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June 19, 2017 / philosophermouseofthehedge

Simmering letters: only litter

Women having coffee at table. 1927. Image by Fishbaugh./State Lib. and archives of Florida. (USPD.artist life,

There they are. Moms conspiring to keep their kids busy and quiet at mealtimes.(USPD,1927/

Alphabet soup never lived up to expectations.

A hoax foistered off on little kids. No secret messages from this world or another.

In this day of  tweets and texts, no one really expects – or wants – a bowl full of novel length classics anyway.

Those easily amused can get a few laughs by reading too much or too little into things like the following:

“Danish Space Corporation”: company sign on a building not far from here.

All I could think of was launches of sleek teak . Clean lines in space travels. Sounds like a solid tagline.

Still, someone else said “Nothing like white icing to sweeten space in the morning.”

“Driving smart, vehicle recalls”: a recent banner across the bottom of the TV screen.

Cars have already reached awareness with AI? Sounds like this one has already reviewed it’s memory and data, reached a conclusion, and would like recognition for it’s driving skills. A participation trophy, at the very least.

Uber drivers are mumbling about headless car competition while others are worried that these demands by the autonomous cars for skill recognition and awards is only the beginning…

Strange days.

Woman in evening gown standing next to a floor model radio in a wordy 1940 GE radio ad. (Joe Haupt/

Early version of “Beam me up, Scotty.” This 1940’s radio acted like speakers for GE TV sets according to the circle. This wordy ad wouldn’t be effective today. Horribly hot here, so the hunt is on to for cool amusements.(Haupt/

“Space pants for Earth”: breathlessly read by a news anchor

Weird in so many ways.

It has to be really, really hot to make dogs and people pant – and space is supposed to be ice cold, so what’s got it all hot and bothered? Earth being such a rare jewel suggests reason to worry. Black holes can swallow galaxies. Spaced out Hubble says so.

Oh, actually Space pants are really healthy. Makes sense only if you do well with pressure.

Pressures on now that Summer’s here. 

As they say, “Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun.”

The sun sets slower around solstices (June 20/21). The additional baking time not always beneficial

Certainly maddening

Better to simmer and sip cold Gazpacho Andaluz than misleading Alphabet soup.

Darn soup never did spell things out right. ( And I blame its’ poor tutoring for my inability to spell.)

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge

Vintage Woman holding fruit. Adams CA. Fruit Gum ad by Neysa McMein (, artist life/

“Mom! It’s fruit. It has to be nutritious. They couldn’t print it if it wasn’t true.” Perception is still everything. (USPD/



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  1. easyweimaraner / Jun 19 2017 8:18 am

    yes… no secret messages…my cousin told me I will find the name of my future husband in the first spoon of that soup…. I was scared, who will marry a guy with the name HUXPUALIP?


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 19 2017 10:05 am

      Cousins: the source of many frights when you are little. Only the dog is trustworthy. Thanks for chewing on this comment basket

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Kate Crimmins / Jun 19 2017 8:34 am

    First thing I thought of was a box of cherry Danish orbiting the earth with no one to eat them.


  3. Carrie Rubin / Jun 19 2017 9:20 am

    I’m not sure I’d ever feel comfortable in a self-driving car. Think I’ll leave that to younger generations. This dog may indeed be too old for that.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 19 2017 10:02 am

      I am even more concerned when a vehicle seems to decide it wants a participation award HAHA.What if it decide it’s owner is not worthy? Bad feelings are dangerous. Hope our summer is going well. Thanks for stirring in a comment

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Kirt D Tisdale / Jun 19 2017 1:05 pm

    Got the biggest kick out of the caption under the last picture…..unfortunately too true…believed by many!! Great post!!


  5. shoreacres / Jun 19 2017 2:41 pm

    The first thing I thought of was the International Space Station AS a cherry Danish, slowly rotating as it orbits the breakfast table earth. Clearly, the heat is getting our minds!


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 19 2017 3:33 pm

      Exactly. The heat shield better be good – don’t want that cherry filling oozing out upon launch! Thanks for warming up the comment tray.


  6. The Coastal Crone / Jun 19 2017 8:20 pm

    Yes, only mad dogs and Englishman go out in the midday sun! I will just sip some wine for the summer solstice. My old oven does not bake as evenly as she used to. And I can still drive my care but I have to stay focused.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 20 2017 8:54 am

      Silly headless vehicles are becoming too focused these days? (Wonder if they will ever get like tired-of-it obstinate horses. You know, able and willing to locate the nearest low hanging branch to rid themselves of riders.)
      First of our summer storm tropical threats in the gulf – small, but a lot of rain. So must pack in supplies: you know, the critical goods: chips, Oreo cookies, water/beer. Molly Malamute is grrring that clouds and wind are ok, but not lack of power.
      Thanks for lettering in time to chat


  7. Amy / Jun 21 2017 10:52 am

    Cleverly done, as always. As a child, I used to make complicated paper chains out of Tuti Fruit gum. Had to stop chewing when I got braces.


    • philosophermouseofthehedge / Jun 21 2017 1:52 pm

      Long lopes of those chains. They were so popular and so much fun…we were so easily amused compared to today’s kids. Braces were the in thing as so many had them…some kids had trendy orthodontist who handed out rubber bands in colors. So easily amused HAHA.
      Thanks for pawsing to chat

      Liked by 1 person

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