any attention to this. It would never have crossed into my circle of attention, much like fashion ads, beer ads, car ads, political ads, etc., but now I’ve added to the view count.

    That’s the thing with highlighting this, it adds to the view count, so it might appear to them who made it as if it was a successful campaign. Who was it that said something along the lines of no publicity is bad publicity? Certainly, Trump proves that every day, with donations continuing to pour in.

    It’s best in all these cases to not give them the time of day . . . not even to say not to give them the time of day.

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 25 2023 10:30 am

      But it’s a flashy striking commercial. (We all fall for that?). I like good design and smart product campaigns. (It never washes off! Marketing never washes off! Help meeeeeee. HAHA)
      This one appeared during the news/local weather time period – guess they feel the ones that actually still watch the news/weather might actually be influenced. As celebrities and causes say, “Good or bad, ny press is better than no press. HAHA Love your tune on this. Thanks for striking a beat.


  4. Helen Devries / Aug 25 2023 9:16 am

    What on earth has opera to do with truth?
    “Opera is where a guy gets stabbed in the back, and instead of dying, he sings.” – Robert Benchley

    Liked by 1 person

  5. SusanR / Aug 25 2023 9:44 am

    Old Maine Trotters for me. Every day. Except for the days I had to wear saddle oxfords with my pep club uniform.
    Opera? Stage productions? No interest whatsoever, except the shows my granddaughter is in.

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 25 2023 10:37 am

      Ditto on the footwear – except the saddles. Mom hated wearing those as a kid, so she would never buy them for me. (Our drill team uniforms included tall black Wellington style riding boots – mandatory high polish. Great boots. Which I still had them!)
      Shiny beads / stylish images attract me HAHA. Then I started giggling – the desperation? Oh for more comedy than so much drama and tragedy. Thanks for staging a comment. Have a great weekend (hope it’ cooler – without hail preferably. Darn the roofing companies must be doing well there this year. Hasta later!)


      • SusanR / Aug 25 2023 11:50 am

        At least they came out with sleeker, lighter weight saddles while I was in school.

        Liked by 1 person

        • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 25 2023 12:42 pm

          (Bobbies or crew socks required? Now that was a battle …then the next was the tennis no-show socks…can’t deny evolution HAHA)


  6. shoreacres / Aug 25 2023 12:41 pm

    I’d wondered, somewhat idly, if the ‘arts organizations’ in the area were facing ‘challenges.’ My mailbox has been filled with glossy adverts for everything from HGO to the symphony to Kinetic: described as “a conductorless ensemble of 16 young professional musicians committed to amplifying diverse, under-represented, and newly composed classical music in and beyond Houston.” The last thing I need is diversity, equity, and inclusion slathered on top of my music. At the first whiff of a lecture, I’m out the door. I’m an equal opportunity ignorer, too. I gave up Houston’s “news radio” months ago — after they stopped providing news and began propagandizing for the far right.

    It’s wearying, is what it is.

    Liked by 2 people

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 25 2023 1:18 pm

      So little neutral middle ground – despite the fact that the majority of people are sick and tired of all the hysteria, hype, and slanted information. No TV, no radio – it is quieter.
      The mailboxes are full of searching fingers out. I even got a handwritten letter and pamphlet from Jehovah Witnesses…asking to call for a visit…mailed from San Antonio…now that would be quite a hike over.
      The arts have always been reflective of times – great for historians ….but invaded by The Virtuous and those seeking to cash in….
      Gads. If it would only cool down to allow hiding outside.
      HAng in there and thanks for signing your own comment song

      Liked by 1 person

  7. GretchenJoanna / Aug 25 2023 7:20 pm

    I wonder how the musicians feel about this — I would be insulted.

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 28 2023 10:32 am

      Astute observation. Someone is clueless about the whole reason people go to the show! Thanks for joining the band with a comment

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Cecilia Mary Gunther / Aug 26 2023 5:03 pm

    What could possibly be truthful in an opera anyway!? They are stories acted by actors on a stage! With music made up by another person. Dumb.

    Thank you for the pic of a real opera singer. Imagine touring in a boat!

    Liked by 1 person

    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Aug 28 2023 10:37 am

      Your comment is so down to earth true! They should hire you for marketing.
      (I was intrigued by her picture and ended up searching for more info on her. Fascinating….down the rabbit hole and another reason why my post get delayed. We take travel and modern day comforts during travel for granted now. What an adventure it must have been for the brave ones who experienced wandering in that era. …and in all those elegant clothes for weeks. Discomfort was much more tolerated as it was normal life. Hmmm. something to learn from all of that. Thanks for adding a tuneful comment!


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